Opened 13 years ago
Closed 13 years ago
#1722 closed enhancement (done)
Code maintenance and minor changes
Reported by: | swagner | Owned by: | swagner |
Priority: | low | Milestone: | HeuristicLab 3.3.7 |
Component: | General | Version: | 3.3.7 |
Keywords: | Cc: |
Use this ticket for minor changes and maintenance purposes that do not affect functionality such as fixing typos, improving readability or other small tasks.
Because this ticket will likely not be subject to review, you're urged to double check the changes you made.
Change History (65)
comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by abeham
comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by ascheibe
r7279: deleted old Hive branches
comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by mkommend
r7280: Corrected AfterDeserializationHook in SymbolicExpressionTreeLengthAnalyzer.
comment:4 Changed 13 years ago by abeham
r7313: changed year in license snippet
comment:5 Changed 13 years ago by ascheibe
r7341 switched the tab control in the Hive Job Manager to a DragOverTabControl
comment:6 Changed 13 years ago by abeham
- fixed some problems that were identified with the first existing FxCop rules (duplicate storable hook in ExternalEvaluationProblem, multiple wrong names)
- generally renamed AttachEventHandlers to RegisterEventHandlers to be consistent
- fixed some backwards compatible regions to use the format from the snippet and the comment
comment:7 Changed 13 years ago by swagner
r7353: Fixed PluginInfrastructure unit tests as all plugins and products have been deleted in the deployment DB due to compatibility issues (automatic update from HL 3.3.5 to HL 3.3.6 fails).
comment:8 Changed 13 years ago by ascheibe
r7370 added a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+H) for the Hive Job Manager
comment:9 Changed 13 years ago by ascheibe
r7434 When setting timed-out slaves offline the tasks on these slaves shouldn't be set to waiting as this leads to performance problems and deadlocks with big statelog tables. Setting tasks to waiting is done by another method of the cleanup process more efficiently.
comment:10 Changed 13 years ago by ascheibe
r7435 changed visibility of the Clients.Common settings to public as the access service client needs access to the username
comment:11 Changed 13 years ago by abeham
r7473: Updated event snippets to allow modifier to be set (in sealed classes you'll want to change it to private instead of protected virtual (which is the default). Also using "var" instead of the concrete class name as type for the handler variable and compacted code.
comment:12 Changed 13 years ago by ascheibe
r7525 fixed a NullReferenceException in the HiveTaskView which led to a failing ContentViewTests unit test
comment:13 Changed 13 years ago by ascheibe
- added Hive and Benchmark assemblies
- updated alglib and missing extlib assemblies
- removed GP-3.3 assemblies
comment:14 Changed 13 years ago by mkommend
r7588: Corrected naming of the SymbolicRegressionSolution created by a LinearRegression algorithm to "Linear Regression Solution".
comment:15 Changed 13 years ago by abeham
r7594: changed build script to use Build instead of Rebuild (all of a sudden it didn't work anymore on two of my machines). I added an option if the solution should be cleaned before building.
comment:16 Changed 13 years ago by mkommend
r7657: Corrected builder test settings.
comment:17 Changed 13 years ago by mkommend
r7671: Minor configurations changes in variable condition symbol.
comment:18 Changed 13 years ago by ascheibe
r7723 minor improvement of the messages the hive server logs
comment:19 Changed 13 years ago by ascheibe
r7728 display statelog in the correct order and show slave id in tooltip
comment:20 Changed 13 years ago by epitzer
r7737 add missing Hits property in cloning constructor and clean up code
comment:21 Changed 13 years ago by gkronber
r7738: added an additional ctor for RegressionEnsembleSolution to simplify code.
comment:22 Changed 13 years ago by epitzer
comment:23 Changed 13 years ago by abeham
- Added a check before parameterizing operators if there are any in the collection
comment:24 Changed 13 years ago by abeham
r7769: corrected error in text
comment:25 Changed 13 years ago by ascheibe
r7782 fixed a NullReferenceException in Hive JobManager
comment:26 Changed 13 years ago by mkommend
r7797: Removed harmful check during the preparation of IOptimizers contained in an Experiment.
comment:27 Changed 13 years ago by mkommend
r7811: Removed unnecessary project references and plugin dependencies in HL.Operators.Programmable.Views and HL.Problems.QuadraticAssignment.Views.
comment:28 Changed 13 years ago by jkarder
r7814: fixed trigger creation in Prepare Hive Database.sql
comment:29 Changed 13 years ago by jkarder
r7847: added some integrity constraints in Initialize Hive Database.sql
comment:30 Changed 13 years ago by abeham
- In QAPExhaustiveSwap2LocalImprovement moved local search code to a static method
- Otherwise minor changes to the QAP
comment:31 Changed 13 years ago by abeham
r7934: changed name of AfterDeserializationHook in some classes
comment:32 Changed 13 years ago by abeham
r7937: fixed plugin dependencies in LinearAssignment.Views
comment:33 Changed 13 years ago by ascheibe
r7943 added missing plugin dependency of DataAnalysis on LibSVM (needed for Hive)
comment:34 Changed 13 years ago by gkronber
r7955: removed unused file StartSymbolTreeNode
comment:35 Changed 13 years ago by gkronber
r7972: added static methods in OnePointShaker and SymbolicDataAnalysisAlleleFrequencyAnalyzer
comment:36 Changed 13 years ago by mkommend
r8008: Added size properties for range data types.
comment:37 Changed 13 years ago by mkommend
r8028: Removed commented code in HL.Tests.PluginLoader.
comment:38 Changed 13 years ago by ascheibe
r8029 fixed a small ui glitch in metaopt caused by the new problem view
comment:39 Changed 13 years ago by abeham
r8046: Added exception handling to DeepCloneableCloningTest (before it would terminate prematurely if some exception occurred during cloning of some IDeepCloneable).
Note that this does not fix the recent fail on the build server.
comment:40 Changed 13 years ago by ascheibe
r8050 fixed license information in services
comment:41 Changed 13 years ago by abeham
r8052: Fixed error message display when cloning fails
comment:42 Changed 13 years ago by ascheibe
r8053 fixed more licensing information and source formatting
comment:43 Changed 13 years ago by mkommend
r8061: Added svn:external to have a duplicate of the HL 3.3 test solution in the HeuristicLab.Tests directory, which is necessary for the builder.
comment:44 Changed 13 years ago by mkommend
r8062: Corrected external from https to http.
comment:45 Changed 13 years ago by mkommend
r8072: Removed external in HL.Tests.
comment:46 Changed 13 years ago by mkommend
r8073: corrected HL test lists.
comment:47 Changed 13 years ago by mkommend
r8077: Added builder.testsettings for branches.
comment:48 Changed 13 years ago by abeham
r8080: Fixed description of k-Means solution
comment:49 Changed 13 years ago by abeham
r8096: Added some missing dependencies to the "HeuristicLab-3.3" project (Clients, OKB, LawnMower)
comment:50 Changed 13 years ago by mkommend
r8106: Corrected behavior of SymbolicExpressionGrammarEditorView.
comment:51 Changed 13 years ago by jkarder
r8109: fixed creation and parsing of the resource string in the Hive Job Manager
comment:52 Changed 13 years ago by abeham
r8112: Created a default QAP instance when creating a new Robust Taboo Search
comment:53 Changed 13 years ago by gkronber
r8124: 'Hungarian Algorithm'
comment:54 Changed 13 years ago by mkommend
r8137: Added problem setter in IDataAnalsisAlgorithm.
comment:55 Changed 13 years ago by mkommend
r8139: Renamed indizes to indices in the whole trunk solution.
comment:56 Changed 13 years ago by ascheibe
r8140 fixed compiler warning
comment:57 Changed 13 years ago by sforsten
r8195: changed method name in test
comment:58 Changed 13 years ago by mkommend
r8202: Corrected output path of Problems.Instances.VehicleRouting.
comment:59 Changed 13 years ago by mkommend
r8209: Added necessary plugin dependency in HL.Problems.Instances.VehicleRouting.Views to HL.Mainform.WindowsForms.
comment:60 Changed 13 years ago by mkommend
r8222: Changed output path of HeuristicLab.Tests to .\bin for all configurations so that the test lists work correctly.
comment:61 Changed 13 years ago by mkommend
r8223: Corrected plugin dependencies in HeuristicLab.Problems.Instances.Views.
comment:62 Changed 13 years ago by gkronber
r8254: removed classification benchmark instance Iris because of bugs.
comment:63 Changed 13 years ago by swagner
- Status changed from new to accepted
comment:64 Changed 13 years ago by swagner
- Status changed from accepted to readytorelease
comment:65 Changed 13 years ago by mkommend
- Resolution set to done
- Status changed from readytorelease to closed
- Version changed from 3.3.6 to 3.3.7
r7271: updated parameter snippets to use interface type in property