- 15:00 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0CodePersistence created by
- 14:59 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Code edited by
- (diff)
- 14:58 Changeset [3015] by
Improved GUI for plugin and product management. #891 (Refactor GUI for plugin management)
- 14:34 Changeset [3014] by
Correctly update displayed method signature if operator parameters change (#842)
- 14:16 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0CodeParameters edited by
- (diff)
- 13:42 Changeset [3013] by
fixed HiveBridge and removed compile errors (#830)
- 11:28 Documentation/DevelopmentCenter/UsePersistence created by
- 11:25 Changeset [3012] by
fixed plugin dependencies again (#830)
- 11:23 OldWikiStart edited by
- (diff)
- 10:57 Changeset [3011] by
changed the complete DAL to LINQ 2 SQL (with the exception of the job streaming), did a lot of refactoring, Introduced DTOs (that are named DTOs for better understanding), added the spring.NET Interceptor, reintroduced transactions and cleaned up the whole JobResult thing and updated a part of the config merger (#830)
- 10:43 Changeset [3010] by
invoke storable hooks in more predictable orders, call hooks defined on base classes first. (#548)
- 09:52 Changeset [3009] by
improved license dialog. #891 (Refactor GUI for plugin management)
- 09:47 Changeset [3008] by
adaptation to HL 3.3 (#842)
- 09:45 Changeset [3007] by
more descriptive persistence error message (#548)
- 18:57 Ticket #886 (ProblemInjector doesn't work correctly if actual names of local ...) closed by
- fixed
- 18:56 Ticket #793 (Node impact based variable impact calculation operator) closed by
- fixed: In use since Oct. 2009
- 18:54 Ticket #699 (Refactor ManagerForm) closed by
- duplicate: This ticket has a duplicate. #891.
- 18:45 Ticket #751 (Plugin for for data-modeling with ANN (integrated into CEDMA)) closed by
- fixed: Basic functionality is there. Further issues should be tracked in more …
- 18:43 Ticket #10 (Adjust random operators to recieve a list of values to change) closed by
- wontfix: This is too old and obsolete.
- 18:43 Ticket #9 (Show plugin description in plugin info pane in the plugin manager console) closed by
- fixed: Plugin description is displayed in the list view together with the …
- 18:41 Ticket #876 (Plugin licenses should be automatically loaded from license files if ...) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in combination with #860.
- 18:41 Ticket #853 (Operator to calculate variable impacts as integral over the relative ...) closed by
- fixed: The operator is already used in GP engines.
- 18:37 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0CodeParameters edited by
- (diff)
- 18:35 Ticket #880 (Max and min time offsets for variable symbols are not set correctly by ...) closed by
- fixed
- 18:34 Ticket #877 (Predefined GP engines for time series prognosis are defect because of ...) closed by
- fixed
- 18:30 Ticket #50 (Allow update of a specific plugin (+ depents) via plugin-manager) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in new installation manager GUI. See #860.
- 18:25 Ticket #860 (Deployment server for plugin installation from web locations) closed by
- fixed: Deployment service is up and running on servdev. Further changes …
- 18:23 Changeset [3006] by
Implemented deployment service on servdev.heuristiclab.com and changed all service references and configurations to point to the service address. Improved GUI of installation manager. Implemented user name authentication and authorization for the deployment service. #860 (Deployment server for plugin installation from web locations)
- 15:50 Changeset [3005] by
add support for type information interleaving and subsequently true streaming (#548)
- 12:54 Changeset [3004] by
add complete persistence API docs (#548)
- 11:59 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application edited by
- (diff)
- 11:52 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application edited by
- (diff)
- 11:03 Changeset [3003] by
Add utility to test coverage of persistence support and storable consistency (#548)
- 10:55 Changeset [3002] by
Add missing constructors and hooks (#548)
- 04:09 Changeset [3001] by
Updated configurations and project dependencies (#840)
- 04:02 Changeset [3000] by
Updated StorableClass attribute on some more classes (#548)
- 03:50 Ticket #906 (TypeSelector eats all exceptions if instantiation of a type fails) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in r2999.
- 03:50 Changeset [2999] by
Fixed exception handling in TypeSelector (#906)
- 03:21 Ticket #906 (TypeSelector eats all exceptions if instantiation of a type fails) created by
- TypeSelector does not throw any exceptions, if a type cannot be …
- 02:48 Ticket #905 (Disable controls in algorithm views when the algorithm is executed) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in r2998.
- 02:48 Changeset [2998] by
Fixed disabling of controls in algorithm views when the algorithm is executed (#905)
- 02:38 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application edited by
- some more remarks (diff)
- 02:23 Changeset [2997] by
Updated tabu search and added an engine for the berlin52 TSP #840
Also added a BestQualityMemorizer operator in HeuristicLab.Analysis-3.3
- 02:09 Ticket #905 (Disable controls in algorithm views when the algorithm is executed) created by
- In EngineAlgorithmView and UserDefinedAlgorithmView not all …
- 01:55 Ticket #897 (Event ActiveViewChanged is not fired correctly) closed by
- fixed
- 01:48 Changeset [2996] by
Updated StorableClass attribute on several more classes #548
- 01:22 Changeset [2995] by
Added StorableClass attribute to several more classes #548
- 01:12 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0ApplicationDone edited by
- (diff)
- 01:11 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application edited by
- (diff)
- 01:08 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application edited by
- (diff)
- 00:56 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0ApplicationDone edited by
- (diff)
- 00:56 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0ApplicationDone created by
- 00:53 Ticket #904 (TypeSelector stalls application on certain search input) created by
- Here are the steps to reproduce: 1. Open a new user defined algorithm …
- 00:40 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application edited by
- (diff)
- 18:28 Changeset [2994] by
Make StorableClass attribute compulsory for StorableSerializer to work, add named property StorableClassType to choose between Empty and MarkedOnly, later other options will be added. (#548)
- 18:28 Ticket #903 (LinearRegressionOperator doesn't work for autoregressive modeling) created by
- 18:20 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application edited by
- (diff)
- 18:02 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0CodeParameters edited by
- (diff)
- 18:02 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0CodeParameters edited by
- (diff)
- 17:47 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0CodeParameters created by
- 17:45 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Code edited by
- (diff)
- 16:37 Changeset [2993] by
add justifications for rejecting a type for serialization in ICompositeSerializer (#548)
- 16:30 Changeset [2992] by
overloaded GetViewTypes in MainFormManager(ticket #902)
- 16:13 Ticket #902 (Add possibility in MainFormManager to get only the most specific views ...) created by
- Overload method GetViewTypes with an additional boolean flag to …
- 15:27 Changeset [2991] by
add caches for hooks (#900)
- 13:39 Changeset [2990] by
unwrap exceptions during constructor call when deserializing storable objects (#548)
- 10:43 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application edited by
- (diff)
- 10:38 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application edited by
- (diff)
- 10:37 Ticket #350 (Evaluate bias in certain permutation operators) closed by
- fixed: Permutation operators have all been "reimplemented" using literature …
- 10:33 Ticket #858 (Merge service.model bindings separately in ConfigMerger) closed by
- fixed: After 200 revisions without further error appearing it's probably safe …
- 05:24 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application edited by
- (diff)
- 05:21 Changeset [2989] by
Implemented reviewers' comments (#893)
- 04:41 Ticket #898 (Linkage between algorithms and problems does not work correctly) closed by
- fixed
- 04:16 Changeset [2988] by
Worked on linkage between algorithms and problems (#898)
- restructured HeuristicLab.Problems.TSP project
- adapted TSP evaluators class hierarchy to avoid performance problems
- 03:40 Ticket #901 (Cache actual value in parameter lookup) closed by
- fixed: Done in r2987.
- 03:40 Changeset [2987] by
Cached actual value in parameter lookup to improve performance (#901)
- 03:39 Ticket #901 (Cache actual value in parameter lookup) created by
- As long as the execution context does not change, the actual value can …
- 03:37 Changeset [2986] by
Worked on linkage between algorithms and problems (#898)
- finished SGA
- 20:26 Changeset [2985] by
Fixed bugs in MLP operators, extended operators to work for time series prognosis and added pre-configured engine for time series prognosis with MLP. #882 (Artificial neural networks engine for time series prognosis)
- 19:00 Changeset [2984] by
Added some (empty) classes for permutation moves #840
- 18:57 Changeset [2983] by
add support for new StorableConstructor attribute (#900)
- 18:17 Changeset [2982] by
changed order of making a move tabu and performing the move #840
- 18:14 Changeset [2981] by
Added a TS operator and a default TabuSelector #840
- 18:14 Changeset [2980] by
add a new attribute for hooks to be called before serialization and after deserialization (#900)
- 18:11 Ticket #900 (Persistence should provide hooks for "storable"-serializable classes) created by
- [Storable] classes should provide the following hooks: * a …
- 11:20 OldWikiStart edited by
- (diff)
- 10:15 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application edited by
- (diff)
- 09:49 Changeset [2979] by
Fixed bug in regression engines. #823 (Implement tree evaluator with linear scaling to improve convergence in symbolic regression.)
- 09:41 Changeset [2978] by
Fixed plugin dependency in programmable operator plugin. #842 (ProgrammableOperator Overhaul)
- 09:40 Changeset [2977] by
Moved linear scaling functionality out of tree evaluator into a separate operator. #823 (Implement tree evaluator with linear scaling to improve convergence in symbolic regression.)
- 09:37 Changeset [2976] by
Added TSOperator (initial) #840
Set property to ignore plugin.cs file
- 05:45 Changeset [2975] by
Worked on linkage between algorithms and problems (#898)
- finished TSP and started to work on SGA
- 03:57 Ticket #899 (Provide public events to notify item changed and reset in ...) closed by
- fixed: Done in r2974.
- 03:57 Changeset [2974] by
Adapted Permutation and renamed IStringConvertibleArrayData.Rows to IStringConvertibleArrayData.Length (#899)
- 03:52 Ticket #899 (Provide public events to notify item changed and reset in ...) reopened by
- Forgot to adapt Permutation and to rename …
- 03:11 Ticket #899 (Provide public events to notify item changed and reset in ...) closed by
- fixed: Done in r2973.
- 03:10 Changeset [2973] by
Provided public events in ValueTypeArrayData and ValueTypeMatrixData to notify, if an item has changed or the whole array/collection has been reset (#899)
- 03:08 Ticket #899 (Provide public events to notify item changed and reset in ...) created by
- ValueTypeArrayData and ValueTypeMatrixData should provide public …
- 23:50 Ticket #898 (Linkage between algorithms and problems does not work correctly) created by
- When linking a problem with an algorithm, the values of various …
- 23:26 Changeset [2972] by
Added new empty project for modeling a tabu search algorithm #840
- 18:03 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application edited by
- (diff)
- 15:30 Changeset [2971] by
Removed SelfAdaptiveDiscreteCrossover #890
- 15:30 Changeset [2970] by
updating cloning of visualization info (ticket #867)
- 15:30 Changeset [2969] by
Updated operators for real vector encoding #890
- 15:15 Changeset [2968] by
added cloning support for graph visualization (ticket #867)
- 14:57 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0CodeCoreViews edited by
- (diff)
- 13:20 Changeset [2967] by
deleted OperatorGraphVisualizationInfo (ticket #867)
- 12:49 Changeset [2966] by
removed saving of Icons (ticket #867)
- 12:39 Ticket #892 (BitmapSerializer for GraphVisualization) closed by
- fixed: fixed !Bitmap2XmlSerializer r2965
- 12:39 Changeset [2965] by
fixed !Bitmap2XmlSerializer (ticket #892)
- 11:37 Changeset [2964] by
Updated real vector operators #890:
Added AverageCrossover, UniformAllPositionsArithmeticCrossover, and UniformSomePositionsArithmeticCrossover
Removed ContinuousCrossover, CompleteContinuousCrossover, and UniformAllPositionsManipulator
Updated the description and documentation in HeuristicCrossover, LocalCrossover, and RandomConvexCrossover
- 11:23 Changeset [2963] by
corrected behaviour of the ActiveViewChangedEvent (ticket #897)
- 11:23 Changeset [2962] by
corrected access modifiers of some methods and fields (ticket #857)
- 10:25 Ticket #723 (Refactor CEDMA.BubbleChart) closed by
- fixed
- 10:25 Ticket #310 (PointCharts with specified X/Y coordinates) closed by
- wontfix
- 10:24 Ticket #724 (HeuristicLab.Common.Resources icons, images, etc.) closed by
- fixed
- 00:59 Ticket #580 (Implement fixed algorithms) closed by
- fixed: Implementation of fixed algorithms has been done within the scope of …
- 00:55 Ticket #128 (Port all HL2 plugins to the new plugin infrastructure) closed by
- fixed: This has already been done.
- 00:46 Ticket #56 (Warning before closing an unsaved algorithm) closed by
- wontfix: In order to check if a workbench has been changed since the last save, …
- 00:29 Ticket #897 (Event ActiveViewChanged is not fired correctly) created by
- The ActiveViewChanged event is not fired in the following cases: * …
- 00:20 Changeset [2961] by
Refactored enabling and disabling of save buttons and menu items to prevent saving of running algorithms (#685)
- 23:44 Ticket #896 (Enable saving of all items) closed by
- fixed: Done in r2960.
- 23:44 Changeset [2960] by
Enabled saving of all items instead of just those for which the CreatableAttribute is set (#896)
- 23:32 Ticket #896 (Enable saving of all items) created by
- It should be possible to save all items instead of just those for …
- 23:24 Ticket #95 (Refactor operator architecture) closed by
- fixed: Deleted branch in r2959.
- 23:22 Changeset [2959] by
Deleted operator architecture refactoring branch (#95)
- 23:21 Ticket #95 (Refactor operator architecture) reopened by
- Forgot to delete branch.
- 06:40 Changeset [2958] by
Implemented enabling and disabling of save buttons and menu items to prevent saving of running algorithms (#685)
- 05:48 Ticket #894 (Enable searching in TypeSelector) closed by
- fixed: Changed tab order of controls in r2957.
- 05:47 Changeset [2957] by
Changed tab order of search textbox and types treeview (#894)
- 05:46 Ticket #894 (Enable searching in TypeSelector) reopened by
- 05:32 Changeset [2956] by
Added missing null check (#208)
- 05:30 Changeset [2955] by
Stopped algorithm when its view is closed (#208)
- 05:20 Ticket #895 (Make file operations in algorithm views asynchronous) closed by
- fixed
- 05:16 Changeset [2954] by
Made file operations in algorithm views asynchronous (#895)
- 05:03 Ticket #895 (Make file operations in algorithm views asynchronous) created by
- All file operations in algorithm views (loading and saving problems …
- 03:18 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application edited by
- (diff)
- 03:16 Changeset [2953] by
- 03:10 Ticket #894 (Enable searching in TypeSelector) closed by
- fixed: Done in r2952.
- 03:10 Changeset [2952] by
Implemented searching in TypeSelector (#894)
- 23:27 Ticket #894 (Enable searching in TypeSelector) created by
- It should be possible to search for types in the TypeSelector.
- 23:24 Ticket #819 (Refactor and unify observable collections) closed by
- fixed: In my point of view refactoring of observable collections is finished. …
- 23:18 Ticket #893 (HeuristicLab 3.3.0 application review) created by
- This ticket tracks efforts of the application review of all components …
- 23:11 Ticket #95 (Refactor operator architecture) closed by
- fixed: From my point of view refactoring of the operator architecture is …
- 23:04 Changeset [2951] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- adapted test project of HeuristicLab.Persistence-3.3 according to other test projects
- 22:55 Changeset [2950] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- moved and renamed test project of HeuristicLab.Persistence-3.3
- 04:49 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application edited by
- (diff)
- 04:48 Changeset [2949] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- implemented reviewers' comments on version r2917.
- 03:43 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application edited by
- (diff)
- 03:36 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application edited by
- (diff)
- 03:30 Changeset [2948] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- implemented reviewers' comments on version r2917.
- 00:28 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application edited by
- (diff)
- 00:26 Changeset [2947] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- implemented reviewers' comments on version r2917.
- 23:28 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application edited by
- (diff)
- 23:23 Changeset [2946] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- Updated configurations
- 23:15 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application edited by
- (diff)
- 23:11 Changeset [2945] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- Updated solution and Files.txt
- 23:05 Changeset [2944] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- removed plugin HeuristicLab.Charting.Data 3.3 as it will not be part of the release
- 23:05 Changeset [2943] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- removed plugin HeuristicLab.Charting 3.3 as it will not be part of the release
- 16:37 Changeset [2942] by
saving and loading of GraphVisualizationInfo (ticket #867)
- 16:36 Changeset [2941] by
added testcase for bitmap serializer (ticket #892)
- 16:36 Changeset [2940] by
added bitmap serializer (ticket #892)
- 16:05 Ticket #892 (BitmapSerializer for GraphVisualization) created by
- 14:08 Changeset [2939] by
Add support for serialization of structs (#548)
- 13:56 Changeset [2938] by
corrected naming of function (ticket #857)
- 13:53 Changeset [2937] by
Add support for serialization of structs (#802)
- 13:14 Changeset [2936] by
Added heuristic, local, random convex crossover and added some initial unit tests for all RealVector operators (#890)
- 13:08 Changeset [2935] by
added visual indication for operator breakpoints (ticket #867)
- 12:37 Changeset [2934] by
added parameters, corrected drag and drop position (ticket #867)
- 12:10 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application edited by
- (diff)
- 12:03 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application edited by
- (diff)
- 11:54 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application edited by
- (diff)
- 11:45 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application edited by
- (diff)
- 11:44 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application edited by
- (diff)
- 08:46 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application edited by
- (diff)
- 07:08 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application edited by
- (diff)
- 06:38 Changeset [2933] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- corrected persistence and initialization of algorithms
- fixed SGA performance test
- 04:01 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Code edited by
- (diff)
- 04:01 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0CodeTemplate created by
- 04:00 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Code edited by
- (diff)
- 03:54 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0CodeTracing created by
- 03:54 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0CodeOptimizer created by
- 03:54 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0CodeOperators created by
- 03:53 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0CodeData created by
- 03:53 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0CodeCoreViews created by
- 03:52 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0CodeCore created by
- 03:52 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0CodeCollections created by
- 03:51 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0CodeCommon created by
- 03:49 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0CodePluginInfrastructure created by
- 03:48 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Code edited by
- (diff)
- 03:44 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Code edited by
- (diff)
- 03:36 Reviews edited by
- (diff)
- 03:36 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Code created by
- 03:34 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application edited by
- (diff)
- 03:32 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application edited by
- (diff)
- 03:31 ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application created by
- 03:30 Reviews edited by
- (diff)
- 03:25 Reviews edited by
- (diff)
- 03:07 Changeset [2932] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- replaced Changed in IItem by ToStringChanged
- 01:03 Changeset [2931] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- worked on ItemAttribute and named items
- corrected version information in Optimizer
- 15:15 Changeset [2930] by
fixed permutation tests due to namespace change #95
removed constructor tests as well
- 14:56 Changeset [2929] by
Changed namespace of unit tests to add version number as discussed with swagner #95
- 14:28 Changeset [2928] by
Ported DiscreteCrossover #890
fixed exception messages in SBX
- 13:17 Changeset [2927] by
fixed a bug in the SimulatedBinaryCrossover #890
- 10:19 Ticket #884 (Create a ExtLib Project for Spring.NET 1.3.0) closed by
- fixed
- 10:19 Changeset [2926] by
removed auto-generated file and added svn:ignore property. #884 (Create a ExtLib Project for Spring.NET 1.3.0)
- 10:18 Ticket #884 (Create a ExtLib Project for Spring.NET 1.3.0) reopened by
- auto-generated files mustn't be stored in the repository.
- 10:16 Changeset [2925] by
Fixed configuration file for HeuristicLab.ExtLibs.SpringNET. #542 (Keep configurations in solution file up to date when new projects are added)
- 04:52 Changeset [2924] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- implemented reviewers' comments on version r2917.
- 18:31 Changeset [2923] by
Fixed plugin dependency in HeuristicServerPlugin. #830
- 18:08 Changeset [2922] by
Worked on GUI for plugin management. #891 (Refactor GUI for plugin management)
- 18:05 Ticket #891 (Refactor GUI for plugin management) created by
- 17:20 Changeset [2921] by
updated documentation of some of the operators #890
- 16:13 Changeset [2920] by
Added the polynomial mutation described by Deb in two variants: one position, all positions #890
- 15:13 Ticket #890 (Operators for RealVector encoding) created by
- 15:13 Ticket #889 (Operators for Permutation encoding) created by
- 14:44 Changeset [2919] by
fixed a possible bug in SBX #890
- 13:14 Changeset [2918] by
Added a new crossover for real vectors: SimulatedBinaryCrossover (SBX) #890
- 09:54 DevelopersTeam edited by
- added Stefan Vonolfen to core developers list (diff)
- 06:50 Reviews edited by
- (diff)
- 06:46 Changeset [2917] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- implemented reviewers' comments
- 03:14 Changeset [2916] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- worked on engines and algorithms
- 22:26 Reviews edited by
- (diff)
- 19:05 Changeset [2915] by
Converted Michalewicz's non-uniform mutation operators #890
- 18:01 Changeset [2914] by
Added test project for RealVector
Updated documentation in BLX-a #890
- 16:48 Changeset [2913] by
checked and corrected (where necessary) BLX-a, BLX-a-b, as well the SinglePointCrossover
checked the UniformOnePositionManipulator
fixed a copy-paste oversight in RealVectorManipulator
- 15:40 Changeset [2912] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- set svn:ignore properties
- 15:35 Changeset [2911] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- corrected plugin metadata and license headers
- 12:53 Changeset [2910] by
Fixed a bug in loading of persisted function libraries. #880 (Max and min time offsets for variable symbols are not set correctly by FunctionLibraryInjectors)
- 11:28 Changeset [2909] by
added tooltips for graph visualization buttons and fixed layouting problems (ticket #867)
- 05:27 Changeset [2908] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- worked on analysis
- 22:31 Changeset [2907] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- restructured HeuristicLab.Encodings.Permutation project
- 22:08 Changeset [2906] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- renamed HeuristicLab.Permutation to HeuristicLab.Encodings.Permutation
- 21:30 Changeset [2905] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- added project dependency, files entry and svn:ignore properties for HeuristicLab.Encodings.RealVector
- 21:20 Changeset [2904] by
added functionality (#830)
- 19:11 Changeset [2903] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- removed unnecessary file from project
- 19:09 Changeset [2902] by
Added more images of the VS2008 image library (#841)
- 17:34 Changeset [2901] by
enable disable action buttons (ticket #867)
- 17:17 Changeset [2900] by
Updated solution configuration (added x86 and x64 for all projects and checked release configuration to output documentation xml file)
Added Encodings.RealVector plugin
- 16:22 Changeset [2899] by
added buttons to view (ticket #867)
- 15:16 Changeset [2898] by
added details view for parameters (ticket #867)
- 14:38 Changeset [2897] by
Finished initial port of ProgrammableOperator to HL 3.3 (#842)
- 13:08 Changeset [2896] by
added handling of operator name changes (ticket #867)
- 13:01 Changeset [2895] by
added properties view in graph visualization (ticket #867)
- 11:47 Changeset [2894] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- removed unnecessary folder
- 11:45 Changeset [2893] by
added context menu to OperatorGraphView (ticket #867)
- 10:55 Changeset [2892] by
removed accidentally commited resize events on ItemCollectionsView (ticket #85)
- 04:46 Changeset [2891] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- worked on algorithms and parameters
- 03:01 Changeset [2890] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- worked on algorithms, problems and parameters
- 02:15 Changeset [2889] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- renamed HeuristicLab.SGA to HeuristicLab.Algorithms.SGA
- 02:14 Changeset [2888] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- renamed HeuristicLab.SGA to HeuristicLab.Algorithms.SGA
- 02:09 Changeset [2887] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- renamed HeuristicLab.SGA to HeuristicLab.Algorithms.SGA
- 02:09 Changeset [2886] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- renamed HeuristicLab.SGA to HeuristicLab.Algorithms.SGA
- 02:08 Changeset [2885] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- renamed HeuristicLab.SGA to HeuristicLab.Algorithms.SGA
- 02:08 Changeset [2884] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- renamed HeuristicLab.SGA to HeuristicLab.Algorithms.SGA
- 01:38 Changeset [2883] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- renamed HeuristicLab.Routing.TSP to HeuristicLab.Problems.TSP
- 03:35 Changeset [2882] by
Operator architecture refactoring (#95)
- worked on algorithms