Version 4 (modified by gkronber, 14 years ago) (diff) |
Single Objective Test Function
The wiki page TestFunctions? gives an overview of the real valued test functions available in HeuristicLab 3. The default configuration is a 2-dimensional Ackley function.
Problem Parameters:
Parameter | Description |
BestKnownQuality | The quality of the best known solution of this test function. (Default: 0) |
BestKnownSolution | The best known solution for this test function instance. (Default: [0,0]] |
Bounds | ISingleObjectiveTestFunctionProblemEvaluator: The lower and upper bounds in each dimension. (Default: [[-32,768, 32,768]] |
Evaluator | The operator which should be used to evaluate solutions. (Default: AckleyEvaluator) |
Maximization | Set to false as most test functions are minimization problems. |
ProblemSize | The dimension of the problem. |
SolutionCreator | UniformRandomRealVectorCreator: The operator which should be used to create new test function solutions. |
Is there a sample/tutorial?
Yes, two actually: