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Milestone HeuristicLab 3.3.1


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ZZZ OBSOLETE: Problems.ArtificialAnt

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ZZZ OBSOLETE: Problems.DataAnalysis.Regression

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HeuristicLab 3.3.1 - September 29th, 2010

The changes made in HeuristicLab 3.3.1 are listed below:

Features and Enhancements:

Ticket Component Summary
#1030 Algorithms.OffspringSelectionGeneticAlgorithm Add a MaximumEvaluatedSolutions termination criterion to offspring selection algorithms
#1127 Analysis.Views Export functionality for charts
#1129 Core Correct persistence of constraints
#1143 Core Contents should not be cloned before they are saved
#1193 Core Not all items should be savable
#1095 Core.Views Enable hiding details in collection views
#1156 Core.Views CollectionViews should call the AdjustListViewColumnSizes method only once
#1162 Core.Views The type selector dialog should only show instantiable types
#1201 Data.Views The StringConvertibleValueView should have a property to indicate if the label is visible
#1083 Encodings.PermutationEncoding Add additional move operators for permutation
#1035 Encodings.RealVectorEncoding Improve description of RealVector Crossovers
#1073 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding Improve efficiency of symbolic-expression tree encoding
#1021 MainForm.WindowsForms Refactor locking / disabling of views in HL 3.3
#1145 MainForm.WindowsForms The MainForm should set the properties of the ViewHost in the correct order
#842 Operators.Programmable ProgrammableOperator Overhaul
#1023 Optimization Implement UserDefinedProblem
#1105 Optimization Enable users to choose whether runs should contain a copy of their algorithm or not
#1144 Optimization The performance of large RunCollections and the according Views must be improved
#1106 Optimization.Views Implement dialog for creating an experiment for an algorithm
#1113 Parameters Enable user to choose which parameters are stored in a run
#1161 Parameters.Views Show concrete data type in value parameters
#1138 Persistence Improve saving and loading speed
#1139 Persistence Human-readable XML output
#1224 PluginInfrastructure When installing (new) plugins, the Next button behaves in a strange way
#1011 Problems.DataAnalysis RunCollection view for variable impact analysis
#1014 Problems.DataAnalysis View for symbolic expression grammars to customize the list of allowed symbols
#1020 Problems.DataAnalysis Refactor views for DataAnalysisSolutions
#1026 Problems.DataAnalysis Improve symbolic regression model simplifier
#1097 Problems.DataAnalysis Evolutionary feature selection problem
#1186 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views The VariableImpactView does not consider the visibility of Runs
#1219 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Row names in results view for data analysis solutions should be improved
#1041 Problems.ExternalEvaluation Add converter for symbolic expression trees
#1039 Problems.VehicleRouting Implement the Vehicle Routing Problem
#1114 Random Simple PRNG that is more memory-efficient than Mersenne-Twister
#1167 Services.OKB Refactor OKB user authentication
#1202 Tests Create UnitTest to check all plugin dependencies
#1009 ZZZ OBSOLETE: Problems.DataAnalysis.Regression Operators and algorithm for support vector regression
#1010 ZZZ OBSOLETE: Problems.DataAnalysis.Regression View for simplification of symbolic regression solutions
#1012 ZZZ OBSOLETE: Problems.DataAnalysis.Regression Operators and algorithm for linear regression
#1036 ZZZ OBSOLETE: Problems.DataAnalysis.Regression Variable impacts should be calculated as the integral of relative variable frequencies over a symbolic regression run
#1074 ZZZ OBSOLETE: Problems.DataAnalysis.Regression Improve efficiency of operators and data-structures for regression problems
#1082 ZZZ OBSOLETE: Problems.DataAnalysis.Regression Partial evaluation of training samples
#1117 ZZZ OBSOLETE: Problems.DataAnalysis.Regression Evaluation of symbolic regression solutions based on the correlation coefficient instead of the (scaled) MSE


Ticket Component Summary
#1037 Algorithms.EvolutionStrategy ES crashes when a SelfAdaptiveManipulator is present without operators to manipulate the strategy parameters
#1086 Algorithms.LocalSearch LocalSearch doesn't wire the SampleSize parameter
#1032 Analysis BestScopeSolutionAnalyzer does not correctly update BestKnownQuality and BestKnownSolution
#1169 Core ReadOnlyCheckedItemCollection and -List are not correctly cloned and restored
#1207 Core GA algorithm runtime is O(n^2) with population size
#1100 Core.Views Details group boxes are not disabled correctly
#1141 Core.Views CollectionViews do not remove all corresponding ListViewItems when an item is removed from the collection
#1148 Core.Views Running an experiment may throw an exception when updating the ExecutionTime
#1134 Data.Views Correct bugs of StringConvertibleMatrixView
#1034 Encodings.RealVectorEncoding Actual Name of crossovers' parameters is not always equal to the SolutionCreator by default
#1101 Encodings.RealVectorEncoding RealVector move making is ignoring the problem bounds
#1016 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding ChangeNodeType mutation operator for GP trees uses function symbols even though they have a ticket count of 0
#1028 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding Symbolic expression grammars are not cloned correctly
#1120 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding Symbolic expression tree crossover operators swap parent operators before crossing over
#1214 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding Unit tests in symbolic expression tree encoding fail.
#1248 ExtLibs Failing to build x64 configuration on x86 versions of windows
#1090 General Problems replace the operators collection after deserialization
#1132 MainForm.WindowsForms The ViewHost sometimes overrides the status of a view (readonly, locked)
#1133 MainForm.WindowsForms The ViewHost shows a cached View instead of the default View
#1154 MainForm.WindowsForms InvokeRequired is not checked in the ShowContent method
#1192 MainForm.WindowsForms The ViewHost does not mark the active view in the context menu for top level views
#1194 MainForm.WindowsForms Call SetEnabledStateOfControls when a new view is created
#1027 Optimization Exception in Clone when running an algorithm
#1124 Optimization RunCollections do not save their specified constraints
#1125 Optimization The color of runs is not saved
#1131 Optimization Cloning of a RunCollectionConstraint throws an ArgumentNullException
#1222 Optimization The ExecutionTime of BatchRuns is wrong
#1130 Optimization.Views NullReferenceException occurs in RunCollectionConstraintViews
#1147 Optimization.Views BubbleChart accesses non-existing Runs in a RunCollection if the collection is cleared
#1221 Optimizer The save ToolBarItems and MenuItems are not disabled when a save operation is in progress
#646 Persistence persistence-3.3 is much slower than old persistence
#1108 Persistence The serialization format of CompactNumberArray2StringSerializer is not compatible with the released version
#795 PluginInfrastructure Splash screen fires an InvalidOperationException if the starter is closed immediately after an application is started
#1216 PluginInfrastructure Invalid cross-thread exception when trying to update plugins.
#1217 PluginInfrastructure List of installed plugins is not refreshed when plugins are updated
#1220 PluginInfrastructure Plugin infrastructure throws a BadImageFormatException when x86 and x64 plugins are installed side by side.
#1065 Problems.DataAnalysis Calculation of relative Error is incorrect in SimpleMeanAbsolutePercentageErrorEvaluator
#1104 Problems.DataAnalysis Foreign move evaluators appear in Support Vector Machine Parameter Adjustment Problem
#1116 Problems.DataAnalysis Values calculated by OnlinePearsonRSquaredEvaluator do not match the values calculated by alglib
#1175 Problems.DataAnalysis The DataAnalysisProblemData storable ctor is private
#1084 Problems.TravelingSalesman Foreign move operators appear within the TSP
#1103 ZZZ OBSOLETE: Problems.ArtificialAnt Solving the ArtificialAntProblem throws an exception
#1183 ZZZ OBSOLETE: Problems.DataAnalysis.Regression The SymbolicSimplifier creates incorrect simplified models.


Ticket Component Summary
#43 General Automatic daily build and test infrastructure
#542 General Keep configurations in solution file up to date when new projects are added
#666 General SVN maintenance
#1093 General Migrate solution and projects to Visual Studio 2010
#1094 General Remove and sort usings in entire solution
#1160 General Move HeuristicLab.Services projects into a separate solution
#1209 General Release HeuristicLab 3.3.1
#1203 PluginInfrastructure Prepare plugin infrastructure for next release
#1165 Services.Deployment Review and adapt deployment service

Note: See TracRoadmap for help on using the roadmap.