Changeset 16208
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- 10/03/18 07:18:26 (6 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk
- Files:
- 4 edited
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TabularUnified trunk/HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.Administrator/3.3/Views/ProjectJobsView.Designer.cs ¶
r16205 r16208 76 76 this.removeButton.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(24, 24); 77 77 this.removeButton.TabIndex = 2; 78 this.toolTip.SetToolTip(this.removeButton, " Delete job(s)");78 this.toolTip.SetToolTip(this.removeButton, "Remove job(s)"); 79 79 this.removeButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; 80 80 this.removeButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.removeButton_Click); … … 82 82 // startButton 83 83 // 84 this.startButton.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles. Bottom| System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left)));84 this.startButton.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left))); 85 85 this.startButton.Image = HeuristicLab.Common.Resources.VSImageLibrary.Play; 86 this.startButton.Location = new System.Drawing.Point( 0, 564);86 this.startButton.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(63, 3); 87 87 this.startButton.Name = "startButton"; 88 88 this.startButton.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(24, 24); … … 94 94 // pauseButton 95 95 // 96 this.pauseButton.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles. Bottom| System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left)));96 this.pauseButton.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left))); 97 97 this.pauseButton.Enabled = false; 98 98 this.pauseButton.Image = HeuristicLab.Common.Resources.VSImageLibrary.Pause; 99 this.pauseButton.Location = new System.Drawing.Point( 30, 564);99 this.pauseButton.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(93, 3); 100 100 this.pauseButton.Name = "pauseButton"; 101 101 this.pauseButton.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(24, 24); … … 107 107 // stopButton 108 108 // 109 this.stopButton.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles. Bottom| System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left)));109 this.stopButton.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left))); 110 110 this.stopButton.Image = HeuristicLab.Common.Resources.VSImageLibrary.Stop; 111 this.stopButton.Location = new System.Drawing.Point( 60, 564);111 this.stopButton.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(123, 3); 112 112 this.stopButton.Name = "stopButton"; 113 113 this.stopButton.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(24, 24); … … 139 139 this.Controls.Add(this.refreshButton); 140 140 this.Controls.Add(this.removeButton); 141 this.Controls.Add(this.startButton); 142 this.Controls.Add(this.pauseButton); 143 this.Controls.Add(this.stopButton); 141 144 this.Name = "ProjectJobsView"; 142 145 this.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(510, 385); -
TabularUnified trunk/HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.Administrator/3.3/Views/ProjectJobsView.cs ¶
r16205 r16208 24 24 using System.Drawing; 25 25 using System.Linq; 26 using System.Threading.Tasks; 26 27 using System.Windows.Forms; 27 28 using HeuristicLab.MainForm; … … 30 31 using HeuristicLab.Data; 31 32 using HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.Views; 33 using HeuristicLab.Core; 32 34 33 35 namespace HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.Administrator.Views { … … 41 43 private const string JOB_DATECREATED = "Date Created"; 42 44 private const string JOB_STATE = "State"; 45 private const string JOB_EXECUTIONSTATE = "Execution State"; 43 46 private const string JOB_DESCRIPTION = "Description"; 44 47 private const string JOB_TASKCOUNT = "Tasks"; 45 48 private const string JOB_CALCULATINGTASKCOUNT = "Calculating"; 46 49 private const string JOB_FINISHEDTASKCOUNT = "Finished"; 47 48 50 49 51 private readonly Color onlineStatusColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 189, 249, 143); // #bdf98f … … 53 55 private readonly Color deletionPendingStatusColor2 = Color.FromArgb(255, 249, 149, 143); // #f9958f 54 56 57 private IProgress progress; 58 public IProgress Progress { 59 get { return progress; } 60 set { 61 this.progress = value; 62 OnIsProgressingChanged(); 63 } 64 } 65 55 66 public new Project Content { 56 67 get { return (Project)base.Content; } … … 60 71 public ProjectJobsView() { 61 72 InitializeComponent(); 62 63 removeButton.Enabled = false; 73 progress = new Progress(); 74 75 removeButton.Enabled = false; 76 } 77 78 protected override void RegisterContentEvents() { 79 base.RegisterContentEvents(); 64 80 matrixView.DataGridView.SelectionChanged += DataGridView_SelectionChanged; 81 MainFormManager.GetMainForm<HeuristicLab.MainForm.WindowsForms.MainForm>().AddOperationProgressToView(this, progress); 82 } 83 84 protected override void DeregisterContentEvents() { 85 matrixView.DataGridView.SelectionChanged -= DataGridView_SelectionChanged; 86 MainFormManager.GetMainForm<HeuristicLab.MainForm.WindowsForms.MainForm>().RemoveOperationProgressFromView(this, false); 87 base.DeregisterContentEvents(); 65 88 } 66 89 67 90 private void DataGridView_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { 68 if (matrixView.DataGridView.SelectedRows == null || matrixView.DataGridView.SelectedRows.Count == 0) return; 69 70 bool anyDeletable = false; 71 foreach (DataGridViewRow r in matrixView.DataGridView.SelectedRows) { 72 if (((string)r.Cells[0].Value) == JobState.Online.ToString()) anyDeletable = true; 73 } 74 75 removeButton.Enabled = anyDeletable; 91 SetEnabledStateOfControls(); 76 92 } 77 93 … … 81 97 removeButton.Enabled = false; 82 98 UpdateJobs(); 83 } 99 SetEnabledStateOfControls(); 100 } 101 84 102 protected override void SetEnabledStateOfControls() { 85 103 base.SetEnabledStateOfControls(); 86 104 bool enabled = Content != null && !Locked && !ReadOnly; 87 105 88 refreshButton.Enabled = enabled;89 removeButton.Enabled = false;90 106 matrixView.Enabled = enabled; 91 } 107 108 // Buttons (start/resume, pause, stop, remove) 109 refreshButton.Enabled = startButton.Enabled = pauseButton.Enabled = stopButton.Enabled = removeButton.Enabled = false; 110 111 if (enabled && progress.ProgressState != ProgressState.Started) { 112 var jobs = GetSelectedJobs().ToList(); 113 if (jobs.Any()) { 114 115 // TODO: include isControllable?! 116 startButton.Enabled = jobs.All(x => 117 !x.IsProgressing && x.HiveTasks != null && x.HiveTasks.Count > 0 118 && x.Job.ProjectId != null && x.Job.ProjectId != Guid.Empty && x.Job.ResourceIds != null && x.Job.ResourceIds.Any() 119 && (x.ExecutionState == ExecutionState.Prepared || x.ExecutionState == ExecutionState.Paused)); 120 pauseButton.Enabled = jobs.All(x => !x.IsProgressing && x.ExecutionState == ExecutionState.Started); 121 stopButton.Enabled = jobs.All(x => !x.IsProgressing && (x.ExecutionState == ExecutionState.Started || x.ExecutionState == ExecutionState.Paused)); 122 removeButton.Enabled = jobs.All(x => !x.IsProgressing && x.Job.State == JobState.Online); 123 } 124 } 125 126 // refresh Button 127 if (Content != null && !Locked && progress.ProgressState != ProgressState.Started) { 128 refreshButton.Enabled = true; 129 } 130 } 131 92 132 #endregion Overrides 93 133 … … 98 138 99 139 private void refreshButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { 100 RefreshJobs(); 101 } 102 103 private async void removeButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { 104 if (matrixView.DataGridView.SelectedRows == null || matrixView.DataGridView.SelectedRows.Count == 0) return; 105 106 var jobNamesToDelete = new List<string>(); 107 var jobIdsToDelete = new List<Guid>(); 108 foreach (DataGridViewRow r in matrixView.DataGridView.SelectedRows) { 109 if(((string)r.Cells[0].Value) == JobState.Online.ToString()) { 110 jobNamesToDelete.Add(" - " + ((string)r.Cells[3].Value)); 111 jobIdsToDelete.Add(Guid.Parse((string)r.Cells[8].Value)); 112 } 113 } 114 115 if(jobIdsToDelete.Any()) { 140 var task = System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Factory.StartNew(RefreshJobsAsync); 141 progress.Start("Refreshing jobs..."); 142 SetEnabledStateOfControls(); 143 144 task.ContinueWith((t) => { 145 matrixView.DataGridView.ClearSelection(); 146 }); 147 } 148 149 private void removeButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { 150 var jobs = GetSelectedJobs(); 151 152 if (jobs.Any()) { 116 153 var result = MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to remove following job(s):\n\n" 117 + String.Join("\n", jobNamesToDelete),154 + String.Join("\n", jobs.Select(x => x.Job.Name)), 118 155 "HeuristicLab Hive Administrator", 119 156 MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, 120 157 MessageBoxIcon.Question); 121 158 159 if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { 160 var task = System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Factory.StartNew(RemoveJobsAsync, jobs); 161 progress.Start(); 162 SetEnabledStateOfControls(); 163 164 task.ContinueWith((t) => { 165 matrixView.DataGridView.ClearSelection(); 166 RefreshJobs(); 167 progress.Finish(); 168 }, TaskContinuationOptions.NotOnFaulted); 169 170 task.ContinueWith((t) => { 171 matrixView.DataGridView.ClearSelection(); 172 RefreshJobs(); 173 progress.Finish(); 174 MessageBox.Show("An error occured removing the job(s). " + t.Exception.Message, "HeuristicLab Hive Administrator", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); 175 }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted); 176 } 177 } 178 } 179 180 private void startButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { 181 var jobs = GetSelectedJobs(); 182 183 if (jobs.Any()) { 184 var result = MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to resume following job(s):\n\n" 185 + String.Join("\n", jobs.Select(x => x.Job.Name)), 186 "HeuristicLab Hive Administrator", 187 MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, 188 MessageBoxIcon.Question); 189 122 190 if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { 123 await SecurityExceptionUtil.TryAsyncAndReportSecurityExceptions( 124 action: () => { 125 DeleteJobs(jobIdsToDelete); 126 }, 127 finallyCallback: () => { 128 matrixView.DataGridView.ClearSelection(); 129 removeButton.Enabled = false; 130 RefreshJobs(); 131 }); 132 } 133 } 134 } 135 136 private async void startButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { 137 throw new NotImplementedException(); 138 } 139 140 private async void pauseButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { 141 throw new NotImplementedException(); 142 } 143 144 private async void stopButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { 145 throw new NotImplementedException(); 146 } 147 191 var task = System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Factory.StartNew(ResumeJobsAsync, jobs); 192 progress.Start(); 193 SetEnabledStateOfControls(); 194 195 task.ContinueWith((t) => { 196 matrixView.DataGridView.ClearSelection(); 197 RefreshJobs(); 198 progress.Finish(); 199 }); 200 201 task.ContinueWith((t) => { 202 matrixView.DataGridView.ClearSelection(); 203 RefreshJobs(); 204 progress.Finish(); 205 MessageBox.Show("An error occured resuming the job(s).", "HeuristicLab Hive Administrator", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); 206 }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted); 207 } 208 } 209 } 210 211 private void pauseButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { 212 var jobs = GetSelectedJobs(); 213 214 if (jobs.Any()) { 215 var result = MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to pause following job(s):\n\n" 216 + String.Join("\n", jobs.Select(x => x.Job.Name)), 217 "HeuristicLab Hive Administrator", 218 MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, 219 MessageBoxIcon.Question); 220 221 if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { 222 var task = System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Factory.StartNew(PauseJobsAsync, jobs); 223 progress.Start(); 224 SetEnabledStateOfControls(); 225 226 task.ContinueWith((t) => { 227 matrixView.DataGridView.ClearSelection(); 228 RefreshJobs(); 229 progress.Finish(); 230 }); 231 232 task.ContinueWith((t) => { 233 matrixView.DataGridView.ClearSelection(); 234 RefreshJobs(); 235 progress.Finish(); 236 MessageBox.Show("An error occured pausing the job(s).", "HeuristicLab Hive Administrator", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); 237 }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted); 238 } 239 } 240 } 241 242 private void stopButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { 243 var jobs = GetSelectedJobs(); 244 245 if (jobs.Any()) { 246 var result = MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to stop following job(s):\n\n" 247 + String.Join("\n", jobs.Select(x => x.Job.Name)), 248 "HeuristicLab Hive Administrator", 249 MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, 250 MessageBoxIcon.Question); 251 252 if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { 253 var task = System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Factory.StartNew(StopJobsAsync, jobs); 254 progress.Start(); 255 SetEnabledStateOfControls(); 256 257 task.ContinueWith((t) => { 258 matrixView.DataGridView.ClearSelection(); 259 RefreshJobs(); 260 progress.Finish(); 261 }); 262 263 task.ContinueWith((t) => { 264 matrixView.DataGridView.ClearSelection(); 265 RefreshJobs(); 266 progress.Finish(); 267 MessageBox.Show("An error occured stopping the job(s).", "HeuristicLab Hive Administrator", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); 268 }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted); 269 } 270 } 271 } 272 273 public event EventHandler IsProgressingChanged; 274 private void OnIsProgressingChanged() { 275 var handler = IsProgressingChanged; 276 if (handler != null) handler(this, EventArgs.Empty); 277 } 148 278 #endregion Event Handlers 149 279 150 280 #region Helpers 281 282 private IEnumerable<RefreshableJob> GetSelectedJobs() { 283 if (Content == null || matrixView.DataGridView.SelectedRows == null || matrixView.DataGridView.SelectedRows.Count == 0) 284 return Enumerable.Empty<RefreshableJob>() ; 285 286 var jobs = new List<RefreshableJob>(); 287 foreach (DataGridViewRow r in matrixView.DataGridView.SelectedRows) { 288 if (((string)r.Cells[0].Value) == JobState.Online.ToString()) { 289 jobs.Add(HiveAdminClient.Instance.Jobs[Content.Id].FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == Guid.Parse((string) r.Cells[9].Value))); 290 } 291 } 292 293 return jobs; 294 } 295 151 296 private void RefreshJobs() { 152 297 HiveAdminClient.Instance.RefreshJobs(); 153 298 UpdateJobs(); 299 SetEnabledStateOfControls(); 154 300 } 155 301 … … 160 306 var jobs = HiveAdminClient.Instance.Jobs[Content.Id]; 161 307 var resources = HiveAdminClient.Instance.Resources; 162 string[,] values = new string[jobs.Count, 1 0];308 string[,] values = new string[jobs.Count, 11]; 163 309 164 310 for(int i = 0; i < jobs.Count; i++) { 165 var job = jobs.ElementAt(i); 166 167 values[i, 0] = job.State.ToString();168 values[i, 1] = job.DateCreated.ToString();169 values[i, 2] = job.OwnerUsername;170 values[i, 3] = job.Name;171 values[i, 4] = job.JobCount.ToString();172 values[i, 5] = job.CalculatingCount.ToString();173 values[i, 6] = job.FinishedCount.ToString();174 values[i, 7] = job.Description;175 values[i, 8] = job.Id.ToString();176 values[i, 9] = job.OwnerUserId.ToString();311 var job = jobs.ElementAt(i); 312 values[i, 0] = job.Job.State.ToString(); 313 values[i, 1] = job.ExecutionState.ToString(); 314 values[i, 2] = job.Job.DateCreated.ToString(); 315 values[i, 3] = job.Job.OwnerUsername; 316 values[i, 4] = job.Job.Name; 317 values[i, 5] = job.Job.JobCount.ToString(); 318 values[i, 6] = job.Job.CalculatingCount.ToString(); 319 values[i, 7] = job.Job.FinishedCount.ToString(); 320 values[i, 8] = job.Job.Description; 321 values[i, 9] = job.Job.Id.ToString(); 322 values[i, 10] = job.Job.OwnerUserId.ToString(); 177 323 } 178 324 179 325 var matrix = new StringMatrix(values); 180 matrix.ColumnNames = new string[] { JOB_STATE, JOB_ DATECREATED, JOB_OWNER, JOB_NAME, JOB_TASKCOUNT, JOB_CALCULATINGTASKCOUNT, JOB_FINISHEDTASKCOUNT, JOB_DESCRIPTION, JOB_ID, JOB_OWNERID };326 matrix.ColumnNames = new string[] { JOB_STATE, JOB_EXECUTIONSTATE, JOB_DATECREATED, JOB_OWNER, JOB_NAME, JOB_TASKCOUNT, JOB_CALCULATINGTASKCOUNT, JOB_FINISHEDTASKCOUNT, JOB_DESCRIPTION, JOB_ID, JOB_OWNERID }; 181 327 matrix.SortableView = true; 182 328 return matrix; … … 205 351 matrixView.DataGridView.Columns[1].MinimumWidth = 108; 206 352 } 207 } else { 208 refreshButton.Enabled = false; 209 removeButton.Enabled = false; 210 matrixView.Content = null; 211 } 212 } 213 } 214 215 private void PauseJobs(List<Guid> jobIds) { 216 try { 217 // TODO 218 } catch (AnonymousUserException) { 219 ShowHiveInformationDialog(); 220 } 221 } 222 223 private void StopJobs(List<Guid> jobIds) { 224 try { 225 // TODO 226 } catch (AnonymousUserException) { 227 ShowHiveInformationDialog(); 228 } 229 } 230 231 private void DeleteJobs(List<Guid> jobIds) { 232 try { 233 HiveAdminClient.DeleteJobs(jobIds); 234 } catch (AnonymousUserException) { 235 ShowHiveInformationDialog(); 236 } 353 } 354 } 355 } 356 357 private void RefreshJobsAsync() { 358 RefreshJobs(); 359 } 360 361 private void ResumeJobsAsync(object jobs) { 362 var jobList = (IEnumerable<RefreshableJob>)jobs; 363 foreach (var job in jobList) { 364 progress.Status = "Resuming job \"" + job.Job.Name + "\"..."; 365 HiveAdminClient.ResumeJob(job); 366 } 367 } 368 369 private void PauseJobsAsync(object jobs) { 370 var jobList = (IEnumerable<RefreshableJob>)jobs; 371 foreach (var job in jobList) { 372 progress.Status = "Pausing job \"" + job.Job.Name + "\"..."; 373 HiveAdminClient.PauseJob(job); 374 } 375 } 376 377 private void StopJobsAsync(object jobs) { 378 var jobList = (IEnumerable<RefreshableJob>) jobs; 379 foreach (var job in jobList) { 380 progress.Status = "Stopping job \"" + job.Job.Name + "\"..."; 381 HiveAdminClient.StopJob(job); 382 } 383 } 384 385 private void RemoveJobsAsync(object jobs) { 386 var jobList = (IEnumerable<RefreshableJob>)jobs; 387 progress.Start(); 388 foreach (var job in jobList) { 389 progress.Status = "Deleting job \"" + job.Job.Name + "\"..."; 390 HiveAdminClient.RemoveJob(job); 391 } 392 progress.Finish(); 237 393 } 238 394 -
TabularUnified trunk/HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive/3.3/HiveAdminClient.cs ¶
r16202 r16208 71 71 } 72 72 73 private Dictionary<Guid, HiveItemCollection< Job>> jobs;74 public Dictionary<Guid, HiveItemCollection< Job>> Jobs {73 private Dictionary<Guid, HiveItemCollection<RefreshableJob>> jobs; 74 public Dictionary<Guid, HiveItemCollection<RefreshableJob>> Jobs { 75 75 get { return jobs; } 76 76 set { … … 144 144 projects = new ItemList<Project>(); 145 145 projectResourceAssignments = new ItemList<AssignedProjectResource>(); 146 jobs = new Dictionary<Guid, HiveItemCollection< Job>>();146 jobs = new Dictionary<Guid, HiveItemCollection<RefreshableJob>>(); 147 147 projectNames = new Dictionary<Guid, string>(); 148 148 resourceNames = new Dictionary<Guid, string>(); … … 161 161 service.GetAssignedResourcesForProjectsAdministration(projectIds) 162 162 .ForEach(a => projectResourceAssignments.Add(a)); 163 projectIds.ForEach(p => jobs.Add(p, new HiveItemCollection< Job>()));163 projectIds.ForEach(p => jobs.Add(p, new HiveItemCollection<RefreshableJob>())); 164 164 var unsortedJobs = service.GetJobsByProjectIds(projectIds) 165 165 .OrderBy(x => x.DateCreated).ToList(); 166 166 167 unsortedJobs.Where(j => j.State == JobState.DeletionPending).ToList().ForEach(j => jobs[j.ProjectId].Add(j)); 168 unsortedJobs.Where(j => j.State == JobState.StatisticsPending).ToList().ForEach(j => jobs[j.ProjectId].Add(j)); 169 unsortedJobs.Where(j => j.State == JobState.Online).ToList().ForEach(j => jobs[j.ProjectId].Add(j)); 167 unsortedJobs.Where(j => j.State == JobState.DeletionPending).ToList().ForEach(j => jobs[j.ProjectId].Add(new RefreshableJob(j))); 168 unsortedJobs.Where(j => j.State == JobState.StatisticsPending).ToList().ForEach(j => jobs[j.ProjectId].Add(new RefreshableJob(j))); 169 unsortedJobs.Where(j => j.State == JobState.Online).ToList().ForEach(j => jobs[j.ProjectId].Add(new RefreshableJob(j))); 170 171 foreach (var job in jobs.SelectMany(x => x.Value)) 172 LoadLightweightJob(job); 170 173 171 174 projectNames = service.GetProjectNames(); … … 307 310 public void RefreshJobs() { 308 311 var projectIds = new List<Guid>(); 309 jobs = new Dictionary<Guid, HiveItemCollection< Job>>();312 jobs = new Dictionary<Guid, HiveItemCollection<RefreshableJob>>(); 310 313 311 314 HiveServiceLocator.Instance.CallHiveService(service => { 312 315 service.GetProjectsForAdministration().ForEach(p => projectIds.Add(p.Id)); 313 316 if(projectIds.Any()) { 314 projectIds.ForEach(p => jobs.Add(p, new HiveItemCollection< Job>()));317 projectIds.ForEach(p => jobs.Add(p, new HiveItemCollection<RefreshableJob>())); 315 318 var unsortedJobs = service.GetJobsByProjectIds(projectIds) 316 319 .OrderBy(x => x.DateCreated).ToList(); 317 unsortedJobs.Where(j => j.State == JobState.DeletionPending).ToList().ForEach(j => jobs[j.ProjectId].Add(j)); 318 unsortedJobs.Where(j => j.State == JobState.StatisticsPending).ToList().ForEach(j => jobs[j.ProjectId].Add(j)); 319 unsortedJobs.Where(j => j.State == JobState.Online).ToList().ForEach(j => jobs[j.ProjectId].Add(j)); 320 321 unsortedJobs.Where(j => j.State == JobState.DeletionPending).ToList().ForEach(j => jobs[j.ProjectId].Add(new RefreshableJob(j))); 322 unsortedJobs.Where(j => j.State == JobState.StatisticsPending).ToList().ForEach(j => jobs[j.ProjectId].Add(new RefreshableJob(j))); 323 unsortedJobs.Where(j => j.State == JobState.Online).ToList().ForEach(j => jobs[j.ProjectId].Add(new RefreshableJob(j))); 324 325 foreach(var job in jobs.SelectMany(x => x.Value)) 326 LoadLightweightJob(job); 320 327 } 321 328 }); 329 } 330 331 public static void LoadLightweightJob(RefreshableJob refreshableJob) { 332 var job = refreshableJob.Job; 333 var tasks = HiveServiceLocator.Instance.CallHiveService(s => s.GetLightweightJobTasksWithoutStateLog(job.Id)); 334 if (tasks != null && tasks.Count > 0 && tasks.All(x => x.Id != Guid.Empty)) { 335 if (tasks.All(x => 336 x.State == TaskState.Finished 337 || x.State == TaskState.Aborted 338 || x.State == TaskState.Failed)) { 339 refreshableJob.ExecutionState = ExecutionState.Stopped; 340 refreshableJob.RefreshAutomatically = false; 341 } else if ( 342 tasks 343 .Where(x => x.ParentTaskId != null) 344 .All(x => 345 x.State != TaskState.Waiting 346 || x.State != TaskState.Transferring 347 || x.State != TaskState.Calculating) 348 && tasks 349 .Where(x => x.ParentTaskId != null) 350 .Any(x => x.State == TaskState.Paused)) { 351 refreshableJob.ExecutionState = ExecutionState.Paused; 352 refreshableJob.RefreshAutomatically = false; 353 } else if (tasks.Any(x => x.State == TaskState.Calculating 354 || x.State == TaskState.Transferring 355 || x.State == TaskState.Waiting)) { 356 refreshableJob.ExecutionState = ExecutionState.Started; 357 } 358 } 322 359 } 323 360 … … 327 364 var unsortedJobs = jobs.Values.ElementAt(i); 328 365 329 var sortedJobs = new HiveItemCollection< Job>();330 sortedJobs.AddRange(unsortedJobs.Where(j => j. State == JobState.DeletionPending));331 sortedJobs.AddRange(unsortedJobs.Where(j => j. State == JobState.StatisticsPending));332 sortedJobs.AddRange(unsortedJobs.Where(j => j. State == JobState.Online));366 var sortedJobs = new HiveItemCollection<RefreshableJob>(); 367 sortedJobs.AddRange(unsortedJobs.Where(j => j.Job.State == JobState.DeletionPending)); 368 sortedJobs.AddRange(unsortedJobs.Where(j => j.Job.State == JobState.StatisticsPending)); 369 sortedJobs.AddRange(unsortedJobs.Where(j => j.Job.State == JobState.Online)); 333 370 334 371 jobs[projectId] = sortedJobs; … … 405 442 } 406 443 407 public static void DeleteJobs(List<Guid> jobIds) { 408 444 public static void RemoveJobs(List<Guid> jobIds) { 409 445 HiveServiceLocator.Instance.CallHiveService((s) => s.UpdateJobStates(jobIds, JobState.StatisticsPending)); 446 } 447 #endregion 448 449 #region Job Handling 450 451 public static void ResumeJob(RefreshableJob refreshableJob) { 452 HiveServiceLocator.Instance.CallHiveService(service => { 453 foreach (HiveTask task in refreshableJob.GetAllHiveTasks()) { 454 if (task.Task.State == TaskState.Paused) { 455 service.RestartTask(task.Task.Id); 456 } 457 } 458 }); 459 refreshableJob.ExecutionState = ExecutionState.Started; 460 } 461 462 public static void PauseJob(RefreshableJob refreshableJob) { 463 HiveServiceLocator.Instance.CallHiveService(service => { 464 foreach (HiveTask task in refreshableJob.GetAllHiveTasks()) { 465 if (task.Task.State != TaskState.Finished && task.Task.State != TaskState.Aborted && task.Task.State != TaskState.Failed) 466 service.PauseTask(task.Task.Id); 467 } 468 }); 469 refreshableJob.ExecutionState = ExecutionState.Paused; 470 } 471 472 public static void StopJob(RefreshableJob refreshableJob) { 473 HiveServiceLocator.Instance.CallHiveService(service => { 474 foreach (HiveTask task in refreshableJob.GetAllHiveTasks()) { 475 if (task.Task.State != TaskState.Finished && task.Task.State != TaskState.Aborted && task.Task.State != TaskState.Failed) 476 service.StopTask(task.Task.Id); 477 } 478 }); 479 refreshableJob.ExecutionState = ExecutionState.Stopped; 480 } 481 482 public static void RemoveJob(RefreshableJob refreshableJob) { 483 HiveServiceLocator.Instance.CallHiveService((s) => { 484 s.UpdateJobState(refreshableJob.Id, JobState.StatisticsPending); 485 }); 410 486 } 411 487 #endregion -
TabularUnified trunk/HeuristicLab.Services.Hive/3.3/HiveService.cs ¶
r16203 r16208 520 520 521 521 public void UpdateJobState(Guid jobId, DT.JobState jobState) { 522 RoleVerifier.AuthenticateForAnyRole(HiveRoles.Administrator, HiveRoles.Client); 523 AuthorizationManager.AuthorizeForJob(jobId, DT.Permission.Full); 522 if (jobState != JobState.StatisticsPending) return; // only process requests for "StatisticsPending" 523 524 RoleVerifier.AuthenticateForAnyRole(HiveRoles.Administrator, HiveRoles.Client); 525 bool isAdministrator = RoleVerifier.IsInRole(HiveRoles.Administrator); 526 var currentUserId = UserManager.CurrentUserId; 527 524 528 var pm = PersistenceManager; 525 529 using (new PerformanceLogger("UpdateJobState")) { 526 530 var jobDao = pm.JobDao; 531 var projectDao = pm.ProjectDao; 527 532 pm.UseTransaction(() => { 528 533 var job = jobDao.GetById(jobId); 529 534 if (job != null) { 535 536 var administrationGrantedProjects = projectDao 537 .GetAdministrationGrantedProjectsForUser(currentUserId) 538 .ToList(); 539 540 // check if user is an admin, or granted to administer a job-parenting project,... 541 if (!isAdministrator && !administrationGrantedProjects.Contains(job.Project)) 542 AuthorizationManager.AuthorizeForJob(jobId, DT.Permission.Full); // ... or job owner 543 544 // note: allow solely state changes from "Online" to "StatisticsPending" = deletion request by user for HiveStatisticGenerator 530 545 var jobStateEntity = jobState.ToEntity(); 531 // note: allow solely state changes from "Online" to "StatisticsPending" = deletion request by user for HiveStatisticGenerator532 // and from "StatisticsPending" to "DeletionPending" = deletion request by HiveStatisticGenerator for EventManager533 546 if (job.State == DA.JobState.Online && jobStateEntity == DA.JobState.StatisticsPending) { 534 547 job.State = jobStateEntity; … … 540 553 } 541 554 pm.SubmitChanges(); 542 } else if (job.State == DA.JobState.StatisticsPending && jobStateEntity == DA.JobState.DeletionPending) {543 job.State = jobStateEntity;544 pm.SubmitChanges();545 555 } 546 556 } … … 561 571 var projectDao = pm.ProjectDao; 562 572 pm.UseTransaction(() => { 573 var administrationGrantedProjects = projectDao 574 .GetAdministrationGrantedProjectsForUser(currentUserId) 575 .ToList(); 576 563 577 foreach (var jobId in jobIds) { 564 578 var job = jobDao.GetById(jobId); 565 579 if (job != null) { 566 580 567 var administrationGrantedProjects = projectDao 568 .GetAdministrationGrantedProjectsForUser(currentUserId) 569 .ToList(); 570 571 // check if user is granted to administer the job-parenting project 572 if (isAdministrator || administrationGrantedProjects.Contains(job.Project)) { 573 // note: allow solely state changes from "Online" to "StatisticsPending" = deletion request by user for HiveStatisticGenerator 574 if (job.State == DA.JobState.Online) { 575 job.State = DA.JobState.StatisticsPending; 576 foreach (var task in job.Tasks 577 .Where(x => x.State == DA.TaskState.Waiting 578 || x.State == DA.TaskState.Paused 579 || x.State == DA.TaskState.Offline)) { 580 task.State = DA.TaskState.Aborted; 581 } 582 pm.SubmitChanges(); 581 // check if user is an admin, or granted to administer a job-parenting project,... 582 if (!isAdministrator && !administrationGrantedProjects.Contains(job.Project)) 583 AuthorizationManager.AuthorizeForJob(jobId, DT.Permission.Full); // ... or job owner 584 585 // note: allow solely state changes from "Online" to "StatisticsPending" = deletion request by user for HiveStatisticGenerator 586 var jobStateEntity = jobState.ToEntity(); 587 if (job.State == DA.JobState.Online && jobStateEntity == DA.JobState.StatisticsPending) { 588 job.State = jobStateEntity; 589 foreach (var task in job.Tasks 590 .Where(x => x.State == DA.TaskState.Waiting 591 || x.State == DA.TaskState.Paused 592 || x.State == DA.TaskState.Offline)) { 593 task.State = DA.TaskState.Aborted; 583 594 } 584 } 595 pm.SubmitChanges(); 596 } 585 597 } 586 598 }
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