Symbolic Regression Problem
Problem Parameters:
Parameter | Description |
BestKnownQuality | The minimal error value that reached by symbolic regression solutions for the problem. |
DataAnalysisProblemData | The data set, target variable and input variables of the data analysis problem. |
Evaluator | SymbolicRegressionScaledMeanSquaredErrorEvaluator: The operator which should be used to evaluate symbolic regression solutions. |
FunctionTreeGrammar | The grammar that should be used for symbolic regression models. |
LowerEstimationLimit | The lower limit for the estimated value that can be returned by the symbolic regression model. |
MaxExpressionDepth | Maximal depth of the symbolic expression. |
MaxExpressionLength | Maximal length of the symbolic expression. |
MaxFunctionArguments | Maximal number of arguments of automatically defined functions. |
MaxFunctionDefiningBranches | Maximal number of automatically defined functions. |
Maximization | Set to false as the error of the regression model should be minimized. |
SolutionCreator | ProbabilisticTreeCreator: The operator which should be used to create new symbolic regression solutions. |
SymbolicExpressionTreeInterpreter | The interpreter that should be used to evaluate the symbolic expression tree. |
UpperEstimationLimit | The upper limit for the estimated value that can be returned by the symbolic regression model. |
Is there a sample/tutorial?
Sure. We have configured a standard genetic programming algorithm to solve a symbolic regression problem (Boston Housing dataset):
Last modified 10 years ago
Last modified on 01/14/15 12:53:38