- 14:12 Changeset [15028] by
#2709 Changed access modifier of some controls to prevent the designer to generate code that can break the layout.
- 14:35 Changeset [15027] by
#2709 Fixed an issue with empty charts.
- 11:18 Ticket #2793 (Plugin Problems.DataAnalysis.Views depends on ...) created by
- This is inconvenient as we need to ship the whole SymbReg stack …
- 11:08 Changeset [15026] by
#2760: Ensure that the shuffleSamples flag is initialized after deserialization.
- 13:47 Changeset [15025] by
#2719 updated assembly info etc.
- 19:32 Changeset [15024] by
#2779: hide 'constant variables' (only one distinct value)
- 19:19 Changeset [15023] by
#745: added support for factor variables to elastic net regression
- 16:30 Changeset [15022] by
#2520: removed ColorTransformer for now as it only handled the color's argb values (StructTransformer will handle more, e.g. IsEmpty)
- 11:04 DataPreprocessingIdeas created by
- 17:43 Changeset [15021] by
- New Icons for Check All, Inputs&Target, None.png
- Smaller titlefont for histograms.
- Changed warning for multiscatterplot.
- 15:15 Changeset [15020] by
#2520: fixed unit tests checking for exceptions
- 14:44 Changeset [15019] by
- renamed Column -> Variable, Row -> Datarow.
- scatterplot using regular comboboxes for variables.
- adapted sizing and small layouting in multiscatterplot, histogram, statistics and datagrid.
- 11:29 Changeset [15018] by
#2520 introduced StorableConstructorFlag type for StorableConstructors
- 09:28 Changeset [15017] by
#2665 Fixed Benchmark Problem Definition, Converted LoopExpressions to stateless expressions, Added several unit test to ensure funcionality, Fixed UI bugs
- 08:58 Changeset [15016] by
#2757: simplified code for regression instance providers which load data from a ZIP file
- 17:03 Changeset [15015] by
#2723: Fix exception in Dataset.cs when calling the ToModifiable() method.
- 16:19 Changeset [15014] by
Added code and tools for the ExternalEvaluationProblem. (e.g. Java-side evaluation)
- 16:15 Changeset [15013] by
#2723: Found a different solution to this issue, by using IList<T> as the return type for the GetValues<T> method.
- 14:12 Changeset [15012] by
#2709 Merged trunk changes to branch.
- 14:04 Changeset [15011] by
#2709 forgot to commit designer file (changed control name)
- 13:47 Changeset [15010] by
#2724: Fixed caption of EnumValueView.
- 13:29 Changeset [15009] by
#2724 Moved EnumHelper (for SetFlags).
- 12:56 Changeset [15008] by
#2792: small fix
- 12:52 Changeset [15007] by
#2792: adapted wiring code to be the same as with crossover, choosing the default manipulator intead of the first (by name)
- 12:10 Changeset [15006] by
#2792: changed mutator parameter from optional constrained value to constrained value
- 11:41 Ticket #2792 (Genetic algorithm should choose a mutation operator by default) created by
- The mutation operator is an OptionalConstrainedValueParameter which by …
- 10:33 Changeset [15005] by
#2743: updated app configs
- 18:55 Changeset [15004] by
#2791: improved checkpointing (task is paused and sent back to the server, new one is assigned via next heartbeat)
- 18:39 Ticket #2791 (Checkpointing within Hive slaves should be improved) created by
- During checkpointing, the slave pauses the task, updates its task data …
- 17:46 Changeset [15003] by
- Added a dialog for changing the maximum nesting level (Views menu item).
- For systems that have the creators update installed and a high nesting level, a warning will be displayed with the option to lower the maximum nesting level.
- 15:03 Changeset [15002] by
#2760: Got rid of the shuffledProblemData by using a shared seed for all the folds (so that the dataset for each fold is shuffled in exactly the same way). Backwards compatibility should be restored.
- 14:25 Ticket #2482 (Make job tables in hive statistics sortable) closed by
- duplicate: See #2743.
- 12:57 Documentation/Howto/OptimizeAnyLogicModels edited by
- fixed link to direct download (diff)
- 07:50 Changeset [15001] by
#1836 SA reheating strategies: Newest version of reheating
- 13:15 Documentation/Howto/OptimizeAnyLogicModels edited by
- Fixed a broken link to the Java External-Evaluation library. (diff)