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Poster Workshop on Biomass Logistics at WSED 2015
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Description & Topics
Logistics are becoming an increasingly important factor for exploiting existing biomass potentials in economically viable ways. We need more sustainable concepts for energy provisioning with respect to emission reduction and avoidance of fossil fuels. Biomass transport and handling require tailor-made logistics. Biogenic feedstock (e.g., straw, forestry residues or biodegradable waste from households) and derived energy carriers are very diverse with respect to their transport and handling requirements. In particular, de-central availability, the low energy content, and the ensuing collection and transportation efforts (last-mile problem) need increased attention and innovation. Additionally, the storage of biomass poses new challenges compared to classical logistics for example to avoid biological degradation of the material.
Sophisticated and innovative concepts and devices are often required to cope with these special needs. In addition to physical means for improved biomass logistics, novel and more powerful planning tools, such as computer algorithms for modelling, simulation, and optimization of decentral logistics, are also required.
In this poster session we invite you to join the discussion and present innovative ideas, results and prototypes for biomass logistics or novel findings it’s planning and optimization. The poster workshop has been organized by members of the BioBoost consortium.
Suggested topics for posters include but are not limited to:
- Technical solutions for
- biomass collection
- biomass handling and transport
- biomass storage
- biomass-based intermediates
- Modelling, planning and optimization of biomass logistics
- Requirements for biomass logisticsRisk analysis of biomass logistics
- Economic models for biomass usage
- Best-practice examples
- Biomass value chain analysis
Important Dates
Submission deadline: | January 30th, 2015 |
Notification of acceptance: | February 10th, 2015 |
Registration deadline: | February, 18th, 2015 |
Workshop at WSED European Pellets Conference 2015: | February 26th, 2015 |
Program and Accepted Posters
Location: Halle 20, First Floor, Room SR 4.8, Stadthalle Wels, Austria
Date: February 26th, 2015
Time: 14:00 - 16:00
- Biomass Potentials in Optimal Locations for Straw Processing Plants within NUTS Regions Rafał Pudełko, Magdalena Borzęcka-Walker, Anna Jędrejek, IUNG – Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation State Research Institut, Poland
- The Feedstock Potential Assessment for EU-27+CH in NUTS-3Rafał Pudełko, Magdalena Borzęcka-Walker, Antoni Faber, IUNG – Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation State Research Institute, Poland
- Large-Scale Biomass Logistics using Simulation and Optimization Erik Pitzer and Gabriel Kronberger, FH OÖ, Campus Hagenberg, Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory, Austria
- Cost Assessment and Risk Analysis of Biomass Logistics Gerald Schönwetter and Christian Rohrhofer, FH OÖ, Campus Steyr, Logistikum, Austria
- Logistics Chains for Wood Chips From Short Rotation Forestry Franz Handler, Emil Blumauer, BLT Wieselburg, HBLFA Francisco Josephinum, Austria
- Logistics and Costs of Harvesting Corn Cobs Franz Handler, Lukas Sulzbacher, Emil Blumauer, BLT Wieselburg, HBLFA Francisco Josephinum, Austria
- Logistics Chains For Harvesting Miscanthus Franz Handler, Emil Blumauer, BLT Wieselburg, HBLFA Francisco Josephinum, Austria
- Biomass based Energy Intermediates Boosting Bio-Fuel Production Klaus Lenz, SYNCOM Forschungs- und Entwicklungsberatung GmbH, Germany
- Stability and Storability of Catalytic Pyrolysis Oil Chrysoula Michailof, Kostas Kalogiannis, Eleni Iliopoulou, Iacovos Vasalos and Angelos Lappas. Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH), Chemical Process and Energy Resources Institute (CPERI), Greece
Gerald Schönwetter, Erik Pitzer and Gabriel Kronberger (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria)