- 16:37 Changeset [17412] by
#3026 code cleanup
- 16:21 Changeset [17411] by
- deleted JsonItemVM
- reduced code duplicates in JsonItemValueControl
- implemented logic for entering ranges -> automatically sets to min/max value of datatype when checkbox is not checked
- 14:53 Changeset [17410] by
- deleted JsonItemArrayControl and JsonItemDefaultControl
- redesigned architecture for JsonItem: now there are different types of JsonItem (IntJsonItem, BoolJsonItem, ...) -> for better type safety and expandability
- fixed bug in BaseConverter for GetMinValue and GetMaxValue for IntValue, but ignored for other value types (DoubleValue, DateTimeValue, ...) because the redesign of JsonItem-Architecture can make these two methods obsolet soon
- fixed bug in JsonItemConverter to prevent null pointer exceptions
- refactored value and range converters -> removed complicated generic ValueTypeValueConverter and ValueRangeConverter and implemented the necessary methods directly in concrete classes (improves readability and removes the need of reflection)
- redesigned view handling in OptimizerIntegration -> dynamically seaches for JsonItemVMBase implementations, which are connected with a view
- this enables better scaling with more user controls
- JsonItemVMBase implements MVVM architecture
- 12:14 Changeset [17409] by
#2925: merged r17255:17402 from trunk to branch
- 12:23 Changeset [17408] by
#3026 moved JsonItem, ResultItem and UnsupportedJsonItem into new folder Models
- 12:18 Changeset [17407] by
- simplified converter inheritance:
- BaseConverter now only has Inject and Extract from IJsonItemConverter as abstract methods
- removed ParameterBaseConverter
- concrete converters have to initialize their JsonItem now -> enables better handling with different types of JsonItem
- simplified converter inheritance:
- 10:33 Changeset [17406] by
- added interfaces IJsonItem and IJsonItemValidator
- replaced every reference JsonItem with IJsonItem
- 17:14 Changeset [17405] by
- added a new way to setup the targeted result types
- added new ui controls: NumericRangeControl, JsonItemArrayControl, JsonItemDefaultControl
- redesigned export dialog -> now the user can navigate with a tree view
- enhanced JsonItemVM
- 16:36 Changeset [17404] by
- fixed a bug in BaseConverter -> the range for percent values should be returned correctly now
- fixed a bug in ConstrainedValueParameterConverter, ParameterizedItemConverter, ValueParameterConverter -> unsupported json items get filtered now
- JCGenerator is now a dynamic class and can return all JsonItems for an IOptimizer now (instead of string only) + it is now possible to generate an template string with an IEnumerable<JsonItem>
- added first version of an export dialog for JsonInterface
- it is organized with a main view (for the dialog) and some user controls (for a better visualization of an JsonItem -> to reduce wrong user inputs)
- the user controls inherit a base control, which organizes some base values of an JsonItem
- 15:48 Changeset [17403] by
#3040 Added fix for non-numeric class labels
- 13:32 Changeset [17402] by
#3051: Correctly add static attribute.
- 13:31 Ticket #3051 (Synchronization issue of data members with [ThreadStatic] attribute in ...) created by
- The two data members in question cachedData and dataset are not …
- 12:34 Changeset [17401] by
#3040 Added parser for new benchmark data but did not commit the data yet (too large)
- 13:19 Changeset [17400] by
#3040 Added Azzali benchmarks
Note: See TracTimeline
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