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Custom Query (158 matches)


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Status: closed (20 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#2662 Show Y-Value in Target Response Gradients mkommend enhancement medium Problems.DataAnalysis.Views 3.3.14
#2663 Make Linechart and Histrogram of DataPreprocessing more userfriendly mkommend enhancement medium DataPreprocessing.Views 3.3.14
#2664 Adapt project files for linux jkarder defect medium General 3.3.14
#2666 Improve Performance of LinearLinkageEncoding abeham enhancement medium Encodings.LinearLinkageEncoding 3.3.14
#2670 Target Response Gradient charts should be renamed gkronber enhancement medium Problems.DataAnalysis.Views 3.3.14
#2672 Online calculators should be cloneable mkommend enhancement medium Problems.DataAnalysis 3.3.14
#2673 Solution view for variable impacts gkronber enhancement medium Problems.DataAnalysis.Views 3.3.14
#2674 Copy&paste should also copy the row names for DoubleArrays abeham enhancement medium Data.Views 3.3.14
#2675 TimeframeFeatureCorrelationCalculator cuts the observations within the window at the start and appends them to the end gkronber defect medium Problems.DataAnalysis.Views 3.3.14
#2677 Support for multi-argument functions for non-linear function fitting gkronber feature request medium Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic 3.3.14
#2683 Exception when trying to open the data preprocessing view for regression solutions jkarder defect medium Problems.DataAnalysis 3.3.14
#2685 SymbolicExpressionGrammars calculate the min length and depth of expression wrong mkommend defect medium Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding 3.3.14
#2686 Support for time lags in constant optimizer gkronber feature request medium Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic 3.3.14
#2687 Support for time lags in non-linear function fitting gkronber feature request medium Algorithms.DataAnalysis 3.3.14
#2688 Encoding is not forwarded to the table file parser while importing CSV files gkronber defect medium Problems.Instances 3.3.14
#2689 Parameters of SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding are not prefixed with the encoding name which causes problems when used in MultiEncoding gkronber defect medium Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding 3.3.14
#2690 Implement views for decision tree models (random forest and gradient boosted trees) gkronber feature request medium Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Views 3.3.14
#2692 The 'mathematical view' for symbolic expressions should show factors = 1 directly in the formula. mkommend enhancement medium Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic 3.3.14
#2693 Allow multi-selection for columns in the datagrid in the data-preprocessing tool pfleck enhancement medium DataPreprocessing.Views 3.3.14
#2694 Lazy-loading of the ExportDialog in the EnchancedChart pfleck enhancement medium Visualization.ChartControlsExtensions 3.3.14
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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