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15:24 Changeset [9491] by bburlacu

#1265: Added mouse wheel support to the picture box.


19:24 AdditionalMaterial edited by swagner
19:18 Changeset [9490] by swagner

Renamed folder

18:28 Changeset [9489] by swagner

Added slides of Michael's invited talk at GPTP 2013

17:30 Changeset [9488] by swagner

Added GPTP workshop materials

17:20 Changeset [9487] by swagner

Added new folder for publications of 2013

17:11 AdditionalMaterial edited by swagner
17:10 AdditionalMaterial edited by swagner
17:08 Ticket #2050 (Update GP samples on the UsersSamples page) created by gkronber
Samples can be downloaded from …
15:52 Changeset [9486] by swagner

Updated HL tutorial slides

13:27 Changeset [9485] by pfleck


Fixed Bugs in Shutdown Queries.

Added SQL script for migrating to filestream based storage of task and plugin data.

To remove files after data removal turned on Auto-Shrink and set recovery-model to Simple.
Also set a checkpoint in the database.

09:53 Ticket #1290 (Implement symbols for reading and writing memory cells (stores) for GP) closed by gkronber
rejected: r9484 deleted obsolete exploration branch.
09:52 Changeset [9484] by gkronber

#1290 deleted obsolete exploration branch

03:17 Changeset [9483] by swagner

Updated HL tutorial slides

03:14 Changeset [9482] by swagner

Updated HL tutorial slides

02:44 Blog: HeuristicLab 3.3.8 Release created by swagner
02:09 Ticket #2049 (Release HeuristicLab 3.3.9) created by swagner
New Features: * CMAES * improved Hive server performance * …
02:04 Milestone HeuristicLab 3.3.8 completed
== HeuristicLab 3.3.8 "Ann Arbor" - May 10th, 2013 == * …
02:00 Ticket #1889 (Release HeuristicLab 3.3.8) closed by swagner
01:59 Ticket #1953 (Improve the Vehicle Routing implementation) closed by swagner
01:58 Ticket #1949 (The classification threshold view should display for which class the ...) closed by swagner
01:58 Ticket #1963 (Adding and removing multiple solutions in an ensemble takes too long) closed by swagner
01:58 Ticket #1978 (ClassificationEnsembleSolutionEstimatedClassValuesView may not ...) closed by swagner
01:58 Ticket #2023 (The CreateEnsemble MenuItem should utilize the selected Runs of the ...) closed by swagner
01:58 Ticket #2046 (The Scatterplot in the ClusterVisualizationView does not have a name) closed by swagner
01:58 Ticket #1896 (Allow extension of external evaluation messages) closed by swagner
01:58 Ticket #1841 (Add additional problem instances for the QAP) closed by swagner
01:58 Ticket #1912 (Friedman-II benchmark function should have 10 input variables) closed by swagner
01:58 Ticket #1922 (Improve CSV export) closed by swagner
01:57 Ticket #1927 (The CSV problem instance provider should automatically disable input ...) closed by swagner
01:57 Ticket #1941 (Additional classification problem instances) closed by swagner
01:57 Ticket #1942 (Improve CSV import for data analysis problems) closed by swagner
01:57 Ticket #1979 (Some Regression Problem Instances are not correct) closed by swagner
01:57 Ticket #1981 (The wrong ProblemInstanceProviderView is chosen for ...) closed by swagner
01:57 Ticket #1999 (Regression problem instances for testing feature selection) closed by swagner
01:57 Ticket #2001 (Some Real World Regression Problem Instances are not correct) closed by swagner
01:57 Ticket #2045 (Minor DataAnalysisImportDialog Improvements) closed by swagner
01:57 Ticket #1904 (Add additional local improvement operators for different QAP neighborhoods) closed by swagner
01:56 Ticket #1995 (Add a SimilarityCalculator operator for QAP) closed by swagner
01:56 Ticket #1329 (Implement scheduling problems) closed by swagner
01:56 Ticket #1910 (Program crash when setting the problem size in single objective test ...) closed by swagner
01:56 Ticket #2029 (SingleObjectiveTestFunctionImprovementOperator should not use ...) closed by swagner
01:56 Ticket #2039 (Improve performance of the TSPSimilarityCalculator) closed by swagner
01:55 Ticket #1805 (Estimation limits of data analysis solutions are not accessible) closed by swagner
01:55 Ticket #1915 (ClassNames caching leads to problems when dataset is not cloned) closed by swagner
01:54 Ticket #1919 (Classification ensemble cannot be loaded if no samples are in training) closed by swagner
01:54 Ticket #1920 (Models of an Ensemble may get a different problem data if loaded) closed by swagner
01:54 Ticket #1928 (The accuracy maximizing threshold calculator returns sub-optimal ...) closed by swagner
01:54 Ticket #1964 (Symbolic Regression and Classification Solutions do not indicate if ...) closed by swagner
01:54 Ticket #1976 (Implement ConstantOptimizationAnalyzer to perform constant ...) closed by swagner
01:54 Ticket #2004 (Flag to determine if the best solutions should be updated regardless ...) closed by swagner
01:54 Ticket #1924 (Evaluator for classification problems that considers classification ...) closed by swagner
01:54 Ticket #1925 (IndexOutOfRangeException in SetClassDistributionCutPointThresholds) closed by swagner
01:54 Ticket #1940 (Unify model creation in SymbolicClassificationDataAnalysis) closed by swagner
01:54 Ticket #1943 (Add nearest neighbour model for symbolic classification) closed by swagner
01:53 Ticket #1951 (SymbolicRegressionEvaluators handle invalid values differently than ...) closed by swagner
01:53 Ticket #1962 (Use analytic gradient for constant optimization of symbolic regression ...) closed by swagner
01:53 Ticket #1815 (Grammar view shows incorrect checkboxes for the enabled state of ...) closed by swagner
01:53 Ticket #1865 (VariableView and VariableConditionView shall show all variables) closed by swagner
01:53 Ticket #1965 (Simplifier folds all nodes automatically if NaN occurs during the ...) closed by swagner
01:53 Ticket #1292 (Show correlation of dataset features as HeatMap) closed by swagner
01:53 Ticket #1481 (Visual view for clustering solutions displaying cluster centers and ...) closed by swagner
01:53 Ticket #1681 (Drag & Drop support for the allowed InputVariables of ProblemData ...) closed by swagner
01:51 Ticket #2003 (UserDefinedAlgorithms enable all provided analyzers by default) closed by swagner
01:51 Ticket #1895 (Implement ProgrammableAnalyzer) closed by swagner
01:51 Ticket #1984 (TabuMaker throws an exception if TabuTenure is less than or equal to 0) closed by swagner
01:51 Ticket #1673 (The Title of RunCollectionViews should be more specific) closed by swagner
01:51 Ticket #1789 (Invert bubble size in the runcollection bubble chart view and add ...) closed by swagner
01:51 Ticket #1918 (Overflow in RunCollectionBoxPlot view) closed by swagner
01:51 Ticket #1945 (Topmost point cannot be selected in the run collection bubble chart view) closed by swagner
01:51 Ticket #1993 (BubbleChart doesn't react correctly if jitter is used on categorical ...) closed by swagner
01:51 Ticket #2008 (Add option to get data matrix from bubble chart grouping) closed by swagner
01:50 Ticket #2016 (RunCollectionBubbleChart improvements) closed by swagner
01:50 Ticket #2048 (Enlarge DropDownHeight and DropDownWidth in BubbleChart and BoxPlots) closed by swagner
01:50 Ticket #1914 (Improve CreateExperimentDialog) closed by swagner
01:50 Ticket #2024 (Make the degree of parallelization configurable in the ParallelEngine) closed by swagner
01:50 Ticket #1427 (Move actual value caching down to those parameters where it is required) closed by swagner
01:50 Ticket #1952 (Mono support for Persistence) closed by swagner
01:50 Ticket #1990 (The serialized DefaultComparer from Mono has the wrong format) closed by swagner
01:50 Ticket #1452 (Show exact HL version string in exception dialog) closed by swagner
01:50 Ticket #1923 (CheckTypeCompatibility does not check constraints on generic type ...) closed by swagner
01:49 Ticket #1926 (Add support for command line arguments) closed by swagner
01:49 Ticket #1081 (Plugin for symbolic time series prognosis with GP) closed by swagner
01:49 Ticket #1890 (Code maintenance and minor changes) closed by swagner
01:48 Ticket #1937 (Trunk integration of Mono patches) closed by swagner
01:48 Ticket #2020 (Integrate new features from the CMA-ES branch into the trunk) closed by swagner
01:48 Ticket #2036 (PreBuildEvent.cmd shouldn't fail when there is no subwcrev installed) closed by swagner
01:48 Ticket #1882 (Hive client view doesn't show all runs of a batch run) closed by swagner
01:48 Ticket #1950 (Improve Hive UI stability) closed by swagner
01:48 Ticket #1958 (Resource selection with the resources dialog only works when the ...) closed by swagner
01:48 Ticket #1959 (The Hive JobManager should show the jobs per user sorted by date) closed by swagner
01:48 Ticket #2005 (Add Unload Jobs in the Hive Job Manager) closed by swagner
01:48 Ticket #2015 (Deleting Hive Jobs should be done asynchronously) closed by swagner
01:43 Ticket #1994 (Improvements for Hive Performance and Status page) closed by swagner
01:43 Ticket #2019 (Improve the use of db transactions in the Hive server) closed by swagner
01:43 Ticket #1712 (Implement Round Robin Scheduling for Hive) closed by swagner
01:43 Ticket #1580 (Permission set granted for sandboxed application domains is not secure) closed by swagner
01:42 Ticket #1986 (Hive should be able to shutdown slaves) closed by swagner
01:42 Ticket #2006 (Fix memory leaks in MainForm.WindowsForms and the ...) closed by swagner
01:42 Ticket #1906 (SubScopesCounter should be able to assign the number of counted subscopes) closed by swagner
01:42 Ticket #2013 (MultiOperator doesn't update the parameters when the Operators ...) closed by swagner
01:41 Ticket #1747 (Implement scrolling with the mouse wheel for the OperatorGraphVisualization) closed by swagner
01:41 Ticket #1043 (BatchRuns should show which repetition is currently processed) closed by swagner
01:40 Ticket #1991 (Add BidirectionalLookup collection to HeuristicLab.Collections) closed by swagner
01:40 Ticket #1898 (Object graph traversal fails when encountering objects of type ...) closed by swagner
01:40 Ticket #1590 (Counting ExecutionTime may not be safe to date changes) closed by swagner
01:40 Ticket #1992 (CheckItemListView shall display how many items are checked) closed by swagner
01:40 Ticket #2042 (ToString of ValueTypeMatrix and -Array slows down pasting of values in ...) closed by swagner
01:40 Ticket #1916 (StringConvertibleValueView doesn't recognize it is read-only when ...) closed by swagner
01:40 Ticket #2034 (Add method for querying the current row index in ...) closed by swagner
01:39 Ticket #2035 (Move EnhancedStringConvertibleMatrixView to HeuristicLab.Data.Views) closed by swagner
01:39 Ticket #1969 (UniformOnePositionManipulator should not include the upper bound) closed by swagner
01:39 Ticket #1070 (Port SymbolicExpressionTree manipulation operators from 3.2 to 3.3) closed by swagner
01:39 Ticket #1900 (ReplaceBranchManipulation throws an overflow exception while ...) closed by swagner
01:39 Ticket #2037 (Grammar produces incorrect minimum expression lengths/depths) closed by swagner
01:39 Ticket #1897 (Upgrade protocol buffer version) closed by swagner
01:39 Ticket #1905 (Update alglib to version 3.6.0) closed by swagner
01:39 Ticket #1939 (Update docking library Winforms UI 2.3.1 to DockPanel Suite v2.7) closed by swagner
01:39 Ticket #1944 (Update libSVM source code to most recent version) closed by swagner
01:38 Ticket #1948 (Remove outdated projects from the external librariers) closed by swagner
01:38 Ticket #1960 (Add AutoDiff to external libraries) closed by swagner
01:38 Ticket #2007 (Update AlgLib to 3.7.0) closed by swagner
01:38 Ticket #2012 (Remove log4net dependency from SharpDevelop) closed by swagner
01:37 Ticket #1331 (Implement Scatter Search) closed by swagner
01:37 Ticket #1913 (Implement Neighborhood Components Analysis (NCA)) closed by swagner
01:37 Ticket #1534 (Race condition in cross validation) closed by swagner
01:37 Ticket #1902 (Gaussian Process Regression Algorithm) closed by swagner
01:36 Ticket #1917 (In the CrossValidationView the value for the samples end field is not ...) closed by swagner
01:36 Ticket #1947 (Allow setting the degree for the polynomial kernel function for ...) closed by swagner
01:36 Ticket #1968 (The number of used variable per tree should be configurable in random ...) closed by swagner
01:36 Ticket #1975 ("New Algorithm" and "Open Algorithm" buttons are not disabled while ...) closed by swagner
01:36 Ticket #2000 (ModelCreator for Gaussian processes should be configurable in the algorithm) closed by swagner
01:36 Ticket #1988 (In the CrossValidationView it is not possible to change the algorithm ...) closed by swagner
01:36 Ticket #1996 (IslandGA does not work with stochastic evaluator) closed by swagner
01:36 Ticket #1423 (Gradient descent algorithms for HL (already implemented in alglib)) closed by swagner
01:36 Ticket #1247 (Implement RAPGA) closed by swagner
01:35 Ticket #1892 (Enhance scatter plot) closed by swagner
01:35 Ticket #1893 (Enhance allele frequency analyzer) closed by swagner
01:35 Ticket #1899 (Diversity Analyzers should use the new Diversity Calculators from ...) closed by swagner
01:35 Ticket #1911 (Scatter Plot can't be saved) closed by swagner
01:35 Ticket #1903 (Movie view of histogram fails if min and max are specified) closed by swagner
01:35 Ticket #1901 (CollectionItemChangedEventArgs use null to indicate that no oldItems ...) closed by swagner
01:35 Ticket #1946 (Implement ObservableKeyedList) closed by swagner
01:29 HL Download 3.3.8.png attached to Pictures by swagner
01:13 ChangeLog edited by swagner
01:08 Download edited by swagner
01:06 HeuristicLab attached to Download by swagner
00:43 Changeset [9481] by swagner

Adapted HeuristicLab 3.3.8 release tag (#1889)

00:33 Changeset [9480] by swagner

Created release tag for HeuristicLab 3.3.8 (#1889)

00:25 Changeset [9479] by swagner

Removed warnings (#1890)


23:09 Changeset [9478] by swagner

Removed unnecessary local variable (#1890)

22:22 Changeset [9477] by swagner

Rearranged layout of bubble chart (#2048)

20:20 Changeset [9476] by swagner

Rearranged layout of box plots (#2048)

18:57 Changeset [9475] by sforsten

#1980: several small bug fixes

17:54 Changeset [9474] by swagner

Enlarged DropDownHeight and DropDownWidth in BubbleChart and BoxPlots (#2048)

17:36 Ticket #2048 (Enlarge DropDownHeight and DropDownWidth in BubbleChart and BoxPlots) created by swagner
15:03 Changeset [9473] by jhelm

#1966: Fixed some problems in MCV-move operators; Added parts of potvin-encoding implementation;


16:01 Changeset [9472] by svonolfe

Added VRP tabu search sample (#1889)

16:00 Changeset [9471] by svonolfe

Added test for VRP tabu search sample (#1889)

15:46 Changeset [9470] by sforsten

#1980: added better check of which variables can be an action and which can be condition variables

14:43 Changeset [9469] by pfleck


Task- and Plugin-data is stored in the file system instead of the database.
This is accomplished by the Filestream feature of the SQL-Server.

Fixed bug when Heal-Group does not exist.

Note: SqlServer configuration changes are necessary for Filestream feature

14:32 Changeset [9468] by sforsten

#1980: removed condition that all condition variables have to be double variables

14:12 Changeset [9467] by sforsten


  • added ProportionalTournamentSelector for XCS
  • fixed bug: if an initial population is created in XCS, the initial population also creates general classifier, not only specific ones
  • merged r9204:9466 HeuristicLab.Core from trunk to branch
10:40 Changeset [9466] by mkommend

#1081: Fixed SGP symbolic classification tests, whose results got updated, due to a change in the grammar in r9459.

03:50 Changeset [9465] by swagner

Updated start page text (#1889)

03:28 Changeset [9464] by swagner

Updated samples (#1889)

03:15 Changeset [9463] by swagner

Adapted GPR sample test (#1890)

02:20 Changeset [9462] by swagner

Updated copyright year and incremented version of plugins, applications and assembly files (#1889)


13:54 Changeset [9461] by pfleck

Configured Tcp binding for Hive service on Hive clients.
Added binding-configuration priority list in Hive settings for managing multiple binding-configurations.
Added retry mechanism for multiple Hive-service bindings.

13:46 Changeset [9460] by pfleck

Enabled Tcp Binding for Hive Service on Server.

Allow port in firewall.

13:36 Ticket #2047 (Handling of white spaces in the DataAnalysisImportDialog) created by sforsten
It should be possible to load data sets where the columns are …
13:05 Changeset [9459] by mkommend

#1081: Updated TypeCoherentGrammar to take time-series, power, and condition symbols into account.

10:41 Changeset [9458] by sforsten

#2045: removed the option to select spaces as separators in DataAnalysisImportTypeDialog

08:28 Changeset [9457] by gkronber

#2045 partial revert of r9449 in TableFileParser (caused a unit test failure).

03:45 Changeset [9456] by swagner

Updated copyright year and added some missing license headers (#1889)

00:18 Changeset [9455] by abeham

#2046: removed unused parameter in PCAReduce method


23:11 Changeset [9454] by gkronber

#2046: set the instance name and description to the item name and description if it is not explicitly set by the caller.

22:58 Changeset [9453] by gkronber

#1941: removed shuffling for the Parkinson's data set from UCI.

22:26 Changeset [9452] by gkronber

#1081 created an override for the Load() method in SymbolicTimeSeriesPrognosisSingleObjectiveProblem to set the first index of the start partition to 10 (prevents ArgumentException)

17:18 Changeset [9451] by abeham

#1913: fixed handling of non-sequential natural numbered class values in LDA initializer

16:18 Changeset [9450] by mkommend

#1892: Removed unused helper methods in ScatterPlotView.

16:08 Ticket #2046 (The Scatterplot in the ClusterVisualizationView does not have a name) created by mkommend
The Name property must be filled, because otherwise if the view is …
15:34 Changeset [9449] by sforsten

#2045: fixed described problems

15:31 Ticket #2045 (Minor DataAnalysisImportDialog Improvements) created by sforsten
The import dialog should not catch all exceptions, also some anchors …
14:45 Changeset [9448] by mkommend

#2016: Removed unused code in the BubbleChartview.

14:37 Ticket #2044 (Checked state of Items in a CheckedItemsListView is changed when the ...) created by mkommend
The checked state of an item is changed, when it is moved one position …
14:31 Ticket #2043 (Create experiment dialog doesn't handle ...) created by abeham
When the parameter is checked in the list view it is included in the …
14:29 Changeset [9447] by sforsten

#2016: added toggle of selection for single data points

14:26 Ticket #2018 (Pasting values in a StringConvertibleMatrix is rather slow) closed by sforsten
obsolete: The problem was the ToString method of ValueTypeMatrix/-Array and …
14:26 Changeset [9446] by sforsten

#2018: deleted branch ImprovingStringConvertibleMatrix

14:07 Changeset [9445] by bburlacu

#1763: We found a bug in the InteractiveSymbolicDataAnalysisSolutionSimplifierView: when the user removes one of the linear scaling nodes from the tree (using the new tree editing functionality) then clicks optimize, an exception is raised by the constants optimizer.

We removed the tree editing functionality from the trunk, to be added again and fixed after the release.

12:30 Changeset [9444] by pfleck

Switched Text encoding to Mtom encoding for better performance for binary data.
Merged trunk into branch.

09:59 Changeset [9443] by abeham

#2039: Changed similarity check in relative directed to use the same code as in relative undirected

09:12 Changeset [9442] by ascheibe

#1890 fixed a bug that occurred when the Hive login failed and the Hive Job Manager was closed


18:24 Changeset [9441] by abeham

#2016: Changed the LogTransform for transparency to a steeper curve

17:51 Changeset [9440] by jhelm

#1966: Implemented new encoding (MultiComponentVector/MCV); Implemented move-operators for MCV and GV encodings; Implemented new decoding-methods for PS, GV and MCV encodings (ExtremePoint-based packing);

17:10 Changeset [9439] by abeham

#1423: Changed the way analyzers work for LM-BFGS

16:18 Changeset [9438] by abeham

#1985: pulling TimeLimitRun optimizer from trunk again

16:14 Changeset [9437] by abeham

#1836: pulled SA 3.4 from trunk


23:20 Changeset [9436] by ascheibe

#1950 removed IsAllowedPrivileged property from RefreshableJob as it's not needed anymore

16:46 Changeset [9435] by mkommend

#2016: Added patch from sforsten, that improves the BubbleChart- and BoxPlotView.

13:47 Changeset [9434] by pfleck

Added SelfHost-Project
Renamed HiveDtoDao back to HiveDao and renamed the optimized HiveDao into OptimizedDao instead.
Optimized AddTask by using compiled queries.

11:37 Changeset [9433] by mkommend

#2042: Updated ToString of StringConvertibleMatrix /-Array.

11:30 Changeset [9432] by mkommend

#2042: Changed ToString of ValueTypeMatrix and -Array to display only the first N elements until a string length of 100 is reached.

11:28 Ticket #2042 (ToString of ValueTypeMatrix and -Array slows down pasting of values in ...) created by mkommend
Currently the ToString method of ValueTypeMatrix and -Array displays …
10:08 Changeset [9431] by ascheibe

#1886 added configuration of frequency with which the ab measures are calculated


16:53 Changeset [9430] by gkronber

initial import of GPDL parser plugin

15:36 Changeset [9429] by mkommend

#2024: Added support for CancellationToken in the ParallelEngine.

15:32 Changeset [9428] by ascheibe

#2019 removed redundant db context in UpdateTaskState

15:17 Changeset [9427] by ascheibe

#2019 added LoadWith for UpdateTaskAndStateLogs

14:55 Changeset [9426] by ascheibe


  • removed useless code as suggested by abeham
  • enabled lazy loading for binary data (plugins and task data) as suggested by pfleck
14:19 Changeset [9425] by gkronber

Created a folder for a plugin that allows definition of custom GP problems

13:53 Changeset [9424] by bburlacu

#1772: Merged HeuristicLab.Selection.

13:48 Changeset [9423] by bburlacu

#1772: Implemented GeneticItem-based similarity measure. Renamed ISymbolicExpressionTreeNodeComparer to ISymbolicExpressionTreeNodeSimilarityComparer.

13:42 Changeset [9422] by mkommend

#2018: Updated StringConvertibleMatrixView branch with the latest trunk changes.

13:34 Changeset [9421] by bburlacu

#1772: Merged trunk changes for HeuristicLab.Optimization.Views.

13:21 Changeset [9420] by bburlacu

#1772: Improved the LineageExplorerView, added generation labels in the GenealogyGraphChart, added new visual component VisualGenealogyGraphTextLabel.

13:18 Changeset [9419] by bburlacu

#1772: Refactoring of directed graph components, added code for correctly serializing vertices and edges. Added specific building blocks analyzers and new population diversity analyzer which correctly integrates with the parallel engine.

13:15 Changeset [9418] by ascheibe


  • changed duplicate solutions analyzer to also track avg. diversity as the standard diversity analyzer needs too much memory
  • fixed project references of eslGA
12:49 Ticket #2041 (Add cancel button to the download bar in Hive Job Manager) created by ascheibe
Also check if it's possible to show already downloaded tasks in the UI …
12:46 Ticket #2040 (Refreshing the Hive Job Manager changes the sorting of jobs) created by ascheibe
11:27 Changeset [9417] by mkommend

#1890: Removed osbolete code in Grammars.cs in the test project.

11:26 Changeset [9416] by bburlacu

#1772: Fixed serialization of genetic fragments, added interface ISymbolicExpressionTreeNodeSimilarityComparer

10:45 Changeset [9415] by bburlacu

#1265: Added save file functionality in emf and bitmap formats.

10:23 Changeset [9414] by ascheibe

added robocode branch


21:16 Changeset [9413] by ascheibe

#2039 improved performance of TSPSimilarityCalculator

21:03 Ticket #2039 (Improve performance of the TSPSimilarityCalculator) created by ascheibe
The similarity calculator for the TSP is slow with large population …
20:35 Changeset [9412] by ascheibe

#1886 added GA with evaluated solutions as a stopping criteria

17:49 Documentation/Reference/GPDL created by gkronber
17:46 UsersUrlRedirects edited by gkronber
17:46 UsersUrlRedirects edited by gkronber
17:45 UsersUrlRedirects edited by gkronber
16:54 Changeset [9411] by sforsten


  • added multiple discretizer to GAssist
  • created ensembles for LCS problems and edited CrossValidation to use them
11:14 Changeset [9410] by jkarder

#2029: adjusted unit tests to changes in r9407

11:11 Changeset [9409] by gkronber


  • removed setting of name and description in LBFGS constructor
  • changed names of placeholder operators in LBFGS
  • added parameter for gradient checking.
10:57 Changeset [9408] by gkronber

#1423: cast solution creator to IRealVector instead of RealVector

10:54 Changeset [9407] by jkarder

#2029: applied the changes suggested by gkronber in comment:5:ticket:2029

10:54 Changeset [9406] by gkronber

#1423: throw an exception with an error message if alglib terminates LBFGS

10:53 Changeset [9405] by gkronber

#1423 added a constructor for OperatorExecutionException with a message parameter

10:36 Changeset [9404] by gkronber

#1789 added logarithmic scaling for transparency value


14:52 Changeset [9403] by mkommend

#2037: Corrected access modifiers in SymbolicExpressionGrammarBase.

14:33 Changeset [9402] by gkronber

#2037 fixed a bug in the caching for minimum tree lengths and depths in the grammar

11:36 Changeset [9401] by sforsten

#2018: renamed "column" to "element" in array types

09:22 Changeset [9400] by sforsten

#1980: branch Algorithms.DataAnalysis

Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.