Changeset 7799 for branches/HeuristicLab.EvolutionaryTracking
- Timestamp:
- 05/11/12 17:29:55 (13 years ago)
- Location:
- branches/HeuristicLab.EvolutionaryTracking
- Files:
- 9 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r7792 r7799 26 26 27 27 namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding { 28 [Plugin("HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding","Provides operators and related classes for the symbolic expression tree encoding.", " 88")]28 [Plugin("HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding","Provides operators and related classes for the symbolic expression tree encoding.", "")] 29 29 [PluginFile("HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding-3.4.dll", PluginFileType.Assembly)] 30 30 [PluginDependency("HeuristicLab.Analysis", "3.3")] -
r7792 r7799 173 173 174 174 public IEnumerable<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode> IterateNodesBreadth() { 175 var list = new List<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode>(GetLength()) { this }; 176 int offset = 0, count = 1; 177 while (offset != count) { 178 var c = count; 179 for (int i = offset; i != count; ++i) 180 if (list[i].SubtreeCount > 0) 181 list.AddRange(list[i].Subtrees); 182 offset = c; 183 count = list.Count; 175 var list = new List<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode>() { this }; 176 int i = 0; 177 while (i != list.Count) { 178 for (int j = 0; j != list[i].SubtreeCount; ++j) 179 list.Add(list[i].GetSubtree(j)); 180 ++i; 184 181 } 185 182 return list; -
r7792 r7799 99 99 _selectedVisualSymbolicExpressionTreeNode = symbolicExpressionTreeChart.GetVisualSymbolicExpressionTreeNode(nodes[index + fragments.Count - 1]); 100 100 var subtree = _selectedVisualSymbolicExpressionTreeNode.SymbolicExpressionTreeNode; 101 foreach (var visualNode in subtree.IterateNodes Postfix().Select(node => symbolicExpressionTreeChart.GetVisualSymbolicExpressionTreeNode(node))) {101 foreach (var visualNode in subtree.IterateNodesBreadth().Select(node => symbolicExpressionTreeChart.GetVisualSymbolicExpressionTreeNode(node))) { 102 102 visualNode.FillColor = Color.LightBlue; 103 103 } 104 104 symbolicExpressionTreeChart.Repaint(); 105 } 106 } 107 var tree = symbolicExpressionTreeChart.Tree; 108 var graphNode = Content.GetNode(tree); 109 if (graphNode.InEdges != null) { 110 var arc = graphNode.InEdges.Find(a => a.Data != null); 111 if (arc != null) { 112 var fragment = arc.Data as ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode; 113 foreach (var node in fragment.IterateNodesBreadth()) { 114 var visualNode = symbolicExpressionTreeChart.GetVisualSymbolicExpressionTreeNode(node); 115 visualNode.FillColor = Color.LightGreen; 116 } 105 117 } 106 118 } -
r7792 r7799 236 236 GlobalCloneMap.Clear(); 237 237 GlobalTraceMap.Clear(); 238 }239 GlobalFragmentMap.Clear();238 GlobalFragmentMap.Clear(); 239 } 240 240 } 241 241 return base.Apply(); -
r7792 r7799 21 21 22 22 using System; 23 using System.Collections.Generic; 23 24 using System.Drawing; 24 25 using System.Globalization; … … 57 58 private const string GlobalTraceMapParameterName = "GlobalTraceMap"; 58 59 private const string GlobalCloneMapParameterName = "GlobalCloneMap"; 60 private const string GlobalFragmentMapParameterName = "GlobalFragmentMap"; 59 61 private const string PopulationGraphResultParameterName = "PopulationGraph"; 60 62 private const string PopulationGraphResultParameterDescription = "Individual lineages"; … … 105 107 get { return (LookupParameter<CloneMapType>)Parameters[GlobalCloneMapParameterName]; } 106 108 } 109 public LookupParameter<CloneMapType> GlobalFragmentMapParameter { 110 get { return (LookupParameter<CloneMapType>)Parameters[GlobalFragmentMapParameterName]; } 111 } 107 112 #endregion 108 113 … … 140 145 public TraceMapType GlobalTraceMap { 141 146 get { return GlobalTraceMapParameter.ActualValue; } 147 } 148 public CloneMapType GlobalFragmentMap { 149 get { return GlobalFragmentMapParameter.ActualValue; } 142 150 } 143 151 public SymbolicDataAnalysisExpressionTreeInterpreter SymbolicExpressionInterpreter { … … 173 181 Parameters.Add(new LookupParameter<TraceMapType>(GlobalTraceMapParameterName, "A global cache containing the whole genealogy.")); 174 182 Parameters.Add(new LookupParameter<CloneMapType>(GlobalCloneMapParameterName, "A global map keeping track of trees and their clones (made during selection).")); 183 Parameters.Add(new LookupParameter<CloneMapType>(GlobalFragmentMapParameterName, "A global map keeping track of tree fragments received via crossover.")); 175 184 Parameters.Add(new ValueLookupParameter<ResultCollection>(ResultsParameterName, "The results collection where the analysis values should be stored.")); 176 185 Parameters.Add(new LookupParameter<SymbolicDataAnalysisExpressionTreeInterpreter>(SymbolicExpressionInterpreterParameterName, "Interpreter for symbolic expression trees")); … … 236 245 var tree = qualities.ElementAt(i).Key; 237 246 label = (i + 1).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 238 graph.AddNode(tree, qualities[tree], label, generation, i < Elites.Value); 247 var node = new GenealogyGraphNode(tree) { Quality = qualities[tree], Label = label, Rank = generation, IsElite = i < Elites.Value }; 248 graph.AddNode(node); 239 249 } 240 250 return base.Apply(); … … 245 255 var child = qualities.ElementAt(i).Key; 246 256 label = (generation * qualities.Count + i + 1).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 247 if (!graph.HasNode(child)) 248 graph.AddNode(child, qualities[child], label, generation, i < Elites.Value); 257 if (!graph.HasNode(child)) { 258 var node = new GenealogyGraphNode(child) { Quality = qualities[child], Label = label, Rank = generation, IsElite = i < Elites.Value }; 259 graph.AddNode(node); 260 } 249 261 if (!GlobalTraceMap.ContainsKey(child)) continue; 250 var parents = GlobalTraceMap[child] ;262 var parents = GlobalTraceMap[child].Cast<ISymbolicExpressionTree>(); 251 263 252 264 foreach (var parent in parents) { 265 object data; 253 266 if (GlobalTraceMap.ContainsKey(parent)) { 254 double quality = Evaluate((ISymbolicExpressionTree)parent); 255 graph.AddNode((ISymbolicExpressionTree)parent, quality, "", generation - 0.5); 256 var pp = GlobalTraceMap[parent]; 267 double quality = Evaluate(parent); 268 var node = new GenealogyGraphNode(parent) { Quality = quality, Label = "", Rank = generation - 0.5 }; 269 graph.AddNode(node); 270 var pp = GlobalTraceMap[parent].Cast<ISymbolicExpressionTree>(); 257 271 foreach (var p in pp) { 258 graph.AddArc((ISymbolicExpressionTree)p, (ISymbolicExpressionTree)parent); 272 data = ((List<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode>)parent.IterateNodesBreadth())[((IntValue)GlobalFragmentMap[parent]).Value]; 273 graph.AddArc(p, parent, data); 259 274 } 260 275 } 261 graph.AddArc((ISymbolicExpressionTree)parent, child); 276 data = ((List<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode>)child.IterateNodesBreadth())[((IntValue)GlobalFragmentMap[child]).Value]; 277 graph.AddArc(parent, child, data); 262 278 } 263 279 } … … 267 283 GlobalTraceMap.Clear(); 268 284 GlobalCloneMap.Clear(); 285 GlobalFragmentMap.Clear(); 269 286 } 270 287 -
r7792 r7799 31 31 [Item("Genealogy graph", "Generic class for tracking the evolution of objects.")] 32 32 public class GenealogyGraph<T> : NamedItem, IGenealogyGraph<T> where T : class { 33 private readonly Dictionary<T, GenealogyGraphNode> _ dictionary;33 private readonly Dictionary<T, GenealogyGraphNode> _nodes; 34 34 35 35 public GenealogyGraph() { 36 _ dictionary= new Dictionary<T, GenealogyGraphNode>();36 _nodes = new Dictionary<T, GenealogyGraphNode>(); 37 37 } 38 38 39 39 public GenealogyGraph(GenealogyGraph<T> g) { 40 _ dictionary = new Dictionary<T, GenealogyGraphNode>(g._dictionary);40 _nodes = new Dictionary<T, GenealogyGraphNode>(g._nodes); 41 41 } 42 42 … … 56 56 private GenealogyGraph(GenealogyGraph<T> original, Cloner cloner) 57 57 : base(original, cloner) { 58 _dictionary = new Dictionary<T, GenealogyGraphNode>(original._dictionary); 59 } 60 61 public bool HasNode(T t) { 62 return _dictionary.ContainsKey(t); 63 } 64 65 public GenealogyGraphNode GetNode(T t) { 66 return HasNode(t) ? _dictionary[t] : null; 67 } 68 69 public IEnumerable<T> Keys { 70 get { return _dictionary.Keys; } 71 } 72 73 public IEnumerable<GenealogyGraphNode> Values { 74 get { return _dictionary.Values; } 75 } 76 77 public bool IsEmpty { 78 get { return !_dictionary.Any(); } 79 } 80 81 public bool Any(Func<KeyValuePair<T, GenealogyGraphNode>, bool> predicate) { 82 return _dictionary.Any(predicate); 83 } 84 85 public void Clear() { 86 _dictionary.Clear(); 87 } 58 _nodes = new Dictionary<T, GenealogyGraphNode>(original._nodes); 59 } 60 61 public bool HasNode(T t) { return _nodes.ContainsKey(t); } 62 public GenealogyGraphNode GetNode(T t) { return HasNode(t) ? _nodes[t] : null; } 63 public IEnumerable<T> Keys { get { return _nodes.Keys; } } 64 public IEnumerable<GenealogyGraphNode> Values { get { return _nodes.Values; } } 65 public bool IsEmpty { get { return !_nodes.Any(); } } 66 public bool Any(Func<KeyValuePair<T, GenealogyGraphNode>, bool> predicate) { return _nodes.Any(predicate); } 67 public void Clear() { _nodes.Clear(); } 88 68 89 69 /// <summary> 90 70 /// Adds a node representing an individual 91 71 /// </summary> 92 /// <param name="t">The symbolic expression tree</param> 93 /// <param name="quality">The quality value </param> 94 /// <param name="label">The node label</param> 95 /// <param name="rank">The node rank</param> 96 /// <param name="elite">Specifies if this node is an elite</param> 97 public void AddNode(T t, double quality = 0.0, string label = "", double rank = 0, bool elite = false) { 72 /// <param name="t">The data this node is supposed to represent in the graph</param> 73 public void AddNode(T t) { 98 74 if (HasNode(t)) return; 99 _ dictionary[t] = new GenealogyGraphNode { Data = t, Quality = quality, Label = label, IsElite = elite, Rank = rank};75 _nodes[t] = new GenealogyGraphNode(t) { Quality = 0.0, Label = "", IsElite = false, Rank = 0.0 }; 100 76 } 101 77 … … 107 83 var t = (T)node.Data; 108 84 if (HasNode(t)) return; 109 _ dictionary[t] = node;85 _nodes[t] = node; 110 86 } 111 87 … … 115 91 /// <param name="t">The graph node</param> 116 92 public void RemoveNode(T t) { 117 if (!_ dictionary.ContainsKey(t)) return;118 var node = _ dictionary[t];93 if (!_nodes.ContainsKey(t)) return; 94 var node = _nodes[t]; 119 95 if (node.InEdges != null) { 120 96 foreach (var e in node.InEdges.Where(e => e.Target.OutEdges != null)) { 121 97 e.Target.OutEdges.RemoveAll(arc => arc.Target == node); 122 if ( !e.Target.OutEdges.Any())98 if (e.Target.OutEdges.Count == 0) 123 99 e.Target.OutEdges = null; // set to null to be a little more memory efficient 124 100 } … … 128 104 foreach (var e in node.OutEdges.Where(e => e.Target.InEdges != null)) { 129 105 e.Target.InEdges.RemoveAll(arc => arc.Target == node); 130 if ( !e.Target.InEdges.Any())106 if (e.Target.InEdges.Count == 0) 131 107 e.Target.InEdges = null; // set to null to be a little more memory efficient 132 108 } 133 109 node.OutEdges = null; 134 110 } 135 _ dictionary.Remove(t);111 _nodes.Remove(t); 136 112 } 137 113 … … 143 119 /// Adds a graph arc from a to b 144 120 /// </summary> 145 /// <param name=" a"></param>146 /// <param name=" b"></param>147 public void AddArc(T a, T b) {121 /// <param name="obj1"></param> 122 /// <param name="obj2"></param> 123 public void AddArc(T obj1, T obj2, object data1 = null, object data2 = null) { 148 124 GenealogyGraphNode src, dest; 149 if (!HasNode( a)) {150 src = new GenealogyGraphNode { Data = a };151 _ dictionary[a] = src;125 if (!HasNode(obj1)) { 126 src = new GenealogyGraphNode(obj1); 127 _nodes[obj1] = src; 152 128 } else { 153 src = _ dictionary[a];154 } 155 if (!HasNode( b)) {156 dest = new GenealogyGraphNode { Data = b };157 _ dictionary[b] = dest;129 src = _nodes[obj1]; 130 } 131 if (!HasNode(obj2)) { 132 dest = new GenealogyGraphNode(obj2); 133 _nodes[obj2] = dest; 158 134 } else { 159 dest = _ dictionary[b];135 dest = _nodes[obj2]; 160 136 } 161 137 // add forward and reverse arcs … … 164 140 } 165 141 166 public void AddArcs(T[] a, T b) {167 GenealogyGraphNode src, dest;168 if (!HasNode(b)) {169 dest = new GenealogyGraphNode { Data = b };170 _dictionary[b] = dest;171 } else {172 dest = _dictionary[b];173 }174 foreach (var o in a) {175 if (!HasNode(o)) {176 src = new GenealogyGraphNode { Data = o };177 _dictionary[o] = src;178 } else {179 src = _dictionary[o];180 }181 src.AddForwardArc(dest);182 dest.AddReverseArc(src);183 }184 }142 //public void AddArcs(T[] a, T b) { 143 // GenealogyGraphNode src, dest; 144 // if (!HasNode(b)) { 145 // dest = new GenealogyGraphNode(b); 146 // _nodes[b] = dest; 147 // } else { 148 // dest = _nodes[b]; 149 // } 150 // foreach (var o in a) { 151 // if (!HasNode(o)) { 152 // src = new GenealogyGraphNode(o); 153 // _nodes[o] = src; 154 // } else { 155 // src = _nodes[o]; 156 // } 157 // src.AddForwardArc(dest); 158 // dest.AddReverseArc(src); 159 // } 160 //} 185 161 } 186 162 … … 189 165 public string Label { get; set; } 190 166 public bool IsElite { get; set; } 191 public object Data { get; set; }192 167 public double Quality { get; set; } 193 168 public double Rank { get; set; } 194 169 public List<GenealogyGraphArc> InEdges { get; set; } 195 170 public List<GenealogyGraphArc> OutEdges { get; set; } 171 private object _data; 172 public object Data { 173 get { return _data; } 174 set { 175 if (value == null) 176 throw new ArgumentException("Node data cannot be null."); 177 else { 178 _data = value; // data must be of type T 179 } 180 } 181 } 196 182 197 183 public int Degree { get { return (InEdges == null ? 0 : InEdges.Count) + (OutEdges == null ? 0 : OutEdges.Count); } } 198 184 199 public GenealogyGraphNode() { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } 185 public GenealogyGraphNode(object data) { 186 if (data == null) { 187 throw new ArgumentException("Node data cannot be null"); 188 } 189 Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); 190 Data = data; 191 } 200 192 201 193 public GenealogyGraphNode(GenealogyGraphNode node) { … … 206 198 Label = node.Label; 207 199 Data = node.Data; 208 InEdges = n ode.InEdges;209 OutEdges = n ode.OutEdges;200 InEdges = new List<GenealogyGraphArc>(node.InEdges); 201 OutEdges = new List<GenealogyGraphArc>(node.OutEdges); 210 202 } 211 203 … … 216 208 public IEnumerable<GenealogyGraphNode> Ancestors() { 217 209 var nodes = new HashSet<GenealogyGraphNode> { this }; 218 int offset = 0; 219 int c0 = 1; 220 while (offset != c0) { 221 int c1 = c0; 222 for (int i = offset; i != c1; ++i) { 223 if (nodes.ElementAt(i).InEdges == null) continue; 210 int i = 0; 211 while (i != nodes.Count) { 212 if (nodes.ElementAt(i).InEdges != null) { 224 213 foreach (var p in nodes.ElementAt(i).InEdges.Select(e => e.Target)) { 225 214 nodes.Add(p); … … 227 216 } 228 217 } 229 offset = c1; 230 c0 = nodes.Count; 218 ++i; 231 219 } 232 220 } … … 238 226 public IEnumerable<GenealogyGraphNode> Descendants() { 239 227 var nodes = new HashSet<GenealogyGraphNode> { this }; 240 int offset = 0; 241 int c0 = 1; 242 while (offset != c0) { 243 int c1 = c0; 244 for (int i = offset; i != c1; ++i) { 245 if (nodes.ElementAt(i).OutEdges == null) continue; 228 int i = 0; 229 while (i != nodes.Count) { 230 if (nodes.ElementAt(i).OutEdges != null) { 246 231 foreach (var p in nodes.ElementAt(i).OutEdges.Select(e => e.Target)) { 247 232 nodes.Add(p); … … 249 234 } 250 235 } 251 offset = c1; 252 c0 = nodes.Count; 253 } 254 } 255 256 public void AddForwardArc(GenealogyGraphNode target) { 257 var e = new GenealogyGraphArc { Target = target }; 236 ++i; 237 } 238 } 239 240 // this method can be used to add arcs towards targets that are not visible in the graph 241 // (they do not appear in the _nodes Dictionary). It is the programmers responsibility to 242 // enforce the correct and desired behavior. 243 public void AddForwardArc(GenealogyGraphNode target, object data = null) { 244 var e = new GenealogyGraphArc { Target = target, Data = data }; 258 245 if (OutEdges == null) OutEdges = new List<GenealogyGraphArc> { e }; 259 246 else OutEdges.Add(e); 260 247 } 261 248 262 public void AddReverseArc(GenealogyGraphNode target ) {263 var e = new GenealogyGraphArc { Target = target };249 public void AddReverseArc(GenealogyGraphNode target, object data = null) { 250 var e = new GenealogyGraphArc { Target = target, Data = data }; 264 251 if (InEdges == null) InEdges = new List<GenealogyGraphArc> { e }; 265 252 else InEdges.Add(e); … … 289 276 public string Label { get; set; } // might be useful later 290 277 public double Weight { get; set; } // might be useful later 278 // object used to embed information about node interactions into the arc that connects them (therefore a graph arc will encode a relationship/interaction) 279 public object Data { get; set; } 291 280 } 292 281 } -
r7792 r7799 30 30 bool Any(Func<KeyValuePair<T, GenealogyGraphNode>, bool> predicate); // graph contains any nodes matching the given predicate? 31 31 void Clear(); // clear graph 32 void AddNode(T t , double quality = 0.0, string label = "", double rank = 0, bool elite = false);32 void AddNode(T t); 33 33 void RemoveNode(T t); // remove node if contained in the graph 34 34 GenealogyGraphNode GetNode(T t); // return node corresponding to object t, or null 35 35 // arc operation 36 void AddArc(T source, T target );37 void AddArcs(T[] a, T b);36 void AddArc(T source, T target, object sourceData = null, object targetData = null); 37 //void AddArcs(T[] a, T b); 38 38 } 39 39 } -
r7792 r7799 26 26 /// Plugin class for HeuristicLab.Selection plugin. 27 27 /// </summary> 28 [Plugin("HeuristicLab.Selection", " 88")]28 [Plugin("HeuristicLab.Selection", "")] 29 29 [PluginFile("HeuristicLab.Selection-3.3.dll", PluginFileType.Assembly)] 30 30 [PluginDependency("HeuristicLab.Collections", "3.3")]
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