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Custom Query (158 matches)


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Results (81 - 100 of 158)

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Resolution: done (20 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#2744 Add content and view for Gantt visualization abeham enhancement medium Analysis 3.3.14
#2746 Overflow issues in binomial coefficient calculation mkommend defect medium Common 3.3.14
#2749 DataAnalysisSolutionViews should never show ResultViews mkommend enhancement medium Problems.DataAnalysis.Views 3.3.14
#2750 EstimatedValuesView for RegressionSolutions does not show residuals mkommend enhancement medium Problems.DataAnalysis.Views 3.3.14
#2751 Upgrade build process for HL gkronber task medium General 3.3.14
#2753 ALPS does not reparameterize the evaluator pfleck defect medium Algorithms.ALPS 3.3.14
#2755 For gradient boosted trees with LogisticRegressionLoss the threshold for the discriminant function should be set to zero. mkommend enhancement medium Algorithms.DataAnalysis 3.3.14
#2756 GBT with logistic regression loss function cannot be used in cross-validation gkronber defect medium Algorithms.DataAnalysis 3.3.14
#2757 Provide friction test datasets as regression problem instances gkronber enhancement medium Problems.DataAnalysis 3.3.14
#2758 RunCollectionView is too slow mkommend enhancement medium Optimization.Views 3.3.14
#2759 Change problemdata of DataAnalysisAlgorithms gkronber feature request medium Problems.DataAnalysis.Views 3.3.14
#2760 Shuffle samples in the cross-validation wrapper for data analysis algorithms gkronber feature request medium Algorithms.DataAnalysis 3.3.14
#2761 DataPreprocessing should show the TypeSelectorDialog for creating filters pfleck feature request medium DataPreprocessing.Views 3.3.14
#2762 New heuristics for BinPacking abeham enhancement medium Problems.BinPacking branch
#2763 Qualities-Chart for GBT should start at 0 mkommend defect medium Algorithms.DataAnalysis 3.3.14
#2765 ScatterPlot should support tag objects pfleck enhancement medium Analysis.Views 3.3.14
#2775 MultiRealVectorCrossover throws exception when applied during multi-objective optimization abeham defect medium Problems.TestFunctions 3.3.14
#2779 For model validation and inspection an analysis of residuals over input variables could be insightful gkronber feature request medium Problems.DataAnalysis.Views 3.3.14
#2782 Gaussian process regression should also calculate the leave-one-out predictive probability gkronber feature request medium Algorithms.DataAnalysis 3.3.14
#2783 Provide useful helper methods in BasicProblem abeham enhancement medium Optimization 3.3.14
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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