HeuristicLab Chart Types
Below a list of different chart types that could be useful for HeuristicLab can be found. Please note that this list is not complete. It will be further extended, if additional chart types come into mind.
However, this list is not a catalog of requirements! It should be possible to realize all these different chart types using the charting framework, but not all of these charts have to be implemented in the current project ;-).
- line chart
- bar chart
- points, 2-dimensional points (scatter plot)
- pie chart
- bubble chart
- heat map
- matrix visualization (= 2d grid with different colors)
- graph visualization (weighted nodes and edges)
- flow chart
- tree visualization (formulas, decision-trees)
- ROC curves
- multi-dimensional box- or scatter plots (4 variables -> 4x4 grid of scatter plots)
Problem specific charts
- TSP tour visualization
- gantt chart
- protein structures
- multi-processor schedules
- bin packing
Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 07/01/09 16:04:27