10 years |
ascheibe |
#2212 merged r12008, r12009, r12010 back into trunk
11 years |
ascheibe |
#2115 merged r11170 (copyright update) into trunk
12 years |
ascheibe |
- changed Hive views to use MainForm for progress handling
- …
12 years |
ascheibe |
- applied mkommends progress view patch
- adapted Hive views …
12 years |
jkarder |
#1042: ProgressView overlays are now shown to indicate save operations
12 years |
swagner |
Updated copyright year and added some missing license headers (#1889)
12 years |
bburlacu |
#1890: Added License Information to files that didn't include it.
12 years |
jkarder |
#1929: reverted the changes addressed by mkommend in comment:29:ticket:1926
12 years |
jkarder |
* added OpenArgument
* refactored argument handling …
13 years |
abeham |
#1762: Some changes to progress handling, see the ticket for more details
13 years |
ascheibe |
#1762 Removed IProgressReporter and changed the Hive Job Manager …
13 years |
ascheibe |
#1762 implemented review comments:
- removed self disposing. The …
13 years |
ascheibe |
#1762 moved ProgressView from Hive to MainForms
13 years |
swagner |
Updated year of copyrights to 2012 (#1716)
14 years |
abeham |
#1465, #1469, #1470, #1494, #1496, #1497, #1539, #1487
* merged to trunk
14 years |
swagner |
Updated year of copyrights (#1406)
14 years |
mkommend |
Implemented ShowContent method in MainForm which reuses existing …
14 years |
mkommend |
Adjusted the SetEnabledStateOfControls method in all views, added the …
15 years |
swagner |
Sorted usings and removed unused usings in entire solution (#1094)
15 years |
mkommend |
corrected opening of views from the RunCollectionView (ticket #893)