- 12:40 Ticket #2874 (Widgets for workers and folds are not aligned correctly in the ...) closed by
- done: r15937 merged to stable
- 12:40 Changeset [15937] by
#2874 merged to stable
- 07:57 Changeset [15936] by
#2886 mapping GP solutions in R
- 16:25 Changeset [15935] by
#2886: Fix constants optimization in grammar enumeration.
- 11:18 Changeset [15934] by
#2919: Update project (include TriangularMatrix.cs)
- 20:33 Changeset [15933] by
#2839: several fixes
- rebuilt run in hive
- adapted numeric selector (added FixedNumericUpDown.cs)
- 12:18 Changeset [15932] by
#2919: Decide to enforce symmetry by returning values mirrored across the main diagonal.
- 11:30 Changeset [15931] by
#2919: Implement TriangularMatrix deriving from ValueTypeMatrix
- 16:40 Changeset [15930] by
#2886: Make grammar more configurable in grammar enumeration.
- 15:00 Changeset [15929] by
#2288: Rename branch and update references.
- 13:08 Ticket #2919 (Packed storage matrix type) created by
- Dense, fixed-size, symmetric matrices are pretty common. In …
- 12:54 Changeset [15928] by
#2886: Add problem instance providers for grammar enumeration.
- 19:39 Changeset [15927] by
#2886 made some changes to the R script for clustering and visualzation for the book chapter
- 07:08 Ticket #2918 (Export C# Scripts to an Executable) created by
- It would be nice if we could export our C# scripts to console …
- 13:14 Changeset [15926] by
- Added the support for importing different Matlab datatypes.
- Added some classes and changed the import dialog for importing double arrays.
- 08:54 Changeset [15925] by
#2839: fixed bug in HeartbeatManager (more specific: corrected check if a task via its parenting job is still granted for a certain resource)