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Milestone HeuristicLab 3.3.16


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HeuristicLab 3.3.16 "Prague" - July 31st, 2019

The changes made in HeuristicLab 3.3.16 are listed below:

Features and Enhancements:

Ticket Component Summary
#1973 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Support more than 256 variables in linear regression models
#2847 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Implement M5'-(Meta-)-Regression
#2883 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Option to store actual model instead of a surrogate-model for GBT-Solutions
#2892 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Prediction intervals for linear regression models
#2902 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Performance improvement of NaN/Inf-check on a double-matrix
#2904 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Create new CalculateImpacts method for a set of variables
#2942 Algorithms.DataAnalysis KNN-Regression/Classification should allow "self" points
#2952 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Option to store actual model instead of a surrogate-model for RandomForest-Solutions
#2956 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Integration of A Priori Knowledge for Symbolic Regression
#2874 Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Views Widgets for workers and folds are not aligned correctly in the CrossValidationView
#2890 Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Views Overhaul of GradientBoostedTreesModelView
#2916 Analysis Improve serialization of IndexedDataTable
#2947 Analysis.Views Configure Dialog for IndexedDataTableView
#2930 Clients.OKB Prevent UI-Freeze in case of Endpoint-Failure
#1616 Core.Views CheckedItemCollectionView should have an option to select / deselect all items
#2919 Data Packed storage matrix type
#2960 Data Row and Column query methods for StringMatrix
#2435 ExtLibs Update AlgLib to most recent version
#2926 ExtLibs Update Sim# version
#2975 ExtLibs Update Sim# to 3.1.1
#2931 General Integration of LP and MIP Solvers based on Google OR-Tools in HeuristicLab
#2951 General Update Build.cmd and Test.cmd to use newer versions of MSBuild
#2839 Hive.General Implement project management for Hive
#2877 Hive.General Hive Improvements
#2845 MainForm Enhance Progress(View)
#2876 Optimization.Views Open BubbleChart from Boxplot View
#2885 Optimization.Views Select all with Ctrl+A in RunCollectionView
#3005 Parameters There should be an option to make ValueParameters read only
#2520 Persistence Persistence Overhaul
#2965 Persistence Cancelable Save (to File) Command
#2884 Problems.DataAnalysis Implement variable impacts for classification solutions
#2935 Problems.DataAnalysis It should be possible to insert a variable at a specific position in the ModifiableDataset
#2955 Problems.DataAnalysis Improve evaluating models on new data
#2966 Problems.DataAnalysis Implement Intervals and according calculation rules
#3002 Problems.DataAnalysis Build dataset with row-wise data
#2866 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Hyperbolic functions for symbolic regression
#2911 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Add TSQL Formatter for ISymbolicExpressionTreeStringFormatter
#2915 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Add support for abs(x), AQ(x) and CubeRoot(x) for symbolic regression problems
#2937 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Support for "analytical quotient" function in symbolic regression
#2948 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Symbolic differentiation
#2950 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Support hash-based simplification of symbolic expressions
#2954 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic CubeRoot symbol
#2958 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Vectorized/batch-mode interpreter for symbolic expression trees
#2991 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic DiversitySelector for symbolic data analysis problems
#2998 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Allow specification of floating point number format for the InfixFormatter
#2361 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Classification Adapted symbolic classification evaluators to increase the sensitivity of a model
#2977 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression Pearson R2 & Tree Similarity Multiobjective Evaluator
#2871 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views The Order of VariableImpacts should be changeable
#2888 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Disallow zoom in Partial Dependence Plots
#2972 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Select Row for Partial Dependence Plot
#2923 Problems.Instances Penn ML Benchmark Problem Instances
#2932 Problems.Instances CSV import dialog should choose system values as default
#2957 Problems.Instances Implement symbolic regression problem instances from "A multilevel block building algorithm for fast modeling generalized separable systems"
#3014 Problems.Instances Extend physics problems to allow testing with simulated noise


Ticket Component Summary
#2891 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Neural network evaluation is not thread-safe
#2905 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Partial dependence plots throws exception for support vector regression solutions
#2909 Algorithms.DataAnalysis NCAModelCreator throws exception
#2940 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Linear regression drops the constant offset if only string variables are used for modeling
#2941 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Allow zero-variance features in k-nearest Neighbours
#3004 Algorithms.GeneticAlgorithm IslandGA parameterizes Evaluator's Random to GlobalRandom instead of LocalRandom
#2928 Algorithms.NSGA2 NSGA-II is created with 0% mutation probability by default
#2879 Analysis.Views Cancelling a DataTableVisualPropertiesDialog may take very long and block GUI
#2992 Common External Evaluation leads to Exceptions during Object Graph Traversal
#2949 Core.Views AutoResize of columns in ItemListView reduces GUI update performance massively
#3010 Core.Views Checked item views are slow when a lot of items are checked at once
#3013 DataPreprocessing DataPreprocessing should not be Storable
#3006 DataPreprocessing.Views DataCompleteness Chart has Histogram View set as view name
#3008 DataPreprocessing.Views Search and Replace in Data Preprocessing is inverted
#2986 Encodings.IntegerVectorEncoding RoundedNormalAllPositionsManipulator applies bounds incorrectly
#2962 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding Subtree crossover distribution test displays incorrect statistics
#2900 General Upgrade .NET framework
#2961 Hive.Slave Hive slave does not properly unload plugins
#2561 Optimization TimeLimitRun does not work with the Hive Slave
#2740 Optimization Multi encoding operators are not parameterized correctly
#2855 Optimization Showing the encoding or its operators in the run is highly wasteful
#2894 Optimization Snapshots not initialized in TimeLimitRun
#2933 Optimization Parallel experiment execution can lead to identical seeds
#2880 Optimization.Views RunCollectionBoxPlotView axis-selection bug with DropDown
#2978 Optimization.Views Enabling & disabling of controls in HL is slow
#2995 Optimization.Views Support DateTimeValues in the RunCollectionBubbleChartView
#3000 Optimization.Views RunLengthDistributionView shows incorrect values for runs in which the target is reached in the last generation
#2897 Problems.DataAnalysis Dataset (and ModifiableDataset) constructor accepts unsupported values
#2910 Problems.DataAnalysis ImpactCalculation for IDiscriminantClassificationSolutions is wrong
#2934 Problems.DataAnalysis InputVariables of ProblemData can be renamed in the GUI
#2939 Problems.DataAnalysis Variables cannot be added to an empty ModifiableDataset
#2959 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Issues with the bottom-up similarity calculator
#3001 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic The excel formatter produces incorrect output for divisions (1/1*x)
#3015 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Fix bug and improve robustness of SimplifyMultiplication
#2912 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Classification PositiveClass value not preserved in the SolutionComparisonView
#2878 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression Error in Deserialization of ConstantOptimizationEvaluator
#2844 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression.Views The number of iterations for constant optimization is fixed in the simplifier view
#2964 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Views 'Mathematical representation' does not work
#2383 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Some charts for regression solutions throw an exception if the target variable contains missing values
#2856 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views In the partial dependence plots the histograms are not updated when the axis range of the corresponding line chart is changed.
#2914 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views ResidualAnalysisView hides double columns containing NaN
#2953 Problems.ExternalEvaluation Multi-objective external evaluation problem does not filter single-objective operators
#2908 Problems.Instances Make ResourceRegressionInstanceProvider csv functionality useable from another assembly
#2976 Random SampleProportionalWithoutRepetition with Windowing may cause a NullReferenceException
#2967 Scripting Ctrl+Z removes all code in C# scripts
#2982 Scripting.Views VariableStoreView does not update variable values correctly
#2999 Tests Skip ContentViewAttributeTest for views that use System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser


Ticket Component Summary
#2875 General Release HeuristicLab 3.3.16
#2887 General Restructure HL SVN repository

Note: See TracRoadmap for help on using the roadmap.