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01:31 Ticket #640 (Remove UpdateLocalInstallation from post-build event) closed by swagner
fixed: Done in r1887.
01:30 Changeset [1887] by swagner

Removed UpdateLocalInstallation command from post-build event (#640)

01:29 Ticket #640 (Remove UpdateLocalInstallation from post-build event) created by swagner
Usually the folder "HeuristicLab 3.0" in the "Program Files" folder …


11:21 Changeset [1886] by mstoeger

removed unused interfaces/classes. reordered methods. #498

11:08 Changeset [1885] by mstoeger

xaxis grid color can be set in the options dialog #555

10:53 Ticket #639 (visualization - persistance implementations for data model) created by cbahner
merge persistance functions into trunc test save and load from hl
10:50 Changeset [1884] by dwagner

Added Test for Linetype Points(#637)

10:35 Changeset [1883] by dwagner

Bug fix: No marker on first added value (#581)
New feature: Tooltip, which shows the world-values on mouseover event of a datapoint. (#638)
New feature: New Linetype Points, which is a line consisting only of the markers (#637)

10:31 Ticket #638 (Tooltip to show values of datapoints) created by dwagner
Implementation of a tooltip, which shows the world coordinates of a …
10:27 Changeset [1882] by mstoeger

removed svn:needs-lock from project files #498

10:22 Ticket #637 (New Line Type: Only Points) created by dwagner
Implementation of a new line type as requested. A line of this type …
10:22 Changeset [1881] by mstoeger

renamed xaxis-properties #498

10:19 Changeset [1880] by mstoeger

Moved X-Axis settings from model to model.XAxis. Fixed UpdateLayout and invalidating. #498

09:33 Ticket #636 (DrawingStyle) created by cbahner
DrawingStyle (VisualProperties of Datarows) encapsulate visual …
08:59 Changeset [1879] by mstoeger

Layout is only updated when necessary (before painting) #498

08:39 Changeset [1878] by shofstad

Legend implementation updated (#407)

08:38 Changeset [1877] by shofstad

Legend implementation updated (#407)

08:29 Ticket #629 (Add property to set X-Axis-Grid visible/invisible) closed by mstoeger
fixed: x-axis grid can be enabled/disabled r1876
08:28 Changeset [1876] by mstoeger

x-axis grid can be enabled/disabled #629


21:10 Changeset [1875] by dtraxing

changed implementation of fixed operators. (ticket #580)

19:57 Changeset [1874] by gkronber

Changed variable name of training MSE from TrainingQuality to Quality to match semantic of GP models. #624

17:38 Changeset [1873] by gkronber

Worked on different dispatching of deterministic and non-deterministic modeling algorithms. #635

15:06 Changeset [1872] by epitzer

Upgrade Charting.Data, Logging, Operators.Programmable, OptimizationFrontend, OffspringSelection, SGA, TestFunctions and ThreadParallelEngine to 3.3 (#603)

15:03 Changeset [1871] by epitzer

Remove Tracing-3.3 (it is identical to Tracing-3.2) (#603)

12:59 Changeset [1870] by gkronber

adapted SVMEvaluator to work with simple evaluators of plugin Modeling. #635

12:52 Changeset [1869] by gkronber

Moved simple evaluators from plugin SVM to plugin Modeling. #635

12:46 Changeset [1868] by epitzer

Create branch for OptimizationFrontend-3.3 (#603)

12:45 Changeset [1867] by epitzer

Create branch for ThreadParallelEngine-3.3 (#603)

12:44 Changeset [1866] by epitzer

Create branch for TestFunctions-3.3 (#603)

12:43 Changeset [1865] by epitzer

Create branch for SGA-3.3 (#603)

12:43 Changeset [1864] by epitzer

Create branch for Selection.OffspringSelection-3.3 (#603)

12:41 Changeset [1863] by epitzer

Create branch for Operators.Programmable-3.3 (#603)

12:05 Changeset [1862] by epitzer

Create branch for Logging-3.3 (#603)

12:03 Changeset [1861] by epitzer

Create branch for Charting.Data-3.3 (#603)

12:02 Changeset [1860] by epitzer

Create branch for Tracing-3.3 (#603)

11:42 Changeset [1859] by epitzer

Reuse serializer instances for different types and provide better error information. (#603)

11:30 Changeset [1858] by gkronber

Fixed infinite recursion bug in StoreProxy and initialized the ProblemInjector of SVR to an actual ProblemInjector. #635

10:50 Changeset [1857] by gkronber

Worked on lose coupling of CEDMA and GP/SVR with plugin HeuristicLab.Modeling as common bridge. #635

10:09 Changeset [1856] by gkronber

Moved problem injectors from GP.StructureIdentification projects into HeuristicLab.Modeling and made some necessary adjustments (project name, references, plugin dependencies). #635

09:49 Changeset [1855] by gkronber

Added project frame for plugin HeuristicLab.Modeling. #635 (Plugin HeuristicLab.Modeling as a common basis for all data-based modeling algorithms)

09:35 Ticket #635 (Plugin HeuristicLab.Modeling as a common basis for all data-based ...) created by gkronber
Should provide common interfaces and operators needed for all kinds of …


22:20 Changeset [1854] by gkronber

Added hard-coded algorithm for SVR with best model selection on the validation set. #624 (Algorithm for support vector regression)

21:58 Ticket #634 (Hard-coded GP algorithms do not work with changes related to #615) created by gkronber
Algos have to be adapted to use evaluators from the scope.
17:09 Changeset [1853] by epitzer

Fix EmptyStorableClass attributes. (#603)

17:07 Changeset [1852] by epitzer

Correct handling of empty storable classes. (#603)

13:24 Ticket #633 (Engines do not handle abortion of operators correctly) closed by gkronber
fixed: Engines do not have to be adapted when each operator handles abort …
13:18 Changeset [1851] by gkronber

Reverted r1847 after discussion with swagner. Instead each operator should decide independently what happens after abort and adapt the returned next operation accordingly. #633 (Engines do not handle abortion of operators correctly)

12:12 Changeset [1850] by epitzer

Add persistence-3.3 documentation


23:21 Changeset [1849] by gkronber

Removed SVM demo engine. #619 (SupportVectorMachine for HL3)

23:17 Ticket #632 (Abort functionality for Operator SupportVectorCreator) closed by gkronber
fixed: Implemented with r1848.
23:16 Changeset [1848] by gkronber

Implemented #632 (Abort functionality for Operator SupportVectorCreator).

23:14 Changeset [1847] by gkronber

Fixed #633 for the SequentialEngine by:

  • introducing a boolean property into IOperator that indicates if an operator supports abortion.
  • pushing the current operation back onto the execution stack of the SequentialEngine when the current operator can be aborted.
23:11 Changeset [1846] by gkronber

Added x86 configurations for projects HeuristicLab.SupportVectorMachines and LibSVM (second part to r1845). #619 (SupportVectorMachine for HL3)

23:09 Changeset [1845] by gkronber

Added x86 configurations for projects HeuristicLab.SupportVectorMachines and LibSVM. #619 (SupportVectorMachine for HL3)

22:51 Ticket #633 (Engines do not handle abortion of operators correctly) created by gkronber
Aborted operators must reset the scope to a consistent state so that …
21:06 Ticket #632 (Abort functionality for Operator SupportVectorCreator) created by gkronber
Training of SVM can take quite a lot of time. Thus, it should be …
18:03 Changeset [1844] by epitzer

Don't crash application if exceptions occur during load/save (#603)

18:02 Changeset [1843] by epitzer

Update TypeSerializer use full AssemblyQualifiedName when serializing Type objects. (#603)

18:00 Ticket #631 (ObjectData.GetHashCode() must not throw exception when Data is null) closed by epitzer
fixed: Don't call Data.GetHashCode() if Data is null. (r1842)
17:59 Changeset [1842] by epitzer

Don't call Data.GetHashCode() if Data is null. (#631)

17:57 Ticket #631 (ObjectData.GetHashCode() must not throw exception when Data is null) created by epitzer
16:22 Changeset [1841] by epitzer

Group projects according to intended HL version instead of plugin version. (#603)


20:09 Ticket #630 (Clone) created by cbahner
Clone aus StorableBase muss implementiert werden (analog zu den …
19:13 Ticket #408 (Implement operator to test ChartDataRowsModel) closed by swagner
19:11 Changeset [1840] by swagner

Removed automatic creation of model in ChartDataRowsModelDataCollector (#408)

19:09 Ticket #588 (Data Export (CSV)) closed by mstoeger
19:07 Ticket #629 (Add property to set X-Axis-Grid visible/invisible) created by mstoeger
19:04 Ticket #408 (Implement operator to test ChartDataRowsModel) reopened by swagner
19:04 Ticket #628 (Seperate OptionsDialog into several user controls) created by mstoeger
Hi Didi, The "Options"-UserControl is becoming too big. Could you …
18:50 Changeset [1839] by bspisic

Model.Title is changeable in OptionsDialog now (#590)

18:47 Ticket #319 (Eventhandling between chart and canvas) closed by bspisic
18:47 Ticket #424 (Panning and Zooming) closed by bspisic
18:47 Ticket #520 (Implement font changes of title, legend etc. in options dialog.) closed by bspisic
16:33 Changeset [1838] by gkronber

adapted SVM demo engine to include model selection (based on validation set) and to work with new SVM operators. #627

16:32 Ticket #627 (Datatypes of SVM should be wrapped into dedicated classes that ...) closed by gkronber
fixed: Implemented with r1837.
16:31 Changeset [1837] by gkronber

Implemented #627 (Datatypes of SVM should be wrapped into dedicated classes that implement IItem).

16:29 Ticket #627 (Datatypes of SVM should be wrapped into dedicated classes that ...) created by gkronber
15:37 Changeset [1836] by gkronber

implemented persistence of tree evaluators in a common base class for tree evaluators. #615 (Evaluation of HL3 function trees should be equivalent to evaluation in HL2)

15:17 Changeset [1835] by gkronber

created a branch for milestone 2 of project HeuristicLab.Hive.

15:16 Changeset [1834] by gkronber

Added check to get either the result of a finished job or a snapshot. #545 (Engine which can be executed in the Hive)

14:39 Changeset [1833] by kgrading

removed windows eventlog property (#467)

14:37 Changeset [1832] by aleitner

add contextmenu for adding/deleting groups (#626)

14:35 Ticket #626 (expand functionality of GUI) created by aleitner
expand functionality like contextmenu, create new groups, …
14:27 Changeset [1831] by msteinbi

corrected job state handling (#466)

14:25 Changeset [1830] by kgrading

removed handle on appdomains before unloading, made the whole core more stable for concurrency errors (#467)

14:14 Ticket #615 (Evaluation of HL3 function trees should be equivalent to evaluation in HL2) reopened by gkronber
Serialization code for evaluators is still missing.
14:07 Changeset [1829] by svonolfe

Updated clientAdapter (#372)

13:56 Changeset [1828] by gkronber

improved DemoSupportVectorMachine engine to search for best parameters C and Nu on the validation set.

13:55 Changeset [1827] by gkronber

fixed missing name mapping of new variables injected by the SupportVectorCreator. #143 (SupportVectorMachine operator for HL3)

13:46 Changeset [1826] by msteinbi

fixed bug with resource check (#599)

13:26 Changeset [1825] by msteinbi

changed signature of addClientGroup method (#599)

12:53 Changeset [1824] by msteinbi

new method delete client group added (#599)

12:29 Changeset [1823] by epitzer

Namespace refactoring: rename formatters & decomposers -> primitive and composite serializers. (#603)

11:29 Ticket #625 (Algorithm for support vector classification) created by gkronber
11:28 Ticket #624 (Algorithm for support vector regression) created by gkronber
11:26 Changeset [1822] by epitzer

Remove tests for non-implemented features. (#603)

11:13 Changeset [1821] by gkronber

removed resharper user settings.

11:09 Ticket #615 (Evaluation of HL3 function trees should be equivalent to evaluation in HL2) closed by gkronber
10:54 Changeset [1820] by mkommend

added AssemblyInfo.cs for LibSVM ticket #619

10:29 Changeset [1819] by mkommend

created new project for LibSVM source files (ticket #619)


19:01 Changeset [1818] by cbahner

#519 added floating average

18:37 Changeset [1817] by gkronber

Implemented evaluator that matches the semantic of the standard function library of HL2. #615 (Evaluation of HL3 function trees should be equivalent to evaluation in HL2)

17:24 Changeset [1816] by mkommend

updated configuration of HL.supportVectorMachines (ticket #619)

17:12 Ticket #623 (Add property to set thread priority for engines) closed by swagner
fixed: Done in r1815.
17:12 Changeset [1815] by swagner

Added a property for the thread priority of an engine's worker thread to EngineBase (#623)

17:09 Changeset [1814] by mkommend

added SimpleR2Evaluator for SVMs + test engine (ticket #619)

16:56 Changeset [1813] by msteinbi

corrected spelling mistake (#466)

16:56 Ticket #623 (Add property to set thread priority for engines) created by swagner
A property should be added to EngineBase which reflects the thread …
16:55 Changeset [1812] by kgrading

changed job restart behaviour - the job will now be restarted when the serialization is done, not before (#571)

16:55 Changeset [1811] by msteinbi

small refactorings in snapshot and abort functionality (#466)

16:28 Changeset [1810] by mkommend

added SimpleMSEEvaluator in HL SVM project (ticket #619)

16:23 Changeset [1809] by mbecirov

#586 raised timeout

15:22 Changeset [1808] by mkommend

SupportVectorEvaluator and SVMHelper added (ticket #619)

15:18 Changeset [1807] by svonolfe

Updated job state field in db (#372)

15:18 Changeset [1806] by mkommend

added SupportVectorCreator, SupportVectorEvaluator and source files of libsvm
(ticket #619)

15:00 Changeset [1805] by mbecirov


14:59 Changeset [1804] by mbecirov


14:52 Changeset [1803] by mbecirov

#586 Fixed permission

14:44 Changeset [1802] by kgrading

Added Log4NET Logging for Hive Client (#622)

14:44 Changeset [1801] by mbecirov

#586: Reverted security request through Security Server

14:41 Changeset [1800] by msteinbi

added status message to login response (#466)

14:35 Changeset [1799] by msteinbi

corrected signature of getalljobresults (#466)

14:12 Changeset [1798] by kgrading

removed EventLogging (#622)

14:07 Ticket #622 (Change logging to Log4NET) created by kgrading
logging should be changed from Windows Eventlogging to Log4Net
13:49 Changeset [1797] by epitzer

Optionally include necessary assemblies in serial data. (#621)

13:49 Ticket #621 (Independet archive format, includes all necessary assemblies) created by epitzer
13:46 Changeset [1796] by gkronber

Refactored GP evaluation to make it possible to use different evaluators to interpret function trees. #615 (Evaluation of HL3 function trees should be equivalent to evaluation in HL2)

13:00 Ticket #613 (Try to load exact type version if possible or fall back to newer type) closed by epitzer
fixed: Also make sure major and minor version match (not only newer) + better …
13:00 Changeset [1795] by epitzer

Also make sure major and minor version match (not only newer) + better tests. (#613)

12:34 Ticket #620 (Hitting Reset doesn't update the scope view) created by abeham
When the global scope is expanded in the SGA interface, and subscopes …
09:34 Changeset [1794] by gkronber

Fixed incorrect evaluation in MSE evaluators when the original values contain NaNs. #615 (Evaluation of HL3 function trees should be equivalent to evaluation in HL2)

09:23 Changeset [1793] by mkommend

added project for SVM (ticket #619)

09:22 Ticket #619 (SupportVectorMachine for HL3) created by mkommend
- TrainingOperator - Evaluator using libsvm


23:00 Changeset [1792] by mstoeger

Added App.config to NUnit project to set the required ApartmentState (SaveFileDialogs didn't work anymore with ReSharper >= 4.0 because they changed the default ApartmentState) (#498)

20:55 Changeset [1791] by abeham

removed annoying quit after x tries

16:55 Changeset [1790] by epitzer

Remove redundant constructor check. (#603)

16:39 Changeset [1789] by dtraxing

improved support for algorithm abort. (ticket #580)

16:07 Changeset [1788] by gkronber

fixed another bug in the calculation of the range of a variable. #615 (Evaluation of HL3 function trees should be equivalent to evaluation in HL2)

15:45 Changeset [1787] by gkronber

simplified code of BakedTreeEvaluator: removed constant expression folding and special cases for DIV and SUB with only one operand. #615 (Evaluation of HL3 function trees should be equivalent to evaluation in HL2)

15:38 Changeset [1786] by gkronber

fixed calculation of range of a variable (to ignore NaNs) and fixed calculation of maxPunishment in the BakedTreeEvaluator. #615 (Evaluation of HL3 function trees should be equivalent to evaluation in HL2)

15:12 Ticket #618 (Move shortcut for Save all to Save as) created by abeham
The shortcut for "Save all" currently is ctrl+shift+s. This is …
14:35 Ticket #617 (ES interface doesn't always reset lambda in the comma strategy) closed by abeham
fixed: fixed in r1785
14:35 Changeset [1785] by abeham

fixed interface glitch in ES (#617)

14:34 Ticket #617 (ES interface doesn't always reset lambda in the comma strategy) created by abeham
When switching to the comma strategy in the ES, lambda has to be at …
13:53 Ticket #616 (GetMean and GetRange include the last row (parameter 'to') in the ...) closed by gkronber
fixed: Fixed with r1784.
13:53 Changeset [1784] by gkronber

Fixed #616 (GetMean and GetRange include the last row (parameter 'to') in the calculation).

13:48 Ticket #616 (GetMean and GetRange include the last row (parameter 'to') in the ...) created by gkronber
09:49 Ticket #615 (Evaluation of HL3 function trees should be equivalent to evaluation in HL2) created by gkronber


17:27 Changeset [1783] by abeham

simplified code (#573)

16:18 Changeset [1782] by abeham

Added SimpleBestSolutionStorer (#614)

13:11 Ticket #614 (Add a generic best solution storer) created by abeham
Should have the ability to keep the best out of the last x solutions …
00:53 Changeset [1781] by mstoeger

Data Export (CSV) #588


16:09 Changeset [1780] by epitzer

Store full version information with serialized data, only fall back to version invariant format if loading fails with full version. Also check, that loaded version is newer than requested version if possible. (#613)

13:35 Changeset [1779] by epitzer

Better type name parser. Replace reflection based type name generation, better exceptions during deserialization. (#613)

Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.