Symbolic Regression with HeuristicLab
This tutorial covers the basic functionality for symbolic regression and for analyzing symbolic regression models in HeuristicLab.
First, we demonstrate how to load data and how to use genetic programming to produce symbolic regression models. After that, all charts and visualizations for symbolic regression models are shown and the functionality for model analysis, simplification, and tuning is explained in detail. At the end of this tutorial we show how symbolic regression models can be exported to MATLAB, LaTeX and Excel.
Additional Material
- Original data set for the emulator problem
- Data used in the tutorial (emulator.csv)
- Simplified and optimized symbolic regression solution (emulator.hl)
- Genetic programming
- Symbolic regression
- Model analysis, simplification, and tuning
- Exporting solutions to MATLAB or Excel
Last modified 11 years ago
Last modified on 06/25/14 16:12:58
Attachments (2)
- emulators.csv (43.7 KB) - added by gkronber 11 years ago.
- emulator.hl (19.3 KB) - added by gkronber 11 years ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip