- 09:53 Changeset [17052] by
#2875: Updated search for MSBuild location in build script
- 20:31 Changeset [17051] by
#2925: produce line chart for training episodes even when there is no test set
- 13:58 Changeset [17050] by
#2952: Finished implemenation of different RF models.
- 13:07 Changeset [17049] by
#2952: Corrected evaluation in RF models.
- 10:24 Changeset [17048] by
#3013: removed IStorableContent from PreprocessingContext
- 07:26 Changeset [17047] by
#2925: removed unit test file from project to fix compile fail
- 07:26 Changeset [17046] by
#2925 removed duplicate AfterDeserialization hook after trunk merge
- 15:46 Changeset [17045] by
#2952: Intermediate commit of refactoring RF models that is not yet finished.
- 16:00 Changeset [17044] by
#2883: Initialized Lazy object in GBTModelSurrogate.
- 14:16 Changeset [17043] by
#2883: Removed outdated comment in GBTModel.
- 14:03 Changeset [17042] by
#2952: Added solution, adapted project and build events.
- 13:47 Changeset [17041] by
#2952: Created branch with HL.Algorithms.DataAnalysis branched.
- 12:19 Changeset [17040] by
- removed reference in HeuristicLab 3.3.sln to previous deleted project HeuristicLab.DefinitionLanguage
- 12:16 Changeset [17039] by
- removed a blank line in InspectCommand.cs
- removed BuildCommand.cs and project HeuristicLab.DefinitionLanguage, because it was only a test
- removed reference BuildCommand in ApplicationCommand
- 11:31 Changeset [17038] by
#2435: Deleted branch.
- 11:27 Changeset [17037] by
#2435: Merged branch into trunk.
- 11:22 Changeset [17036] by
#2435: Changed rng in ALGLIB to have a separate instance per thread.
- 08:13 Changeset [17035] by
#2925: merged r17007:17033 from trunk to branch
- 23:14 Changeset [17034] by
#2435: Updated branch with most recent trunk changes.
- 18:00 Changeset [17033] by
#2883: Adapted unit test for GBTs.
- 17:56 Changeset [17032] by
#2883: Adapted comment in ModelCreation enum.
- 17:43 Changeset [17031] by
#2883: Deleted branch for GBT Model storage.
- 17:36 Changeset [17030] by
#2883: Merged all changesets into trunk.
- 17:00 Changeset [17029] by
#2520: Updated Attic Version of FLA, MetaOpt, and BioBoost addon.
- 14:01 Changeset [17028] by
#2915: fixed a bug with AQ in the SymbolicDataAnalysisExpressionTreeILEmittingInterpreter.
- 15:38 Changeset [17027] by
- renamed HeuristicLab.DynamicAssemblyTestApp to HeuristicLab.ConsoleApplications on folder/solution level
- changed references from HeuristicLab.DynamicAssemblyTestApp to HeuristicLab.ConsoleApplications in HeuristicLab-3.3.csproj
- 15:03 Changeset [17026] by
- renamed HeuristicLab.DynamicAssemblyTestApp to HeuristicLab.ConsoleApplications
- incl. Namespace and plugin name
- renamed InspectApplication to ConsoleInspector
- renamed HeuristicLab.DynamicAssemblyTestApp to HeuristicLab.ConsoleApplications
- 13:28 Changeset [17025] by
- added base attribute CLIBaseAttribute for CLI attributes, which contains the property Description
- changed inheritance from Attribute to CLIBaseAttribute for types: CommandAttribute, OptionAttribute and ValueAttribute
- added comment in RunnerHost
- 09:50 Changeset [17024] by
#2520: Adapted unit test for loading samples.
- 23:34 Changeset [17023] by
#2520: Added forgotten plugin dependency to HEAL.Attic in HL.Optimizer plugin file.
- 23:17 Changeset [17022] by
#2520: Changed samples to attic format and adapted startpage to load the samples with attic without the creation of temporary files.
- 23:15 Changeset [17021] by
#2520: Adapted all unit tests to use attic instead of the xml persistence. This affects all sample unit tests, the test resources, script unit tests and some general unit tests.
- 23:03 Changeset [17020] by
#2520: Adapted storable properties from SymbolicExpressionGrammarBase to use new temporary fields and populate the real data fields in the after deserialization hook.
- 16:59 Changeset [17019] by
#2520: fixed unit test to check for duplicate GUIDs (includes NonDiscoverable types)
- 16:46 Ticket #3008 (Search and Replace in Data Preprocessing is inverted) closed by
- done: r17018: merged r16982 to stable
- 16:45 Changeset [17018] by
- 16:13 Changeset [17017] by
#2520: removed branch
- 16:04 Changeset [17016] by
#2875: Adapted the Test command scripts to use VS2017
- 16:02 Changeset [17015] by
#2520: fixed bug in the clipboard when it contains objects not of type IStorableContent
- 14:44 Ticket #3013 (DataPreprocessing should not be Storable) created by
- Storing a DataPreprocessing Session is currently not fully implemented …
- 10:29 Changeset [17014] by
#2520: Update HEAL.Attic to version 1.1.0
- 10:40 Changeset [17013] by
- some changes in CLIApplication.cs to reduce unnecessary allocation of string objects
- renamed AppTest to ConsoleOptimizer and fixed race condition
- replaced enum RunnerJob with class RunnerMessage for more control of saved data
- changed usage of BinaryFormatter with HEAL.Attic, following types are now Storable:
- ConsoleOptimizer
- InspectApplication
- ApplicationBase
- ApplicationRunner
- AssemblyInfo
- Runner
- UniPath
- RunnerMessage
- switched QuietMode from ApplicationRunner to IRunner
- DockerRunnerHost can now automatically build docker images for linux and windows containers (also identifies which container type is active) -> removes the condition to have the image preinstalled
- to achieve this, there are two new folders DockerLinuxBuild and DockerWindowsBuild included in build output, which include Dockerfiles to build images for linux and windows container
- added NuGet package System.CodeDom to project HeuristicLab.Scripting-3.3
- added method Send(RunnerMessage) to IRunnerHost and transferred methods Pause and Resume to IRunner
- added internal reference of RunnerHost in Runner
- added abstract method SendMessage(RunnerMessage) in RunnerHost which gets called from method Send(RunnerMessage)
- because of a Google.Protobuf "bug", RunnerMessages cannot get serialized/deserialized directly on stream -> workaround with a byte array, which gets written and read
- additionally, the length of the array gets sent first (length as integer -> 4 bytes)
- static method in RunnerMessage to read a message from a stream
- the method SendMessage(RunnerMessage) in RunnerHost implements this functionality