- 16:01 Changeset [18105] by
- merged branch back into trunk
- 13:46 Changeset [18104] by
- overrode the method GetActualValue in ValueLookupParameter to get the default value when the execution context is null
- reverted the linear scaling logic for NMSESingleObjectiveConstraintsEvaluator
- in SymbolicRegressionConstantOptimizationEvaluator: removed the usage of GenerateRowsToEvaluate because it uses lookup parameters
- set the value of RelativeNumberOfEvaluatedSamplesParameter for SymbolicRegressionConstantOptimizationEvaluator in StructuredSymbolicRegressionSingleObjectiveProblem if Maximization = true and the SymbolicRegressionConstantOptimizationEvaluator is configured as evaluator
- added the SubFunctionSymbol in TreeToAutoDiffTermConverter
- 17:23 Changeset [18103] by
- refactor the evaluation logic of NMSESingleObjectiveConstraintsEvaluator
- refactor the new method Evaluate for PearsonRSquaredAverageSimilarityEvaluator
- change the parameter order of some evaluate/calculate methods
- 17:04 Changeset [18102] by
- split if statement for tree length parameter to allow the possiblity to add the parameter (without removal)
- change the if statement structure of UpdateCounterParameter to be consistent
- 14:19 Changeset [18101] by
- recreated problem instance Asdzadeh1 as SheetBendingProcess
- SheetBendingProcess is located in Physics and provided by Physics/PhysicsInstanceProvider
- 13:40 Changeset [18100] by
- some more refactoring
- added possibility to set value of num nodes in infix parser
- changed displaying style of number
- 10:43 Changeset [18099] by
- set the default template to f(_) when loading a new problem data
- fixed a bug which caused the drawing of uncolored SubFunctionTreeNodes after using the window splitter
- implemented a method to paint nodes of SubFunctionTreeNode as colored nodes for ISymbolicDataAnalysisModel
- 10:26 EvoSoft edited by
- (diff)
- 10:22 EvoSoft edited by
- (diff)
- 10:21 EvoSoft edited by
- (diff)
- 09:02 Changeset [18098] by
#3040 Added support for multi-row data for SOP instances where the segment aggregation results are averaged over multiple rows.
- 15:49 Changeset [18097] by
#3040 Added SOP instances from csv file with vectors.
- 09:50 Changeset [18096] by
#3040 Added instance provider for segment opt problem with WIP instances.
- 07:24 Ticket #3141 (Context menu for nodes triggers remove action immediately in view for ...) created by
- In the view for simplification of symbolic regression models there are …
- 15:32 Changeset [18095] by
- added a Evaluate method, which uses the static method Calculate and evaluates a ISymbolicExpressionTree without the need of an ExecutionContext
- implemented this new method in all single objective SymReg evaluators
- added a Evaluate method, which uses the static method Calculate and evaluates a ISymbolicExpressionTree without the need of an ExecutionContext
- 14:40 Changeset [18094] by
#3040 Added missing StorableType and fixed cloning-ctor.
- 13:40 Changeset [18093] by
- Renaming Constant Symbol to Num, behaves like before
- Adding new Symbol RealConstant (Constant), this symbol behaves now like a real constant, won't be changed by parameter optimization or manipulators
- Refactored classes part1
- 16:08 Changeset [18092] by
#3040 Added first draft of simple SegmentOptimizationProblem.
- 08:39 Changeset [18091] by
#3140 Branch trunk
- 08:37 Ticket #3140 (Add new Symbol <Num>) created by
- Adding a new Symbol <num> which represents a number value that can be …
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.