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Within the BioBoost project we developed a simulation model for the evaluation of processes for 2nd generation bio-fuels. A customized algorithm optimizes locations and capacities of plants as well as biomass and energy carrier logistics. On this page you can download the software as an add-on for HeuristicLab. Using this add-on helps to analyse which regions in Europe would be ideal for first implementation of industrial-scale plants for 2nd generation bio fuels. You can also easily analysis the profitability of such plants.

Of course the simulation model can be easily adapted to other bio-fuel production processes and technologies, other regions and more fine grained regional analysis. It is only necessary to provide the necessary data. We are happy to help you when adapting the simulator to your needs!

Download HeuristicLab
Download BioBoost Add-on
Download HL Demo File (Scenario: Austria)
  • Technologies: Fast pyrolysis, catalytic pyrolysis, hydrothermal carbonization
  • Simulation-based Optimization
  • Regional analysis on NUTS-3 level over EU-27
  • Multi-echelon logistics
  • Optimize locations for plants
  • Optimize logistics
  • Profitability analysis

Installation instructions

  1. Download HeuristicLab main application (daily trunk build) and unpack to a convenient location. Installation and administrative rights are not necessary.
  2. Download BioBoost add-on (daily build) and unpack the files into the same folder.
  3. Start HeuristicLab-3.3.exe
  4. Launch "Optimizer"
  5. Load an existing BioBoost simulation model or create a new one with "File -> New -> BioBoost Problem"

Documentation and Publications

We have presented the software at multiple occasions

Using the BioBoost Navigator you can study optimized scenarios that have been prepared with the HeuristicLab BioBoost Simulator directly in your browser. The BioBoost Geoportal provides access to all detailed data on feedstock potentials. This data is also used by the HeuristicLab BioBoost Simulator.

Thank you!

We thank all our partners who helped in the development of the BioBoost simulator and for allowing us to release all data!

KIT: KIT was the Coordinator of the project and investigated the fast pyrolysis pathway in the conversion work package 2. KIT led the work package 3 dedicated towards the chemical by-products of the hydrothermal conversion and pyrolysis.

CPERI/CERTH: The Chemical Process Engineering Research Institute CPERI was the leader of the work package 2 “Decentralized conversion technologies to an energy carrier” focusing on biomass catalytic pyrolysis for the production of fuels and chemicals.

AVA-CO2: AVA-CO2 contributed the hydrothermal carbonization technology (HTC) for wet biomass conversion. AVA-CO2 operates the first industrial size HTC plant in Karlsruhe.

CHIMAR: CHIMAR investigated the use of chemical green by-products for the development of thermosetting polymers.

EnBW: EnBW led the work package 5 “Applications of energy carrier” and contributed by providing test facilities for the use of energy carriers.

TNO: TNO (departments Industrial Innovation and Energy) was the leader of work package 6 “Techno-economic, social and environmental assessment of complete chains”. The focus was on the assessment of the techno-economic feasibility, environmental and social sustainability of the various value chains that could emerge from the energy carrier.

GRACE: GRACE developed, scale-up (to pilot scale) and evaluate novel micro-/meso-porous materials as catalysts for biomass pyrolysis.

IUNG: IUNG led the work package 1 and performed a feedstock potential assessment on the base of existing data about European biomass feedstock and converted it into the geographical information system (GIS). Which resulted, with the support of FHOÖ and SYNCOM, in the modeling of the biomass potential on European level and the development of a Geo-portal for results in GIS format.

NESTE: NESTE undertook the evaluation for the application of the catalytic pyrolysis oil for further treatment and estimated its composition. Also the applicability of different energy carriers to NESTE OIL refinery set was investigated.

SYNCOM: SYNCOM contributed its experience with the determination of feedstock costs, was responsible for the dissemination activities and assisted the consortium in administrative tasks.

DSM: To improve the economic and environmental balance of energy carrier chains DSM investigated methods for the recovery of high value chemicals and nutrients from pyrolysis condensates and HTC processes.

Universität Stuttgart: The Institute of Combustion and Power Plant Technology (IFK) is part of the University of Stuttgart and conducted combustion tests to evaluate the usability of the solid by-products from the bioliq and hydrothermal carbonization process in combustion systems.

DLR: DLR was involved in the application of the energy carriers by adaptation and testing of a FLOX®-based combustion system for pyrolysis oil.

EU Commission BioBoost is a European R&D project funded under contract 282873 within the Seventh Framework Programme by the European Commission.

Last modified 8 years ago Last modified on 01/13/17 19:55:06