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23:36 Ticket #321 (Improve implementation of operator for Theil's Inequality) created by gkronber


20:27 Changeset [685] by cbahner

basic implementation of dataRows

20:15 Changeset [684] by mstoeger

added DataChanged event to IChartDataRowsModel. (#316)

19:35 Changeset [683] by mstoeger

created empty line chart user control (#316)

18:56 Ticket #320 (ChartModel: Implementation of internal data representation (data rows)) created by cbahner
ChartModel: Implementation of internal data representation (data rows)
18:34 Ticket #317 (Set svn:* properties) closed by mstoeger
fixed: set svn:needs-lock property on .csproj files (r681)
18:29 Changeset [682] by bspisic


Added some classes and interfaces for event handling.

18:28 Changeset [681] by mstoeger

#317 set svn:needs-lock on .csproj files

18:25 Ticket #319 (Eventhandling between chart and canvas) created by bspisic
Eventhandling between chart and canvas
18:22 Changeset [680] by cbahner


created base class structure for model

18:21 Ticket #318 (Implement base class structure for model) created by gkragl
Implement base class structure for model
18:18 Ticket #317 (Set svn:* properties) created by mstoeger
18:17 Ticket #316 (Create interfaces between model and view) created by mstoeger
15:31 Changeset [679] by gkronber

implemented #315 by adding an import statement for System.Linq.

15:28 Ticket #315 (Support for LINQ extensions in ProgrammableOperator) created by gkronber
11:25 Ticket #314 (Stopwatch operators calculate incorrect values for ElapsedSeconds) created by mkommend
TimeSpan.FromTicks() doesn't use the same 'tick-length' as …
10:56 Changeset [678] by mkommend

support for multiclass classification added; AUC calculated (ticket #308)

10:54 Changeset [677] by mkommend

PointXYChart refactored to use generic ItemList instead of Itemlist<ItemList<DoubleArrayData>> (ticket #310)


17:00 Ticket #313 (CrossValidation operator doesn't work with fold=1) created by gkronber
13:33 Ticket #312 (File is not closed when open fails (with an Exception)) created by gkronber
13:27 Changeset [676] by gkronber

fixed #303 (again)

13:25 Changeset [675] by gkronber

fixed #307 (again)

13:19 Ticket #303 (Starter crashes when trying to open attached operator-library) reopened by gkronber
Application still crashes when a type is not found in an existing plugin.
13:18 Ticket #307 (Whole application crashes when trying to load a file that needs ...) reopened by gkronber
Application still crashes when a type is not found in an installed plugin.
13:12 Ticket #309 (FunctionLibraryInjector does not set constraints for variables) closed by gkronber
fixed: fixed with r647.
13:11 Changeset [674] by gkronber

fixed #309 (FunctionLibraryInjector does not set constraints for variables)

10:56 Ticket #311 (Generic operator to determine min, avg, max of some variable in all ...) created by gkronber
A more generic operator similar to BestAverageWorstQualityCalculator …
09:33 Changeset [673] by mkommend

corrected initial zoom to use absolute range values (ticket #310)


17:26 Changeset [672] by mkommend

division error corrected (ticket #308)

17:25 Changeset [671] by mkommend

PointXYChart + Injector + View created (ticket #310)

17:24 Ticket #310 (PointCharts with specified X/Y coordinates) created by mkommend
enables the display of ROCs (connected with ticket #308)
14:22 Changeset [670] by mkommend

renamed to ROCAnalyzer

14:21 Changeset [669] by mkommend

ROCAnalyser renamed to ROCAnalyzer

13:36 Ticket #309 (FunctionLibraryInjector does not set constraints for variables) created by mkommend
12:26 Changeset [668] by mkommend

namespaces changed to HeuristicLab.GP.StructureIdentification.Classification
(ticket #177)

09:45 Changeset [667] by mkommend

ROCAnalyser.cs added to project HeuristicLab.GP.StructureIdentification.Classification.csproj (ticket #308)

09:43 Ticket #308 (ROC analyzer for GP classification problems) created by mkommend
00:48 Changeset [666] by gkronber

fixed #305 (Implementation of GP onepoint crossover doesn't match description as given in FoGP)

00:27 Ticket #304 (Functionality to copy values from an itemlist to the clip-board (for ...) closed by gkronber
fixed: implemented with r665.
00:27 Changeset [665] by gkronber

implemented #304 (Functionality to copy values from an itemlist to the clip-board (for export to excel))

00:08 Ticket #303 (Starter crashes when trying to open attached operator-library) closed by gkronber
fixed: * fixed in 3.0 branch with r663 * fixed in 3.1 branch with r664
00:08 Changeset [664] by gkronber

fixed #303 in 3.1 branch

00:07 Changeset [663] by gkronber

fixed #303 in 3.0 branch

00:07 Ticket #307 (Whole application crashes when trying to load a file that needs ...) closed by gkronber
fixed: * fixed with r661 in 3.1 branch * fixed with r662 in 3.0 branch
00:06 Changeset [662] by gkronber

fixed #307 in the 3.0 branch

00:05 Changeset [661] by gkronber

fixed #307 in 3.1 branch

00:04 Changeset [660] by gkronber

fixed #307 in the trunk.

00:02 Ticket #307 (Whole application crashes when trying to load a file that needs ...) created by gkronber
As #303 only for HeuristicLab.OptimizationFrontend
00:01 Ticket #303 (Starter crashes when trying to open attached operator-library) reopened by gkronber
fix should be merged to 3.0 and 3.1 as well.
00:00 Ticket #303 (Starter crashes when trying to open attached operator-library) closed by gkronber
fixed: fixed with 659.


23:59 Changeset [659] by gkronber

fixed #303.

23:38 Ticket #177 (Restructure genetic programming plugins) closed by gkronber
fixed: further changes should be tracked in separate tickets.
23:37 Ticket #262 (FunctionLibraryInjector always injects 'Differential' terminal) closed by gkronber
fixed: This has been fixed in relation to #177 with r656 by introducting …
23:34 Changeset [658] by gkronber

renamed ClassificationMatrixEvaluator to ConfusionMatrixEvaluator (#177)

23:31 Changeset [657] by gkronber

deleted refactoring branch after changes have been merged back into the trunk (#177)

22:55 Changeset [656] by gkronber

merged changesets r644:647 and r651:655 from the GpPluginsRefactoringBranch back into the trunk (#177)

22:33 Changeset [655] by gkronber

fixed contextmenu for tree representation (#177)

22:27 Ticket #306 (Functionality to export a symbolic regression solution as an Excel ...) created by gkronber
21:01 Ticket #305 (Implementation of GP onepoint crossover doesn't match description as ...) created by gkronber
14:42 Changeset [654] by gkronber

worked on exporters and display of function-names in the functionView (#177)


18:56 Ticket #304 (Functionality to copy values from an itemlist to the clip-board (for ...) created by gkronber
16:40 Ticket #303 (Starter crashes when trying to open attached operator-library) created by mkommend
11:03 Changeset [653] by gkronber

fixed compilation errors (because of incorrect references) in CEDMA.Charting plugin (ticket #177)

11:02 Changeset [652] by gkronber
  • added a solution to compile old plugin versions
  • fixed plugin references and
  • added script to generate AssemblyInfos with SubWCRev

(ticket #177)


21:54 Changeset [651] by gkronber
  • moved !GPEvaluatorBase to directory Evaluators
  • fixed installation
  • fixed generations of AssemblyInfos from templates with subwcrev
  • fixed plugin dependencies

(ticket #177)

21:28 Changeset [650] by gkronber

created a branch for version 3.2 of HeuristicLab.StructureIdentification (#177)

21:27 Changeset [649] by gkronber

created a branch for version 3.2 of HeuristicLab.Functions

21:26 Changeset [648] by gkronber

added a directory for branches of old plugin versions and added directories for HeuristicLab.Functions and HeuristicLab.StructureIdentification (#177)

21:11 Ticket #302 (Show variable names instead of var<index> in GP function trees) created by gkronber
21:01 Changeset [647] by gkronber

delete obsolete project file (#177)

21:00 Changeset [646] by gkronber

renamed directories (#177)

20:53 Changeset [645] by gkronber

moved all classes of HL.Functions and HL.StructureIdentification to new plugins HeuristicLab.GP... (#177)


19:10 Changeset [644] by gkronber

added new GP plugins (#177)

19:08 Changeset [643] by gkronber

created a branch for #177 restructuring of GP plugins

18:55 Ticket #178 (Restructure plugin HeuristicLab.StructureIdentification) closed by gkronber
duplicate: All changes for the refactoring of genetic programming parts is …
18:38 Ticket #183 (Splash screen sometimes causes ObjectDisposedException) closed by gkronber
fixed: No more exceptions since last comment.
18:36 Ticket #169 (Possibility to extend the set of available functions for GP via plugins) closed by gkronber
fixed: fixed with r642.
18:35 Changeset [642] by gkronber

fixed #169 (Possibility to extend the set of available functions for GP via plugins)

17:34 WorkbenchesHL3 edited by gkronber
added link to santa fe ant trail problem engine (diff)
17:16 Ticket #299 (Implement Santa-Fe ant benchmark problem for GP) closed by gkronber
fixed: implemented with r641.
17:12 Changeset [641] by gkronber

implemented #299 (Implement Santa-Fe ant benchmark problem for GP)

17:07 Ticket #301 ('Save all' throws Exceptions when there are windows containing views ...) closed by gkronber
fixed: fixed with r640.
17:06 Changeset [640] by gkronber

fixed #301 ('Save all' throws Exceptions when there are windows containing views (which are not editors))

17:06 Ticket #300 ('Save all' throws Exceptions when there are tabs containing views ...) closed by gkronber
fixed: fixed with r639.
17:06 Changeset [639] by gkronber

fixed #300 ('Save all' throws Exceptions when there are tabs containing views (which are not editors))

17:02 Ticket #301 ('Save all' throws Exceptions when there are windows containing views ...) created by gkronber
17:02 Ticket #300 ('Save all' throws Exceptions when there are tabs containing views ...) created by gkronber
16:54 Ticket #103 (Serialization of large engines should use less RAM) closed by gkronber
duplicate: This ticket has been superseded by #277.
16:51 Ticket #299 (Implement Santa-Fe ant benchmark problem for GP) created by gkronber


17:46 Ticket #108 (Homologous and size-fair crossover operators for GP) closed by gkronber


16:27 OldWikiStart edited by kgrading
mse12g4ws08 group name changed (diff)
14:38 OldWikiStart edited by kgrading
changed grid project name to velocity (diff)


22:54 Changeset [638] by gkronber

created a branch for changes needed to run HL3 on Mono 2.0
(ticket #298)

22:53 Ticket #298 (Adapt HeuristicLab to run on top of Mono 2.0) created by gkronber
15:32 Ticket #297 (Redesign communication framework) created by abeham
The communication framework still reflects mostly the ideas when …
13:34 Ticket #296 (It's not possible to specify StateTransition in the InitialState) created by abeham
12:40 Ticket #291 (SimOpt Redesign) closed by abeham
fixed: done in r637
12:39 Changeset [637] by abeham

[trunk] Redesigned and simplified SimOpt according to ticket #291


11:12 Ticket #295 (Create charting framework test in HeuristicLab.Visualization.Test) closed by mstoeger
fixed: Imported charting framework test application from old repository (r636)
11:11 Changeset [636] by mstoeger

Create test application for HeuristicLab.Visualization (#295)

10:57 Ticket #294 (Import charting framework sources into HeuristicLab.Visualization) closed by mstoeger
fixed: imported from old repository revision 60 from …
10:54 Changeset [635] by mstoeger

Imported charting framework sources into HeuristicLab.Visualization (#294)

10:39 Ticket #295 (Create charting framework test in HeuristicLab.Visualization.Test) created by mstoeger
10:39 Ticket #294 (Import charting framework sources into HeuristicLab.Visualization) created by mstoeger


00:49 Ticket #276 (Define SVN properties) closed by swagner
00:46 Changeset [634] by swagner

Set SVN properties bugtraq:* on all relevant folders (#276)

00:39 Changeset [633] by swagner

Set SVN property svn:ignore on folders for API documentation generation (#276)

00:28 Changeset [632] by swagner

Modified bugtraq:* SVN properties on repository root (#276)


17:01 Changeset [631] by swagner

Added missing svn:ignore properties in branches (#276)

16:57 Changeset [630] by swagner

Set SVN property svn:ignore for all project and properties folders in all branches (#276)

16:37 Changeset [629] by swagner

Set svn:ignore property for all Properties folders (#276)

16:32 Changeset [628] by swagner

Added missing svn:ignore properties on project files (#276)

16:27 Changeset [627] by swagner

Set SVN property svn:ignore for all project folders (#276)

16:23 Changeset [626] by swagner

Fixed SVN property svn:ignore of HeuristicLab.TestFunctions (#276)

16:19 Changeset [625] by swagner

Added SVN property svn:ignore to HeuristicLab.TestFunctions (#276)

16:07 Changeset [624] by swagner

Fixed SVN properties of HeuristicLab.Visualization and HeuristicLab.Visualization.Test (#276)

15:50 OldWikiStart edited by swagner
12:56 Ticket #293 (Create plugins HeuristicLab.Visualization and ...) closed by swagner
fixed: Fixed in r623
12:55 Changeset [623] by swagner

Fixed SVN property svn:ignore (#293)

12:51 Ticket #293 (Create plugins HeuristicLab.Visualization and ...) reopened by swagner
Forgot to set SVN property svn:ignore.
12:43 Ticket #293 (Create plugins HeuristicLab.Visualization and ...) closed by swagner
fixed: Fixed in r622
12:43 Changeset [622] by swagner

Fixed CopyAssemblies.cmd and dependencies (#293)

12:41 Ticket #293 (Create plugins HeuristicLab.Visualization and ...) reopened by swagner
Forgot to add new assemblies to CopyAssemblies.cmd and to set …
12:36 Ticket #293 (Create plugins HeuristicLab.Visualization and ...) closed by swagner
fixed: Done in r621
12:36 Changeset [621] by swagner

Added empty plugins HeuristicLab.Visualization and HeuristicLab.Visualization.Test (#293)

12:16 Ticket #293 (Create plugins HeuristicLab.Visualization and ...) created by swagner
We need two new plugins for the HeuristicLab Visualization project group.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.