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Results (141 - 160 of 2734)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#683 nu-SVR engine doesn't filter allowed features to remove the target variable gkronber defect high HeuristicLab 3.3.0 ZZZ OBSOLETE: SupportVectorMachines
#703 Overflow error in CEDMA Bubble Chart gkronber defect high HeuristicLab 3.3.0 CEDMA.Charting
#770 Refactor optimization frontend swagner enhancement high HeuristicLab 3.3.0 Optimizer
#774 SVM predictor generates different output after it is stored to the DB and loaded again gkronber defect high HeuristicLab 3.3.0 ZZZ OBSOLETE: SupportVectorMachines
#803 Prepare solutions and project structure for working on the HeuristicLab 3.3 release swagner task high HeuristicLab 3.3.0 General
#838 Realising sexual selection in HL3 swagner task high HeuristicLab 3.3.0 Selection
#839 Implement Algorithms: SASEGASA abeham feature request high HeuristicLab 3.3.0 Algorithms.OffspringSelectionGeneticAlgorithm
#840 Implement Algorithms: Tabu Search abeham feature request high HeuristicLab 3.3.0 Algorithms.TabuSearch
#849 PluginInfrastructure attempts to disable a plugin multiple times if multiple dependencies are missing gkronber defect high HeuristicLab 3.3.0 PluginInfrastructure
#852 Implement Particle Swarm Optimization swagner feature request high HeuristicLab 3.3.4 Algorithms.ParticleSwarmOptimization
#866 SimOpt Communication refactoring abeham task high HeuristicLab 3.3.0 Problems.ExternalEvaluation
#889 Operators for Permutation encoding abeham feature request high HeuristicLab 3.3.0 Encodings.PermutationEncoding
#890 Operators for RealVector encoding abeham feature request high HeuristicLab 3.3.0 Encodings.RealVectorEncoding
#898 Linkage between algorithms and problems does not work correctly swagner defect high HeuristicLab 3.3.0 Optimization
#915 Remove warnings from HL 3.3 solution swagner task high HeuristicLab 3.3.0 General
#921 Implement Algorithms: Local Search / Hill Climber abeham enhancement high HeuristicLab 3.3.0 Algorithms.LocalSearch
#923 Implement Algorithms: Simulated Annealing abeham enhancement high HeuristicLab 3.3.0 Algorithms.SimulatedAnnealing
#924 Improve plugin HeuristicLab.Problems.TravelingSalesman swagner enhancement high HeuristicLab 3.3.0 Problems.TravelingSalesman
#930 Selectors cause IndexOutOfRangeExceptions swagner defect high HeuristicLab 3.3.0 Selection
#932 Implement Algorithms: Evolution Strategy abeham enhancement high HeuristicLab 3.3.0 Algorithms.EvolutionStrategy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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