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Custom Query (126 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Resolution: done (20 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1427 Move actual value caching down to those parameters where it is required mkommend enhancement highest Parameters 3.3.8
#1889 Release HeuristicLab 3.3.8 swagner task highest General 3.3.8
#1247 Implement RAPGA jkarder feature request high Algorithms.OffspringSelectionGeneticAlgorithm 3.3.8
#1329 Implement scheduling problems abeham feature request high Problems.Scheduling 3.3.8
#1331 Implement Scatter Search jkarder feature request high Algorithms 3.3.8
#1580 Permission set granted for sandboxed application domains is not secure gkronber defect high Hive.Slave 3.3.8
#1712 Implement Round Robin Scheduling for Hive ascheibe enhancement high Hive.Server.Scheduler 3.3.8
#1805 Estimation limits of data analysis solutions are not accessible gkronber defect high Problems.DataAnalysis 3.3.8
#1892 Enhance scatter plot swagner enhancement high Analysis 3.3.8
#1893 Enhance allele frequency analyzer swagner enhancement high Analysis 3.3.8
#1900 ReplaceBranchManipulation throws an overflow exception while calculating the maximum extension length for larger depth limits gkronber defect high Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding 3.3.8
#1910 Program crash when setting the problem size in single objective test function problem gkronber defect high Problems.TestFunctions 3.3.8
#1951 SymbolicRegressionEvaluators handle invalid values differently than the models created by the analyzers gkronber defect high Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression 3.3.8
#1959 The Hive JobManager should show the jobs per user sorted by date ascheibe enhancement high Hive.Client 3.3.8
#1976 Implement ConstantOptimizationAnalyzer to perform constant optimization after a generation is completed gkronber feature request high Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic 3.3.8
#1986 Hive should be able to shutdown slaves abeham feature request high Hive.Slave 3.3.8
#2001 Some Real World Regression Problem Instances are not correct mkommend defect high Problems.Instances 3.3.8
#2006 Fix memory leaks in MainForm.WindowsForms and the OperatorGraphVisualization mkommend defect high MainForm.WindowsForms 3.3.8
#2012 Remove log4net dependency from SharpDevelop abeham task high ExtLibs 3.3.8
#2013 MultiOperator doesn't update the parameters when the Operators parameter is set abeham defect high Operators 3.3.8
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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