- 16:58 Changeset [17446] by
- made interfaces for array/matrix JsonItems and for their VMs aswell (IArrayJsonItem, IArrayJsonItemVM, IMatrixJsonItem, IMatrixJsonItemVM), incl. base classes (ArrayJsonItemBase, ArrayValueVM, MatrixJsonItemBase, MatrixValueVM)
- changed inheritance structure for already existing array/matrix JsonItems -> they inherit now from new base array/matrix base classes
- added input elements to configure the size of an matrix or array in JsonItemMultiValueControl (incl. VM binding and validation)
- splitted file JsonItems.cs into separate files for their corresponding types (IntJsonItems.cs, DoubleJsonItems.cs, BoolJsonItems.cs, StringJsonItem.cs, DateTimeJsonItem.cs)
- changed location of deserialization of json values from JsonTemplateInstantiator into IJsonItem (implemented in JsonItem and set to virtual, overridden in MatrixJsonItemBase and ArrayJsonItemBase)
- added new CLI argument StringArgument
- some little UI improvements (location fixes, anchor fixes, ...)
- 13:50 Changeset [17445] by
#3060: catch unhandled exceptions thrown by IOptimizer.StartAsync()
- 12:51 Ticket #3060 (Exceptions thrown in IOptimizer.StartAsync are sometimes unhandled) created by
- Some views and ItemTasks do not catch exceptions that occur during …
- 12:50 Ticket #3059 (Disallow upload of Hive jobs with unprepared algorithms) created by
- Currently, it is possible to upload algorithms in Stopped state, …
- 16:28 Changeset [17444] by
- added two new methods in IJsonItem -> FixatePath and LoosenPath to fixate/loosen the path (to enable name changing without effects on path)
- set IsInRange to virtual and made overrides for IntMatrixJsonItem and DoubleMatrixJsonItem (IsInRange is a bad name and needs to be renamed in future versions)
- implemented basic validation feedback with ErrorProvider for some inputs (templateName, Name, Range)
- now all items gets validated before export (validation errors are shown with ErrorHandling.ShowErrorDialog)
- added a check in AlgorithmConverter to prevent an exception for accessing the first element of an empty IEnumerable
- 14:39 Changeset [17443] by
- added support for string values without range limitation (dropdown gets automatically replaced by textbox)
- fixed a UI bug for JsonItemValidValuesControl -> now the control resizes correctly
- fixed a bug in AlgorithmConverter -> now it searches for the ItemName (instead of Name) in method Inject
- fixed a bug in StringValueConverter -> now it sets the correct name
- 13:03 Ticket #3058 (Speed of symbolic regression evaluators) created by
- There is a big difference between the speed of the tree interpreter …
- 17:29 Changeset [17442] by
- added new CLI argument StringArgument
- removed unnecessary check in StartArgument
- changed output format from simple .txt to .json in HeuristicLab.JsonInterface.App.Runner
- user has to enter output path now when executing JsonInterface on console
- 17:17 Changeset [17441] by
#3039: Fix compilation error.
- 16:30 Changeset [17440] by
#3055: Fixed the bug of "no reference point" on real-world test problems
- 15:13 Changeset [17439] by
- fixed a bug in HeuristicLab.JsonInterface.App -> now the Runner checks if the instantiated optimizer is an EngineAlgorithm, if true: Engine = SequentialEngine (engine can be configured in later versions)
- added a TabControl in ExportJsonDialog for parameters and results
- updated parameter tree view with checkboxes (and linked them with VM)
- renamed ActivatedResults to Results for templates
- fixed a bug with injection of operators in MultiCheckedOperatorConverter -> now operators of an ValueParameter get set correctly
- updated MultiCheckedOperatorConverter to extract/inject parameters of operators
- fixed bug with path for template -> removed usage of method Path.GetDirectoryName, returned wrong results
- splitted cache for JsonItemConverter into a cache for injection and extraction
- JsonTemplateInstantiator now uses first item in objects array instead of searching for an object with template name
- 13:38 Changeset [17438] by
#3057 The first draft of Dynamic ALPS with SMS-EMOA by using a main-loop structure.
- 13:29 Ticket #3057 (DynamicALPS(main-loop)) created by
- A main-loop version of ALPS on HL
- 13:27 Ticket #3056 (DynamicALPS(main-loop)) created by
- A main-loop version of ALPS.
- 10:18 Changeset [17437] by
#3039: Refactor code and fix bug in sampling random child symbols from the grammar.
- 09:29 Changeset [17436] by
- removed unnecessary code in FileManager
- updated ExportJsonDialog and Testprogram (Heuristiclab.ConfigStarter/Program.cs) to use the new GenerateTemplate method
- 17:35 Changeset [17435] by
- set read-only to false for name input (in JsonItemBaseControl)
- result items now can be selected/deselected in export dialog
- removed metadata.problem property and renamed metadata.optimizer property to TemplateName in json template
- fixed bug with wrong description for result items in AlgorithmConverter
- refactored a lot of code in JCGenerator and added the need for a directory path (location for the template files)
- fixed a null reference bug in JsonItemValidator (cannot try to iterate through possible null referenced collections)
- 13:36 Changeset [17434] by
#1772: Merge trunk changes and fix all errors and compilation warnings.
- 17:29 Changeset [17433] by
- added property Description in IJsonItem and updated all construction calls
- updated UnsupportedJsonItem with unsupported property Description
- updated JsonItemBaseControl and JsonItemVMBase for new property Description
- 17:02 Changeset [17432] by
- tree view is expanded on default now
- fixed a bug with wrong anchors in JsonItemRangeControl and JsonItemValueControl
- fixed a bug with wrong width for loaded user controls in ExportJsonDialog
- 16:46 Changeset [17431] by
- renamed JsonItemArrayValueControl to JsonItemMultiValueControl
- extracted converter logic from property Value in JsonItem<V,R> into new private method ConvertObject
- added references to TreeNode and TreeView in JsonItemVMBase -> for additional user feedback when enabling/disabling an item (changes the fore color of referenced node)
- changed implementation and interplay between ArrayValueVM and JsonItemMultiValueControl -> removed the direct access of property DataSource of DataGridView -> now: dynamically adds new columns/rows and accesses grid cells manually (better handling with matrices)
- added new VM MatrixValueVM
- 11:07 Changeset [17430] by
- Fixed progress calculation for InteractiveSymbolicDataAnalysisSolutionSimplifierView.
- Added a minimum improvement (of 1E-10) to stop constant opt.
- Added tooltips for Simplify and Optimize.
- 03:38 Changeset [17429] by
updated link
- 09:28 Changeset [17428] by
#2812: Adapted UnitTest (Instance-Comparison failed)
- 17:08 Changeset [17427] by
#2812: Changed type of MeanFunctionParameter and CovarianceFunctionParameter from IValueParameter to IConstrainedValueParameter (+ initialization)
- 16:54 Changeset [17426] by
- Certain events of the TargetControl are now forwarded to the ProgressView in order to correctly dispose and hide the ProgressView.
- Simplified hiding the ProgressView within the Regression/ClassificationSolutionVariableImpactsView.
- 13:30 Changeset [17425] by
#3055: Added the first version of SMS-EMOA
- 13:23 Changeset [17424] by
#3055: created branch for SMS-EMOA
- 13:10 Ticket #3055 (S-Metric Selection Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization Algorithm ...) created by
- * This algorithm is SMS-EMOA implementation on HL. The main structure …