#2839 closed feature request (done)
Implement project management for Hive
Reported by: | jkarder | Owned by: | mkommend |
Priority: | medium | Milestone: | HeuristicLab 3.3.16 |
Component: | Hive.General | Version: | trunk |
Keywords: | merged | Cc: |
Description (last modified by jkarder)
Hive jobs should be assigned to projects instead of resources. We could better track resource usage per project and introduce some kind of credit system. Furthermore, this would allow us to assign one resource to different projects, which is currently not possible using resource groups.
Has to be merged with #2845.
fHolzing: In the "Select Project"-View, changing the selection of HiveSlaves via up/down arrow won't update the "Computing Resources"-Details.
By checking the Checkbox besides the Project (in my case HEAL), the slaves cannot be unchecked independently.
By Right-clicking on any Slave, the "Computing Resources" are updated, just like the selection (for a fraction of a second). The selection gets reverted und jumps back to the previously selected item, but the "Computing Resources" still displays the information about the now unselected item.
Attachments (4)
Change History (132)
comment:1 Changed 7 years ago by jkarder
- Status changed from new to accepted
comment:2 Changed 7 years ago by jkarder
comment:3 Changed 7 years ago by jkarder
r15378: worked on database model
comment:4 Changed 7 years ago by jkarder
- added Project and ProjectPermission DAOs and service methods
- made Project.EndDate nullable
comment:5 Changed 7 years ago by jkarder
r15380: worked on Project and ProjectPermission service methods
comment:6 Changed 7 years ago by jkarder
- Version set to branch
comment:7 Changed 7 years ago by abeham
- Milestone changed from HeuristicLab 3.3.15 to HeuristicLab 3.3.16
comment:8 Changed 7 years ago by jkarder
r15399: worked on database model
comment:9 Changed 7 years ago by jkarder
- worked on hive administrator view
- updated service clients
comment:10 Changed 7 years ago by jkarder
r15411: worked on database model
comment:11 Changed 7 years ago by jkarder
- worked on resources and projects views
- changed resource selector to be able to select projects and assigned resources
- updated service clients
comment:12 Changed 7 years ago by jkarder
r15422: worked on resources and projects views
comment:13 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15496: Added Dao for ResourcePermission entity
comment:14 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15497: worked on permission check at AddTask
comment:15 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15500: worked on resource permission checks (v2 = accelerated version)
comment:16 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15503: added ResourcePermission handling (still in progress)
comment:17 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15508: finalized permission checks in AddTask and revised implementation of ResourcePermission methods
comment:18 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15523: worked on db model and updated dbml
comment:19 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
comment:20 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
- updated dbml (removed ResourcePermission and ResourceIds in Job-Table)
- updated Resource and Project Daos
comment:21 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15528: added AssignedJobResource to dbml and Daos
comment:22 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
- worked on Job operations add&update
- worked on ProjectPermission handling
- worked on Project-Resource assignment
comment:23 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15540: added checks for the administration of project-resource assignments
comment:24 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15546: worked on ProjectResource assignment: (cascading) assigning & unassigning
comment:25 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
comment:26 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15552: worked on permission checks in listing methods
comment:27 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15557: fixed tree building routine in ResourcesView
comment:28 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15559: worked on views for Projects and ProjectResources
comment:29 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15567: worked on views for project and resource administration
comment:30 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15576: worked on client side mgmt of project-resource assignments and project-user permissions
comment:31 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15577: worked on service side mgmt of project-resource assignments and project-user permissions
comment:32 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
- minor bugfix in HiveService.cs
- corrected behavior of ProjectPermissionsView
comment:33 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15627: worked on Hive Job Manager: improved project/resource selector to show existent assignments and preserve selections
comment:34 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
- updated TaskDao towards independency of the formerly used Task-Resource assignment entity
- updated several permission/assignment handling service methods for client
- added AssignedJobResource DTO
comment:35 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
- updated Heartbeat processing (regarding: checking against AssignedJobResources and handling of the updated Job deletion routine)
- updated Job deletion routine (still in progress at GenerateStatistics)
comment:36 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15641: finished implementation of job deletion routine
comment:37 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
- adapted handling of cascading revocations of project-user permissions and project-resource assignments: from deleting all AssignedJobResource (formerly) to deleting only entries which are effected by the previously mentioned revocations (now)
- implemented job update (client side)
- corrected & improved stateful project/resource selection dialog
- corrected resource statistic calculation in project/resource selection dialog
comment:38 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
- worked on UpdateJob(..)
- adapted permission and assignment handling methods
- adpated dbml of HiveDataContext using the designer (added delete rules and onNull-handling)
comment:39 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15644: removed AssignedTaskResource entity
comment:40 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
- worked on (restricted) accessibility of hive's administration area for non-admin roles
- adapted HiveClient & HiveAdminClient entity loading (client- & service-side)
comment:41 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
- added DimProject and FactProjectInfo entities to statistics generation
- implemented tracking for projects
comment:42 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15666: implemented project facts-logging in HiveStatisticsGenerator
comment:43 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
- adapted computation of DimClient and FactClientInfo stats
- adapted web app according to new stats computation
comment:44 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15715: improved permission checking of HiveService methods
comment:45 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15716: worked on stats generation
comment:46 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
- updated sql scripts (necessary foreign key option alterations & introduction of statistic tables)
- updated HiveService according to changed client side (deletion-routine, permission checking,...)
comment:47 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15742: worked on HiveAdministrator:
- corrected and modified CRUD operations
- improved usability by providing detailed state information, adding dialogs etc.
comment:48 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
- minor changes regarding project- & resource selection
- adapted DeleteOnNull rules in dbml
comment:49 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15761: renamed branch according to guidelines
comment:50 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15767: fixed cyclic-relation bug in projects- and resources-view by preventing parents from being dragged onto descendants
comment:51 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15768: fixed cyclic-relation bug (part 2: HiveAdminClient)
comment:52 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15777: improved project- & resource selection handling
comment:53 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15792: preliminary integration of several HiveAdministrator related improvements from #2877 (full merge pending)
- slaves and slave groups are sorted by name
- slave state is indicated by different colors
- number of contained slaves is shown for each group
- CPU utilization is shown for each calculating slave
- last heartbeat date is shown for each offline slave
comment:54 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15813: improved HiveAdmin interactions:
- collaps groups with slaves only
- update scheduleView only if currently visible
- made schedule scrollable for non-admins
- changed selection backcolor
- fixed add/delete project permission bug for non-admins
comment:55 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15819: implemented refreshing list of available (i.e. for non-admins assignable) resources depending on currently selected project
comment:56 Changed 7 years ago by pfleck
I would also like to have some additional features (mainly GUI wise) for the "Nr. of needed cores" for the Hive tasks.
- Currently, the combobox to set the nr of cores is not working (no event registered), although, the rest of Hive already propagates the nr of needed cores correctly.
- For a scenario where a batch run of algorithms should be distributed, setting the nr of cores needed for all tasks is quite tedious. Maybe, setting the nr of cores needed on the batch run propagates the demand to its children.
- An option for Nr of needed cores that represents "all cores" could be useful (also with respect to executing ParallelEngines in Hive). Such a tasks should only be scheduled on a slave where no other tasks are currently running and the task will use up all available cores.
comment:57 Changed 7 years ago by jkarder
r15908: worked on hive project management
- fixed some bugs
- cleaned up
comment:58 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15913: updated genealogy computation for hive job administrator
comment:59 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15914: fixed several bugs in resource selector
comment:60 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15920: fixed several bugs in JobAdmin:
- disabled play button if no project or resource is selected
- extract stats for selected or alternatively for checked resources
- collapse slaves-only groups if no slave is assigned explicitly
- prevent unnecessary resource tree rebuilds (reset and style instead)
- suppress double clicks in resource tree (i.e. prevent win forms check-error)
comment:61 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
- replaced use of TreeView with NoDoubleClickTreeView everywhere allegedly reasonable for Hive
- updated genealogy computation for HiveAdminClient and corresponding views (ResourcesView & ProjectResourcesView)
comment:62 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15925: fixed bug in HeartbeatManager (more specific: corrected check if a task via its parenting job is still granted for a certain resource)
comment:63 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15933: several fixes:
- rebuilt run in hive
- adapted numeric selector (added FixedNumericUpDown.cs)
comment:64 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15953: Several changes and fixes:
- added button tooltips
- changed position of buttons
- added refresh functionality to view of lightweight users ...
comment:65 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15954: updated behavior of permission assignment for project owners (client and server side)
comment:66 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
- fixed refresh in resource view
- fixed assignment/include behavior in permission view
comment:67 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
- fixed project/resource selector in HiveJobManager
- added error provider to project/resource selector
- changed datetime pickers in HiveAdmin...
comment:68 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15966: Fixed several bugs and added project duration handling
- fixed project duration handling (client- & service-side)
- fixed tagging in HiveJobAdmin
- added ProjectJobs view (under construction)
- added necessary service methods
comment:69 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15969: finalized ProjectJobsView
comment:70 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15978: applied several fixes:
- show full project-path in project/resource selector
- handle lost of project-ownership by not withdrawing permissions
- update automatically after hand-down save
- lock jobs for which statistics/deletion is pending
- lock the disabled checkbox in ProjectResourcesView...
comment:71 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15992: fixed couple of minor issues:
- changed tags in resource selector
- added project information in job list and adapted sortation
- fixed hand-down save by withdrawing additional offset-rights (permissions, resources),...
comment:72 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r15995: adapted illustration of project and resource ancestry in HiveAdministrator and HiveJobAdministrator
comment:73 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r16040: fixed handling of project related updates for project owners, who are no admins and do not own parent projects
comment:74 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r16043: adapted handling of project start/end boundaries for non-admins
comment:75 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
- adapted icons: replaced ".PublishToWeb" with ".Save"
- pre-select project with all resources for new jobs, if it is the only available
comment:76 Changed 7 years ago by jkarder
r16050: fixed connection string
comment:77 Changed 7 years ago by jkarder
- merged [15377-15681/trunk/sources] into branch
- merged [15683-16056/trunk] into branch
comment:78 Changed 7 years ago by jkarder
r16060: worked on hive project management
- added .ToList() calls within some service methods to prevent TransactionExceptions
- added check for InvokeRequired
- improved RunInHiveMenuItem
- removed .resx files from projects
comment:79 Changed 7 years ago by jkarder
r16062: worked on hive project management
- removed .resx file from project
comment:80 Changed 7 years ago by jkarder
r16064: worked on hive project management
- fixed bug in StyleTreeNode
comment:81 Changed 7 years ago by jkarder
r16066: worked on hive project management
- improved RunInHiveMenuItem
comment:82 Changed 7 years ago by jkarder
r16068: worked on hive project management
- derived UserListView, UserGroupListView and RoleListView from ItemCollectionView<T>
comment:83 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r16072: worked on HiveProjectMgmt:
- adapted enabled state of buttons
comment:84 Changed 7 years ago by jzenisek
r16089: updated setting enabled state of controls in project view
comment:85 Changed 7 years ago by jkarder
r16091: worked on hive project management
- updated app/web configs and settings
comment:86 Changed 7 years ago by jkarder
r16092: merged [16057-16091/trunk] into branch
comment:87 Changed 7 years ago by jkarder
r16093: worked on hive project management
- removed usage of null-conditional operator
comment:88 Changed 7 years ago by jkarder
r16094: worked on hive project management
- removed usage inline out variables and string interpolation
comment:89 Changed 7 years ago by jkarder
r16095: worked on hive project management
- removed usage of null-conditional operator
comment:90 Changed 7 years ago by jkarder
r16116: worked on hive project management
- fixed plugin dependencies
- fixed NullReferenceException in HiveTaskView
- added cloning ctor for AssignedJobResource and AssignedProjectResource
comment:91 Changed 7 years ago by jkarder
r16117: merged [15377-16116/branches/2839_HiveProjectManagement] into trunk
comment:92 Changed 7 years ago by jkarder
- Version changed from branch to trunk
comment:93 Changed 7 years ago by jkarder
r16122: worked on hive project management
- fixed handling of enabled states in ResourcesView
comment:94 Changed 7 years ago by fholzing
- Description modified (diff)
comment:95 Changed 7 years ago by fholzing
- Description modified (diff)
comment:96 Changed 7 years ago by fholzing
- Description modified (diff)
comment:97 Changed 7 years ago by abeham
Create a project and then delete it before it is saved:
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary. at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException() at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key) at HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.Administrator.Views.ProjectsView.<removeButton_Click>d__13.MoveNext() in c:\...\HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.Administrator\3.3\Views\ProjectsView.cs:line 268 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
Click on a user in the Permissions tab:
System.ArgumentException: View "HeuristicLab.Clients.Access.Views.RefreshableLightweightUserInformationView" cannot display content "HeuristicLab.Clients.Access.LightweightUser". at HeuristicLab.MainForm.WindowsForms.ViewHost.set_ViewType(Type value) in c:\...\HeuristicLab.MainForm.WindowsForms\3.3\Controls\ViewHost.cs:line 126 at HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.Administrator.Views.ProjectPermissionsView.treeView_AfterSelect(Object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e) in c:\...\HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.Administrator\3.3\Views\ProjectPermissionsView.cs:line 120 at System.Windows.Forms.TreeView.OnAfterSelect(TreeViewEventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.TreeView.TvnSelected(NMTREEVIEW* nmtv) at System.Windows.Forms.TreeView.WmNotify(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.TreeView.WndProc(Message& m) at HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.Views.TreeView.NoDoubleClickTreeView.WndProc(Message& m) in c:\...\HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.Views\3.3\TreeView\NoDoubleClickTreeView.cs:line 31 at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
There is probably some dangling event handler that does not get deregistered. Opening Services > Access > User Information and clicking on the "Refresh" button results in the following exception after playing around with the projects:
ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'ProjectView'. at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateHandle() at System.Windows.Forms.Control.get_Handle() at HeuristicLab.MainForm.WindowsForms.ControlExtensions.SuspendRepaint(Control control) in c:\...\HeuristicLab.MainForm.WindowsForms\3.3\Controls\ControlExtensions.cs:line 38 at HeuristicLab.MainForm.WindowsForms.View.SuspendRepaint() in c:\...\HeuristicLab.MainForm.WindowsForms\3.3\Views\View.cs:line 255 at HeuristicLab.MainForm.WindowsForms.View.set_Enabled(Boolean value) in c:\...\HeuristicLab.MainForm.WindowsForms\3.3\Views\View.cs:line 82 at HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.Administrator.Views.ProjectsView.SetEnabledStateOfControls() in c:\...\HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.Administrator\3.3\Views\ProjectsView.cs:line 126 at HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.Administrator.Views.ProjectsView.AccessClient_Instance_Refreshing(Object sender, EventArgs e) in c:\...\HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.Administrator\3.3\Views\ProjectsView.cs:line 183 at System.EventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, EventArgs e) at HeuristicLab.Clients.Access.AccessClient.OnRefreshing() in c:\...\HeuristicLab.Clients.Access\3.3\AccessClient.cs:line 96 at HeuristicLab.Clients.Access.AccessClient.<>c__DisplayClass8.<ExecuteActionAsync>b__6() in c:\...\HeuristicLab.Clients.Access\3.3\AccessClient.cs:line 74
- Creating a new project, then changing its name -> treeview is not updated until saved
- It's a bit odd that the save button for details is above the treeview. What does that button save?
- The "Slaves" tab should be renamed "Resources"
- I would use a fixed (approx.) 300px width of panel1 in the split control and keep panel1 size fixed during resize
- Trying to add HEAL resource group to a project that is not a sub-project of the HEAL project is not possible. The resources can be selected and save can be clicked. There is no exception or message that the save was not successful.
- Btw, first creating that project under group HEAL, then dragging this to root level maintains the assigned resources. I can then create sub-projects where I can assign the same resources.
- Project Details: Why a refresh after the Owner combobox?
- What does "Permissions" of projects actually mean? What kind of permissions are there? Read, Execute?
- How can I create a new project that is not a sub-project of some other?
- jkarder showed that this can be done using drag & drop. I think there should be a more obvious way.
- What kind of privilege is required to open the "Services > Access > User Administration". Being "Hive Administrator" doesn't seem to qualify: "Access Service Administrator - You do not seem to have the permissions to use the Access Service Administrator. If that's not the case or you have any questions please write an email to support..."
- Access Service Administrator
comment:98 Changed 6 years ago by gkronber
r16117 broke the HeuristicLab.MetaOptimization addon
HiveEngine.cs(298, 24): error CS1061: 'Job' does not contain a definition for 'ResourceNames' and no extension method 'ResourceNames' accepting a first argument of type 'Job' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) HiveEngine.cs(321, 60): error CS1061: 'IHiveService' does not contain a definition for 'DeleteJob' and no extension method 'DeleteJob' accepting a first argument of type 'IHiveService' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
comment:99 Changed 6 years ago by jkarder
- fixed compilation errors in HiveEngine
- minor changes
comment:100 Changed 6 years ago by jzenisek
r16184: fixed bug appeared when clicking on user
comment:101 Changed 6 years ago by jzenisek
- updated enabled state of controls for projects
- updated enabled state of controls for resources
comment:102 Changed 6 years ago by jzenisek
r16186: fixed lightweightUserInformationView
comment:103 Changed 6 years ago by jzenisek
- fixed enabled state of controls bug for initial project selection regarding permission detail views
- fixed problem at resource assignment for root projects
comment:104 Changed 6 years ago by jzenisek
r16202: fixed several bugs:
- renamed tab "Slaves" to "Resources"
- fixed bugs in job manager > resource selector reported by fholzinger
- adapted client-side handling of disabled resource ancestors
- adapted parentship check in HiveAdminClient
- adapted seting of enabled state of controls for project details, project resources
- introduced "inactive" tag in ProjectsView
comment:105 Changed 6 years ago by jzenisek
r16203: fixed job listing method for hive administrators
comment:106 Changed 6 years ago by jzenisek
r16204: added assembly reference
comment:107 Changed 6 years ago by jzenisek
r16205: adapting project job view
comment:108 Changed 6 years ago by jzenisek
r16208: updated job execution implementation in ProjectJobsView
comment:109 Changed 6 years ago by jzenisek
- adapted job execution implementation at ProjectJobsView
- prohibited resource checking for non-admins
comment:110 Changed 6 years ago by jzenisek
- disabled „Start Time“, „End Time“, „All Day Event“ checkbox for non admins
- reload ProjectResources on change of resources
- fixed bug in ProjectResources regarding ungroupedGroupNode
comment:111 Changed 6 years ago by jzenisek
r16219: fixed several bugs:
- made additional slaves checkable
- changed default collapsing of additional slave group
- added info in project name text box
comment:112 Changed 6 years ago by jkarder
r16257: worked on hive project management
- fixed GetAvailabilityStatsPerProjectQueryString
comment:113 Changed 6 years ago by jzenisek
- removed update button and functionality
- fixed bug in hive resource selector (resource update on click)
- performed some refactoring
comment:114 Changed 6 years ago by jkarder
r16446: worked on hive project management
- improved event handler (de-)registration
- refactored content updates
comment:115 Changed 6 years ago by gkronber
On my machine I can produce a deadlock from the Hive 'Select Project' dialog.
To reproduce:
- Open GA - TSP Sample
- Select 'Create Hive Job' in the menu
- Click on the 'Magnifier Glass' icon to select a project
- The dialog is opened but disabled
- HL deadlocks and must be killed via task manager
Changed 6 years ago by gkronber
Changed 6 years ago by gkronber
Changed 6 years ago by gkronber
Changed 6 years ago by gkronber
comment:116 Changed 6 years ago by pfleck
Fixed the freezing "Select Project" Dialog bug in r16511:16512
comment:117 Changed 6 years ago by jkarder
- Description modified (diff)
comment:118 Changed 6 years ago by jkarder
r16513: worked on hive project management
- fixed ArgumentNullException
comment:119 Changed 6 years ago by jkarder
r16622: worked on hive project management
- Core.cs
- locked checks for amount of available resources (cores/memory)
- task state of aborted tasks is now updated accordingly
- JobDao.cs
- improved readability of GetJobsReadyForDeletionQuery
- HiveStatisticsGenerator.cs
- DimJobs, FactTasks and Jobs (DeletionPending) are now updated in one transaction
comment:120 follow-up: ↓ 121 Changed 6 years ago by gkronber
Updating the resources tree view takes up to a minute from my connection at home.
comment:121 in reply to: ↑ 120 ; follow-up: ↓ 123 Changed 6 years ago by abeham
Replying to gkronber:
Updating the resources tree view takes up to a minute from my connection at home.
Same for me. In the resource selector dialog (e.g. RefreshableJobView) it works reasonably fast, but in the Hive Administrator it takes quite some time.
comment:122 Changed 6 years ago by jkarder
r16878: worked on hive project management
- improved loading times of hive administrator view
comment:123 in reply to: ↑ 121 Changed 6 years ago by jkarder
comment:124 Changed 6 years ago by mkommend
- Owner changed from jkarder to mkommend
- Status changed from accepted to readytorelease
comment:125 Changed 6 years ago by mkommend
comment:126 Changed 6 years ago by mkommend
- Keywords merged added
comment:127 Changed 6 years ago by abeham
- Resolution set to done
- Status changed from readytorelease to closed
comment:128 Changed 6 years ago by gkronber
Change sets should be added correctly to the mergeinfo for stable branch (see r17059 ... )
r15377: created branch for hive project management