Knapsack Problem
In the Knapsack Problem a set of items with an associated weight and value is given. The goal is to select a subset of items that does not exceed the maximum load of the Knapsack but maximizes the total value of the items.
Problem Parameters:
Parameter | Description |
BestKnownQuality | The quality of the best known solution of this artificial ant instance. |
BestKnownSolution | The best known solution of this Knapsack instance. |
Evaluator | KnapsackEvaluator: The operator which should be used to evaluate Knapsack solutions. |
KnapsackCapacity | Capacity of the Knapsack. |
Maximization | Set to true as the Knapsack Problem is a maximization problem. |
Penalty | The penalty value for each unit of overweight. |
SolutionCreator | RandomBinaryVectorCreator: The operator which should be used to create new Knapsack solutions. |
Values | The values of the items. |
Weights | The weights of the items. |
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Last modified 14 years ago
Last modified on 02/17/11 10:24:26