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Custom Query (103 matches)


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Results (81 - 100 of 103)

1 2 3 4 5 6

Status: closed (20 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#2976 SampleProportionalWithoutRepetition with Windowing may cause a NullReferenceException bburlacu defect medium Random trunk
#2977 Pearson R2 & Tree Similarity Multiobjective Evaluator mkommend feature request medium Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression trunk
#2978 Enabling & disabling of controls in HL is slow gkronber defect medium Optimization.Views trunk
#2982 VariableStoreView does not update variable values correctly jkarder defect medium Scripting.Views trunk
#2986 RoundedNormalAllPositionsManipulator applies bounds incorrectly jkarder defect medium Encodings.IntegerVectorEncoding trunk
#2991 DiversitySelector for symbolic data analysis problems gkronber enhancement medium Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic trunk
#2992 External Evaluation leads to Exceptions during Object Graph Traversal abeham defect medium Common
#2995 Support DateTimeValues in the RunCollectionBubbleChartView bburlacu defect medium Optimization.Views trunk
#2998 Allow specification of floating point number format for the InfixFormatter abeham enhancement medium Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic trunk
#2999 Skip ContentViewAttributeTest for views that use System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser gkronber defect medium Tests trunk
#3000 RunLengthDistributionView shows incorrect values for runs in which the target is reached in the last generation abeham defect medium Optimization.Views trunk
#3001 The excel formatter produces incorrect output for divisions (1/1*x) abeham defect medium Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic trunk
#3002 Build dataset with row-wise data abeham feature request medium Problems.DataAnalysis
#3004 IslandGA parameterizes Evaluator's Random to GlobalRandom instead of LocalRandom abeham defect medium Algorithms.GeneticAlgorithm trunk
#3005 There should be an option to make ValueParameters read only abeham feature request medium Parameters trunk
#3010 Checked item views are slow when a lot of items are checked at once abeham defect medium Core.Views trunk
#3013 DataPreprocessing should not be Storable abeham defect medium DataPreprocessing trunk
#3014 Extend physics problems to allow testing with simulated noise mkommend enhancement medium Problems.Instances trunk
#3015 Fix bug and improve robustness of SimplifyMultiplication abeham defect medium Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic
#2890 Overhaul of GradientBoostedTreesModelView mkommend enhancement low Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Views trunk
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.