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17:30 Ticket #194 (Best model tracking operator) closed by gkronber
fixed: fixed with r363
17:30 Changeset [363] by gkronber
  • implemented operator to store the best of run solution, in regard of a specific fitness variable).
  • adapted struct-id infrastructure to allow evaluation of models on validation data.

ticket #194

15:36 Ticket #193 (Best model tracking operator) closed by gkronber
duplicate: oops trac created the duplicate #194
15:35 Ticket #194 (Best model tracking operator) created by gkronber
Like in HL2 the best models for the training set and the validation …
15:35 Ticket #193 (Best model tracking operator) created by gkronber
Like in HL2 the best models for the training set and the validation …
15:20 Changeset [362] by gkronber

improved linechartView to use a different color for each line and automatically zoom in to the relevant area. (ticket #192)

13:13 Ticket #192 (Graphical display of predictive accuracy the model (chart with ...) created by gkronber
Comparable to the chart that is available in HL2


09:52 Changeset [361] by mkofler

Set default timespan in the ScheduleInjector to Int32.MaxVal. Fixed issue with overwritten time slots (occurred when the processing time was zero).


20:39 Changeset [360] by gkronber

added help-file for SQLite

19:59 Changeset [359] by gkronber

worked on #187


16:44 Changeset [358] by gkronber

reverse merge of unwanted commit (r357)

16:40 Changeset [357] by gkronber

worked on ticket #187. code is a mess. work-in-progress.

08:41 Ticket #191 (Operators to store results in the database) created by gkronber
08:40 Ticket #190 (Component for management of agents and results) created by gkronber
* delete agents * delete results * restart agents * stop agents
08:39 Ticket #189 (Scheduler for the round-robin execution of agents) created by gkronber
08:38 Ticket #188 (Persistence of agents and runs in the database) created by gkronber
08:37 Ticket #187 (Components to edit and upload agents) created by gkronber


14:52 Changeset [356] by gkronber

adapted post-build script to install the SQLite plugin and CEDMA plugins

14:51 Changeset [355] by gkronber

added copyright text for SQLite

14:44 Changeset [354] by gkronber

added copyright text for SQLite

10:54 Changeset [353] by gkronber

fixed compilation problems

10:49 Changeset [352] by gkronber

added skeleton plugins for CEDMA

09:03 Changeset [351] by gkronber

added missing GPL headers in HeuristicLab.Analysis


01:49 Ticket #186 (Bug in VariableComparisonConstraint, comparison type is not selectable) closed by abeham
fixed: done in r349 (trunk), r350 (3.0 branch)
01:49 Changeset [350] by abeham

fixed bug in ticket #186 (3.0 branch)

01:48 Changeset [349] by abeham

fixed bug in ticket #186 (trunk)

01:47 Ticket #185 (Make variable suspendConstraintCheck public read accessible in ...) closed by abeham
fixed: done in 3.0 branch in r348
01:46 Changeset [348] by abeham

added public read property in ConstrainedItemList as per ticket #185 (3.0 branch)

01:45 Ticket #185 (Make variable suspendConstraintCheck public read accessible in ...) reopened by abeham
01:44 Ticket #185 (Make variable suspendConstraintCheck public read accessible in ...) closed by abeham
fixed: done in r347
01:44 Changeset [347] by abeham

added public read property in ConstrainedItemList as per ticket #185

01:04 Ticket #186 (Bug in VariableComparisonConstraint, comparison type is not selectable) created by abeham
A bug prevents one to select different comparison types


23:15 Ticket #185 (Make variable suspendConstraintCheck public read accessible in ...) created by abeham
A public get property on suspendConstraintCheck would be beneficial in …
11:33 Ticket #184 (About HeuristicLab doesn't show the true version number) created by abeham
The splash screen reports a different version (e.g. than …
11:30 Ticket #183 (Splash screen sometimes causes ObjectDisposedException) created by abeham
Sometimes when one opens the HeuristicLab Starter and one of the …


16:14 Ticket #182 (Release new stable versions of plugins HeuristicLab.Grid, ...) created by gkronber
Depends on #181
16:12 Ticket #181 (Create and release new setup file for HL3 stable) created by gkronber
changeset r279 introduced stability changes in the …
15:36 Ticket #175 (Format of doubles and floats leads to inconsistency) closed by gkronber
fixed: * changes for the ticket in stable branch: r345 * deleted the …
15:35 Changeset [346] by gkronber

deleted branch for ticket #175

15:30 Changeset [345] by gkronber
  • merged r338 r341 and r343 from the ticket-specific trunk into the HL3.0 stable branch
  • fixed serialization and display of floating point numbers in HL3.0 stable plugins HeuristicLab.Functions and HeuristicLab.DataAnalysis

(ticket #175)

14:59 Changeset [344] by gkronber

merged changes r338 r339 r340 r341 r342 r343 from the ticket-specific branch into the main trunk

13:57 Ticket #180 (Treenode is not selected on right click in the FunctionsTreeView component) created by gkronber
The same problem that we already had in other tree views. When a node …
13:19 Changeset [343] by gkronber

fixed serialization and display of floating point number in plugin HeuristicLab.Data (ticket #175). Had to make the dataGridView in ArrayDataBaseView and MatrixDataBaseView to protected to be able to change the format of cells in DoubleArrayDataView and DoubleMatrixDataView.

12:21 Changeset [342] by gkronber

added comments why we need round-trip formatting in the dataGrids (ticket #175)

12:09 Changeset [341] by gkronber

fixed serialization in plugin HeuristicLab.Constraints (ticket #175)

11:59 Changeset [340] by gkronber

fixed serialization in plugin HeuristicLab.DataAnalysis (ticket #175)

11:20 Changeset [339] by gkronber

fixed serialization in plugin HeuristicLab.Functions (ticket #175)

11:09 Changeset [338] by gkronber

fixed serialization for HeuristicLab.Random plugin (#175)

11:07 Ticket #179 (ProgrammableOperator must be recompiled when its VariableInfos are changed) created by gkronber
If the method is not recompiled its signature doesn't match the …
10:55 Ticket #178 (Restructure plugin HeuristicLab.StructureIdentification) created by gkronber
Create smaller plugins one for the problem injector, one for default …
10:53 Ticket #177 (Restructure genetic programming plugins) created by gkronber
Create a new plugin structure for the genetic programming parts.
09:20 Changeset [337] by gkronber

fixed branch name

02:44 Ticket #176 (SubScope(s)Remover) created by abeham
Currently there is: SubScopeRemover in Evolutionary.Composer (remove …


17:51 Changeset [336] by gkronber

added branch for ticket #175 (oops wrong name)

17:33 Ticket #174 (FormatException is thrown in special circumstances when deserializing ...) closed by gkronber
wontfix: replaced by larger ticket #175
17:32 Ticket #175 (Format of doubles and floats leads to inconsistency) created by gkronber
This ticket overrides ticket #174. While searching for the cause of …
13:17 Ticket #174 (FormatException is thrown in special circumstances when deserializing ...) created by gkronber
The message of the format exception is: "formatexception can't parse …


18:20 Changeset [335] by mkofler

Fixed small issue with the OperationUpdater.

10:31 Changeset [334] by gkronber

readded trainingsamplesstart and trainingsamplesend parameter for gp evaluation operators


22:47 Ticket #171 (ProgrammableOperator is recompiled in each clone) closed by swagner
22:46 Ticket #173 (Programmable operators are recompiled after deserialization) created by swagner
As already stated in ticket #171, the compiled code of programmable …
19:42 Changeset [333] by gkronber

minor code cleanup

19:13 Ticket #172 (GP evaluators for autoregressive modelling) closed by gkronber
fixed: fixed with r332
19:13 Changeset [332] by gkronber

implemented #172

18:17 Ticket #172 (GP evaluators for autoregressive modelling) created by gkronber


22:25 Changeset [331] by gkronber

deleted experimental branch for bottom up GP tree evaluation


13:03 Ticket #171 (ProgrammableOperator is recompiled in each clone) created by abeham
In each clone operation the custom code of programmable operators is …
12:26 Changeset [330] by gkronber

small improvements

10:11 Changeset [329] by gkronber

fixed bugs in bottom up gp evaluator


18:12 Changeset [328] by gkronber

more work on GP evaluation - work in progress - bug nest

00:35 Changeset [327] by gkronber

changed GP evaluator to evaluate trees bottom up. This removes the dependency chain for the terminals and allows non-recursive evaluation of the tree

00:29 Changeset [326] by gkronber

created a short-living branch to store experimental evaluation code for GP functions

Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.