Large Experiment Design for Programmers ¶
Recently, I've been executing a couple of very large parameter experiments with over a thousand batch runs resulting in more than 27,000 individual runs. I want to share with you how I did that and some things that have to take care of. Unfortunately we don't yet have a graphical designer for this task and so it requires a little bit of programming. However I have prepared a small solution which you can find attached to this post that you can build upon. It's not the experiment that I created, I cannot share that with you, but one that builds on the Genetic Algorithm and the Traveling Salesman Problem. Comments are always welcomed here or in our google group!
The goal of this experiment was to test several parameter configurations on a number of problem instances in order to find the configuration that performed best in those instances. Such an experiment can be created in the Experiment View by hand as well. However all the batch runs and configurations need to be created manually which takes some time.
To start with such a large experiment it is important to prepare a template file in the HeuristicLab optimizer. This template constitutes the algorithm as well as the problem already loaded. For large experiments with a large number of runs it's advised to be very selective of what you show in your results. Memory requirements can quickly grow when you have e.g. charts and a lot of other information in your results. Consider that you create a line chart with 5 rows over 100.000 iterations in your result. The memory requirement for the raw data is about 5*100k*sizeof(double)/1024 = 3.8Mb for the chart alone. This is not so much of a problem for the analysis of a couple of hundred runs, but with several thousand runs this information cannot be traced anymore, or at least not in every iteration. If you absolutely want to have the charts, you can raise the UpdateInterval of the Analyzer parameter.
I excluded the charts by removing all unnecessary analyzers and customized the BestAverageWorstQualityAnalyzer. The last one produces the "Qualities" chart which I didn't need. So I removed the DataTableValuesCollector from the analyzer's operator graph as well as the "Qualities" parameter from the ResultsCollector in this graph. After joining the operator graph again I had an analyzer that would just output the current best, average, and worst qualities which was perfect for me as I just wanted to know on the final result. To further prune the collected values in the runs I visited every parameter and parameter's parameter in the problem and in the algorithm and unchecked the option "Show in run" for all those that I didn't need afterwards. You can see all collected values in the run if you start and stop your algorithm after it has performed some iterations. When you're getting runs that show just what you need you're ready.
When I had the template file, I cleared all runs, the engine log and saved it. I then built a program in which I put all the configurations that I wanted. Here for example I put them in static variables.
static readonly int repetitions = 10; static readonly Dictionary<string, double> instances = new Dictionary<string, double>() { { "berlin52", 7542 }, { "ch130", 6110 }, { "kroA100", 21282 }, { "pcb442", 50778 }, { "tsp225", 3916 } }; static readonly string[] crossovers = new string[] { "CyclicCrossover2", "EdgeRecombinationCrossover", "MaximalPreservativeCrossover", "OrderBasedCrossover", "OrderCrossover2", "PartiallyMatchedCrossover", "UniformLikeCrossover" }; static readonly string[] mutators = new string[] { "InsertionManipulator", "InversionManipulator", "ScrambleManipulator", "Swap2Manipulator", "Swap3Manipulator", "TranslocationInversionManipulator", "TranslocationManipulator" }; static readonly int[] elites = new int[] { 0, 1 }; static readonly double[] mutationProbabilities = new double[] { 0, 0.05, 0.1 }; static readonly string[] selectors = new string[] { "LinearRankSelector", "ProportionalSelector", "TournamentSelector" };
You can calculate the number of configurations by multiplying all the choices. In this example we obtain roughly 4410 configurations (a bit less because a setting of 0% mutation probability doesn't require us to test all the mutation operators). But because a Genetic Algorithm is stochastic we have to repeat testing each configuration a couple of times (e.g. 20) resulting in a total of more than 80,000 individual runs that have to be calculated. I decided that I would split this up into a couple of smaller experiments, so I created a separate experiment for every problem instance and further separated those experiments by configurations with 1-elitism and those that do not use elitism. This left me with about 400 configurations per experiment and a total of 10 experiment files which also could be executed on 10 different machines to speed up processing.
The code for creating the experiment and the configurations is given below. If you're interested to run this, I'd suggest you download the attached Visual Studio 2010 solution. It requires that HeuristicLab 3.3.5 is installed in "C:\Program Files\HeuristicLab 3.3".
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Write("Loadig template... "); var template = XmlParser.Deserialize<GeneticAlgorithm>("GA TSP Template.hl"); Console.WriteLine("done."); MultiAnalyzer analyzer = (MultiAnalyzer)template.Analyzer.Clone(); string instanceDir = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "TSPLIB"); foreach (var instance in instances) { var tsp = (TravelingSalesmanProblem)template.Problem; tsp.ImportFromTSPLIB(instanceDir + "\\" + instance.Key + ".tsp", instanceDir + "\\" + instance.Key + ".opt.tour", instance.Value); tsp.DistanceMatrixParameter.Value = null; tsp.Name = instance.Key; template.Analyzer = analyzer; // the analyzer in the template is customized and would otherwise be overwritten foreach (var elite in elites) { var experiment = new Experiment("TSPLIB (" + instance.Key + "), GA (Elites = " + elite.ToString() + ")"); foreach (var crossover in crossovers) { foreach (var selector in selectors) { Console.Write("."); foreach (var mutProb in mutationProbabilities) { if (mutProb > 0) { foreach (var mutator in mutators) { var batchRun = new BatchRun("GA (Elites = " + elite.ToString() + ", Crossover = " + crossover + ", Selector = " + selector + ", Mutator (" + mutProb + ") = " + mutator); batchRun.Repetitions = repetitions; var gaTsp = (GeneticAlgorithm)template.Clone(); gaTsp.Name = batchRun.Name; gaTsp.Elites.Value = elite; gaTsp.Crossover = gaTsp.CrossoverParameter.ValidValues.Single(x => x.Name.Equals(crossover)); gaTsp.Selector = gaTsp.SelectorParameter.ValidValues.Single(x => x.Name.Equals(selector)); gaTsp.MutationProbability.Value = mutProb; gaTsp.Mutator = gaTsp.MutatorParameter.ValidValues.Single(x => x.Name.Equals(mutator)); batchRun.Optimizer = gaTsp; experiment.Optimizers.Add(batchRun); } } else { // no mutation case, similar to above, excluded for brevity } } } } Console.Write(Environment.NewLine + "Saving experiment (Instance = " + instance.Key + ", Elites = " + elite + ")... "); XmlGenerator.Serialize(experiment, string.Format("GA TSP Experiment " + instance.Key + " " + elite + ".hl")); Console.WriteLine("done."); } } }
Each of the 10 experiment files should take about 10Mb disk space, it will take a couple of minutes to generate each of them.
Attachments (1)
(94.6 KB) -
added by abeham 13 years ago.
The VS2010 solution that contains the configuration code, the template file and the raw problem instances
Download all attachments as: .zip
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