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HeuristicLab 3.3.17 - Pending

Changes to the previous release that are available in the daily build of our stable branch and will become part of the next release: Download HeuristicLab daily build binaries.


Ticket Modified Component Summary
#3039 3 years Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding BTC (Balanced Tree Creator) for HeuristicLab
#2971 4 years Problems.DataAnalysis Intervals for RegressionProblemData/SymbolicRegressionSolution
#2968 4 years Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Add a new formatter for symbolic expressions, which produces an infix expression as well as a list of all coefficient values
#3136 3 years Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Structure templates for symbolic regression
#2969 3 years Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Views RunCollection view for runs with regression solutions that extracts all solutions and opens a partial dependence plot in which all solutions are overlayed
#3037 4 years Scripting Exclude assemblies from scripting


Ticket Modified Component Summary
#2898 4 years Algorithms.DataAnalysis Generalized additive models (GAM)
#3067 4 years Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding Crossover probability for SubtreeCrossover
#3081 4 years Optimization.Operators Add static calculation methods to all DiscreteDoubleValueModifiers
#3073 3 years Problems.DataAnalysis Constraints and Splitting for Interval Arithmetic
#3019 5 years Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Implementation of the Pareto Front Analysis for Symbolic Classification Problems
#3095 3 years Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Non-linear regression does not support power function
#3076 4 years Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression Interval Arithmetic Evaluators and Analyzers
#3042 5 years Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Views Remove progress bar after constant optimization error
#3027 4 years Random Provide a simple, efficient, and correct implementation to sample Gaussian random variables
#3045 4 years Scripting.Views Dialog for compilation warnings and errors
#3089 4 years Tests Explicitly fail tests on ReflectionTypeLoadExceptions and BadImageFormatExceptions


Ticket Modified Component Summary
#2806 4 years Algorithms.DataAnalysis Positive class value setting from classification problems is not set correctly in classification ensemble solutions
#3030 5 years Algorithms.DataAnalysis RF/GBT SurrogateModel triggers unnecessary recalculation
#3099 3 years Algorithms.DataAnalysis Crossvalidation meta-alg ignores estimation limits from embedded symbolic regression problem
#3111 4 years Algorithms.DataAnalysis RandomForestClassification produces a result (RF Model Evaluation) incorrectly
#3113 4 years Algorithms.DataAnalysis Loading new data for Random Forest Solution results in an error
#3020 5 years Algorithms.GeneticAlgorithm The MutatorParameter of genetic algortihms is replaced during deserialization
#3100 4 years Data TriangularMatrix uses wrong base class
#3061 4 years Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding Typo in parameter name for SimpleSymbolicExpressionTreeGrammar.AddSymbols
#3018 4 years Hive.Client Interdependence between mutliple HiveJobManagerViews
#3024 4 years Hive.General Hive project owner unintentionally changes to first valid option
#3041 4 years Hive.Server IsDisposable is overwritten when slaves say Hello
#3033 5 years Hive.Slave Hive slave can register itself multiple times with different client ID
#2028 4 years MainForm.WindowsForms Viewhost does not propagate readonly state when switching views
#2996 4 years Optimization Exception when cloning IndexedDataRow
#3060 5 years Optimization Exceptions thrown in IOptimizer.StartAsync are sometimes unhandled
#3088 4 years PluginInfrastructure HeuristicLab crashes if Hive Job Manager is opened while samples page is still loading
#3054 4 years Problems.DataAnalysis Calculation of Variable Impacts with LDA does not work
#2985 4 years Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic TreeSimplifier simplifies non-constant subtrees to constant
#3051 5 years Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Synchronization issue of data members with [ThreadStatic] attribute in Batch and Native interpreters
#3079 4 years Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic C# code generator for symbolic expressions produces incorrect output for AQ()
#3083 4 years Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic LaTeX output for symbolic regression models is incorrect for target variables which contain special symbols
#3121 3 years Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Exception in IntervalArithmeticEvaluator when using Square or Cube symbols
#3126 4 years Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Excessive use of memory caused by storing all Pareto-optimal solutions for multi-objective symbolic regression runs
#3053 4 years Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Classification.Views PositiveClass value cannot bet set in the SolutionComparisonView if classes have been names
#3115 3 years Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression.Views Method IsSolutionCompatible in PartialDependencePlotView is slow for datasets with string variables
#2973 5 years Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Views Maximizing VariableImpactView shows no data
#3038 4 years Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Residual Analysis does not display data points outside of training and test
#3094 3 years Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Exception in CrossValidationView
#3109 4 years Problems.DataAnalysis.Views RegressionSolutionLinechart shows empty DataPoints
#3125 3 years Problems.DataAnalysis.Views ErrorCharacteristicsCurveView cannot be displayed if baseline solutions cannot be calculated
#3023 5 years Services.Authentication Hive user creation sometimes fails due to unmet password requirements


Ticket Modified Component Summary
#3032 5 years Problems.DataAnalysis Fixing cube root calculation for intervals and extending intervals operations
#3052 5 years Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Provide a method in grammars to adapt variable symbols to a given dataset

Last modified 6 years ago Last modified on 07/31/19 17:36:44