- 22:29 Ticket #98 (Emtpy method of ProgrammableOperator is compiled on every clone operation) created by
- This is potentially harmful (at least for efficiancy reasons) in a GP …
- 22:26 Ticket #97 (Multiple instances of GridClient on one machine) created by
- Could be useful to allocate both cores on a dual-core machine. (first …
- 22:22 Ticket #96 (GridClient / GridServer doesn't work in Vista (inconsistent result of ...) created by
- GridClient and GridServer do not work in Windows Vista (TM) …
- 09:37 IslandGA_TSP edited by
- fixed IslandGA example to work with current revision (diff)
- 17:18 OldWikiStart edited by
- added link to page DesignDocuments (diff)
- 14:16 Ticket #93 (DelegatingOperator puts name translations of local variables into the scope) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in r113
- 14:15 Changeset [113] by
Closed ticket #93
- fixed handling of local variables in DelegatingOperator
- 14:05 Ticket #94 (Operators might overwrite existing aliases in the scope) closed by
- duplicate: Closing this ticket now as all further work concerning refactoring the …
- 23:57 Ticket #57 (Split operators into operators and operator calls) closed by
- duplicate: Closing this ticket now as all further work will be handled in ticket #95.
- 23:54 Ticket #95 (Refactor operator architecture) created by
- The operator architecture suffers from some drawbacks related to …
- 23:30 Ticket #94 (Operators might overwrite existing aliases in the scope) created by
- Before applying the operator and possible sub-operators the …
- 22:42 Ticket #93 (DelegatingOperator puts name translations of local variables into the scope) created by
- The DelegatingOperator (and thus the CombinedOperator) puts name …
- 16:16 Ticket #92 (Listing in ConstrainedItemList is multicolumned) closed by
- fixed: The View property which controls the display of the items was set to …
- 16:15 Changeset [112] by
Changed View in ListView to List (ticket #92)
- 16:06 Ticket #92 (Listing in ConstrainedItemList is multicolumned) created by
- 14:29 Ticket #89 (Refactor inheritance hierarchy of operators in RealVector) closed by
- fixed: The self adaptive operators got their own base class derived from …
- 14:28 Ticket #88 (Use static methods in operators to encapsulate main functionality) closed by
- fixed: done in r111
- 14:28 Changeset [111] by
Renamed Recombination operators to MultCrossover operators and added the necessary base classes (ticket #89)
Created a static Apply method that encapsulates the functionality of the operators (ticket #88)
- 13:32 Ticket #91 (Rename variable names in TestFunctionInjector) closed by
- fixed: a small error was left over from r109 regarding the variable names in …
- 13:31 Ticket #91 (Rename variable names in TestFunctionInjector) reopened by
- 13:31 Changeset [110] by
Fixed small error still from ticket #91
- 13:23 Ticket #91 (Rename variable names in TestFunctionInjector) closed by
- fixed: The Boundaries were chosen as UpperBound/LowerBound because of a …
- 13:23 Changeset [109] by
Renamed variables in TestFunctionInjector (ticket #91)
- 13:21 Ticket #91 (Rename variable names in TestFunctionInjector) created by
- The variables in TestFunctionInjector should be distincted from the …
- 13:18 Ticket #86 (Rename formal variable name Point) closed by
- wontfix: After some discussion with Stefan, the distinction between the …
- 13:16 Ticket #85 (Rename formal variable names) closed by
- wontfix: For the general description of RealVector this fits better than for a …
- 12:17 Ticket #90 (Add base class for crossover operators crossing more than two parents) closed by
- fixed: Added base class MultiCrossoverBase in r108.
- 12:17 Changeset [108] by
Closed ticket #90
- added base class MultiCrossoverBase for crossover operators crossing more than two parents
- 12:05 Ticket #90 (Add base class for crossover operators crossing more than two parents) created by
- Another base class is required for implementing crossover operators …
- 12:04 Ticket #89 (Refactor inheritance hierarchy of operators in RealVector) created by
- The inheritance hierarchy of the operators in RealVector could be …
- 11:54 Ticket #88 (Use static methods in operators to encapsulate main functionality) created by
- Operators should use a static method called Apply to encapsulate …
- 11:38 Ticket #87 (Use static methods to evaluate test functions) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in r107
- 11:38 Changeset [107] by
Fixed ticket #87
- used a static method Apply in each test function evaluation operator
- 11:34 Ticket #87 (Use static methods to evaluate test functions) created by
- Similar to the operators in Permutation or RealVector evaluation …
- 21:41 Ticket #86 (Rename formal variable name Point) created by
- The (Rastrigin|Schwefel|Ackley|...) evaluators will most likely be …
- 21:38 Ticket #85 (Rename formal variable names) created by
- Variable Minimum, Maximum and Length are probably not so well suited …
- 18:49 Ticket #84 (Merge Sigma-Self-Adaptive and Success Rule Adaptive ES) created by
- Instead of having two different ES, one with Sigma self adaption and …
- 18:21 Ticket #82 (Add TestFunctionInjector) closed by
- fixed: done in r106
- 18:21 Changeset [106] by
Added TestFunctionInjector with nicer interface (closes ticket #82)
- 18:21 Ticket #83 (Add SA Intermediate Recombination) closed by
- fixed: done in r105
- 18:21 Changeset [105] by
Added SelfAdaptiveIntermediateRecombination (closes ticket #83)
- 18:20 Ticket #83 (Add SA Intermediate Recombination) created by
- Intermediate Recombination is said to work better with the sigma self …
- 18:19 Ticket #82 (Add TestFunctionInjector) created by
- The injector for the TestFunctions is basically a variable injector, …
- 11:06 Ticket #81 (Review and add additional operators for RealVector to the repository) closed by
- fixed: Thanks. Added operators in r104.
- 11:05 Changeset [104] by
Closed ticket #81
- added additional operators for real vectors implemented by adoppelb
- 00:48 Changeset [103] by
Updated project files
- 00:46 Changeset [102] by
Made operator classes public
- 19:01 Changeset [101] by
Using clear method in ScopeCleaner
- 17:58 Ticket #81 (Review and add additional operators for RealVector to the repository) created by
- Please review and add the attached operators to the repository. Thanks …
- 11:15 Ticket #80 (Add a reset operator) closed by
- fixed: done in r100
- 11:14 Changeset [100] by
Added ScopeCleaner (closes ticket #80)
- 11:09 Ticket #80 (Add a reset operator) created by
- An operator that resets the scope tree to a default global empty scope.
- 17:05 Ticket #79 (Implement Algorithms: CMA-ES) created by
- Among the state of the art in evolution strategy is the CMA-ES which …
- 16:34 Ticket #71 (Implement enhanced mutation strength adjustment) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in r99
- 16:34 Changeset [99] by
Added sigma self adaptive operators for RealVector problems
- 11:50 Changeset [98] by
Added the DampeningFactor as variable as well so that Success Rule adjustment is completely configurable (ref ticket #77)
- 11:27 Ticket #77 (Fix success rule adjustment for small amounts of lambda) closed by
- fixed: fixed in r97
- 11:27 Changeset [97] by
Made LearningRate a configurable option in ES, fixes ticket #77