- 08:28 Ticket #2776 (Switch off overfitting analyzer by default in symbolic regression problem) created by
- The analyzer is not really helpful and produces potentially confusing …
- 07:15 Ticket #2759 (Change problemdata of DataAnalysisAlgorithms) closed by
- done
- 07:12 Ticket #2667 (ObjectDisposedException might crash HL in ProgressView in combination ...) closed by
- done
- 07:12 Changeset [14881] by
- 22:11 Ticket #2775 (MultiRealVectorCrossover throws exception when applied during ...) created by
- The multi-objective test function problem should properly configure …
- 18:21 Changeset [14880] by
#2704: added more expression templates
- 18:49 Changeset [14879] by
#2704 added min value parameter for exp
- 16:53 Changeset [14878] by
#1772: Merge trunk changes.
- 14:42 Changeset [14877] by
#2774: Allowed storing additional data in the scope of an individual.
- 14:41 Ticket #2774 (Individuals should be able to store additional data) created by
- Currently, an Individual wraps a scope and allows access to the …
- 11:35 Ticket #2773 (It should be possible to pause / stop the NLR algorithm) created by
- 11:16 Changeset [14876] by
#2762: implemented sorting heuristics, starting to work on best fit heuristics
- 01:15 Changeset [14875] by
#2665 BenchmarkSuite, all examples, partially tested, VectorExpressions added
- 09:19 Changeset [14874] by
- 08:44 Changeset [14873] by
#2704: added possibility to automatically adjust constants based on the distributions of evaluated expressions to allow limiting distributions for arguments of functions (e.g. log should have positive args only, exp should have rather small args only)
- 17:53 Changeset [14872] by
#2699: made a number of changes mainly to RBF regression model
- 12:28 Changeset [14871] by
#745: Corrected build path of HL.DataAnalysis.Glmnet.
- 09:07 Changeset [14870] by
#2699: merged changesets from trunk to branch
- 08:58 Changeset [14869] by
#2699: merged changesets from trunk to branch
- 08:37 Ticket #2772 (Provide full functionality of glmnet package) created by
- So far we have only provided a wrapper for elastic net regression. …
- 08:33 Ticket #2771 (Support for factor variables in elastic net regression) created by
- It would be possible to automatically generate binary indicator …
- 08:27 Ticket #2770 (Extend optimized interpreters for symbolic models to support factor ...) created by
- The following interpreters do not yet support symbols for factor …
- 08:25 Ticket #2769 (Allow string variables as target variables in classification algorithms) created by
- 08:25 Ticket #2768 (Smalltalk formatter should support factor variables) created by
- #2650 introduced factor variables for symbolic regression but the …
- 08:24 Ticket #2767 (Allow factor variables in decision tree algorithms especially GBT) created by
- 08:23 Ticket #2766 (Support string variables in data preprocessing view) created by
- 08:21 Ticket #2703 (Gamma distribution for HeuristicLab) closed by
- done
- 08:21 Changeset [14868] by
- 08:19 Ticket #2631 (Confidence Intervals for Random Forest Regression) closed by
- done
- 08:18 Ticket #2689 (Parameters of SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding are not prefixed with the ...) closed by
- done
- 16:37 Changeset [14867] by
#2700 deleted branch as it has been integrated into the trunk
- 16:36 Changeset [14866] by
#2650 deleted branch as it has been integrated into trunk
- 15:44 Changeset [14865] by
#2760: Fix issue with resources in CrossValidationView.Designer.cs
- 15:16 Changeset [14864] by
#2760: Implement shuffling of crossvalidation samples.
- 14:52 Changeset [14863] by
#2700 fixed bug in cloning ctor
- 14:05 Changeset [14862] by
#2700 copied tSNE from branch to trunk
- 14:02 Changeset [14861] by
#2765: Adapted multi-objective SymReg analyzer to add the solutions as tag to the data points.
- 14:01 Changeset [14860] by
#2765: Implemented tags for data points in ScatterPlot.
- 14:00 Ticket #2765 (ScatterPlot should support tag objects) created by
- It would be really useful to attach objects to the data points that …
- 13:59 Changeset [14859] by
#2700 update only every x iterations and fixed output paths
- 13:36 Changeset [14858] by
#2700 fixed another bug in the bh-tsne implementation
- 13:10 Changeset [14857] by
#2723: Add DatasetUtil static class with useful methods for dealing with Datasets. Add input validation to Dataset constructor.
- 11:15 Changeset [14856] by
#2700: fixed bug in approximate gradient calculation
- 12:15 Changeset [14855] by
#2700: made some changes / bug-fixes while reviewing
- 10:31 Changeset [14854] by
#2697: introduced original code for scaling from AlglibUtil into GaussianProcessModel to guarantee backwards compatibility regarding unit test results
- 10:19 Changeset [14853] by
#2757: set factor variables as allowed for miba friction benchmark problems
- 18:43 Changeset [14852] by
#2670 renamed TargetResponseCurve and GradientChart -> PartialDependencePlot
- 18:26 Changeset [14851] by
#2697: removed unnecessary variables
- 17:29 Ticket #2442 (Linq Expression Trees Interpreter for HeuristicLab) closed by
- done
- 17:28 Ticket #2746 (Overflow issues in binomial coefficient calculation) closed by
- done: r14850: Merged r14750, r14769 into stable.
- 17:28 Changeset [14850] by
- 17:26 Ticket #2750 (EstimatedValuesView for RegressionSolutions does not show residuals) closed by
- done: r14849: Merged r14772 into stable.
- 17:26 Changeset [14849] by
- 17:25 Ticket #2749 (DataAnalysisSolutionViews should never show ResultViews) closed by
- done: r14848: Merged r14770 into stable.
- 17:25 Changeset [14848] by
- 16:32 Changeset [14847] by
#745: deleted unnecessary files
- 16:30 Changeset [14846] by
#745: merged elastic-net from branch to trunk
- 16:18 Changeset [14845] by
#2697: fixed build fail of test solution
- 16:13 Changeset [14844] by
#745 ordered rows for coefficients in data-table by total absolute value
- 15:55 Changeset [14843] by
#2697: applied r14390, r14391, r14393, r14394, r14396 again (resolving conflicts)
- 14:41 Changeset [14842] by
#2764: Cloned content for further processing in CreateHiveJob MenuItem.
- 14:36 Ticket #2764 (MenuItem CreateHiveJob operates on the displayed content) created by
- It would be better if it works on a cloned object. For example the …
- 14:15 Changeset [14841] by
#2763: Set StartIndexZero = true for data rows of qualities chart.
- 14:14 Ticket #2763 (Qualities-Chart for GBT should start at 0) created by
- 14:13 Changeset [14840] by
- 13:47 Changeset [14839] by
#2690: Adapated content attribute of solution views for GBT and RF.
- 16:04 Changeset [14838] by
Added some benchmark instances
- 15:50 Changeset [14837] by
#2700 made some changes while reviewing (comparsion with bh_tsne implementation by van der Maarten)
- 15:48 Changeset [14836] by
#2700 merged changesets from trunk to branch
- 12:25 EvoSoft edited by
- (diff)
- 11:41 Changeset [14835] by
#2762: added new branch
- 11:40 Ticket #2762 (New heuristics for BinPacking) created by
- The existing heuristic should be evaluated and expanded.
- 00:27 Changeset [14834] by
#2665 LexicaseSelector, Performance improvements, UI Fixes, Debugger only shows used stacks, fixed Debugger stepping, Added vector expressions, ERCOptions,