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09/26/08 16:34:02 (16 years ago)

merged r600 - r602 into 3.0 branch

1 edited


  • branches/3.0/sources/HeuristicLab.PluginInfrastructure.GUI/ManagerForm.cs

    r141 r605  
    3434namespace HeuristicLab.PluginInfrastructure.GUI {
    3535  public partial class ManagerForm : Form {
    36     private TreeNode installedPlugins;
    37     private TreeNode availablePlugins;
    38     private TreeNode disabledPlugins;
    3936    private List<PluginTag> allTags = new List<PluginTag>();
    4037    private Dictionary<PluginTag, PluginAction> actions = new Dictionary<PluginTag, PluginAction>();
    4441    private string backupDir = Application.StartupPath + "/" + HeuristicLab.PluginInfrastructure.GUI.Properties.Settings.Default.BackupDir;
    4542    private string tempDir = Application.StartupPath + "/" + HeuristicLab.PluginInfrastructure.GUI.Properties.Settings.Default.TempDir;
     43    private const string AVAILABLE_PLUGINS = "Available plugins";
     44    private const string DISABLED_PLUGINS = "Disabled plugins";
     45    private const string INSTALLED_PLUGINS = "Installed plugins";
    4747    public ManagerForm() {
    5252    private void InitializePlugins() {
    53       pluginTreeView.Nodes.Clear();
     53      listView.View = View.Details;
     54      listView.FullRowSelect = true;
     55      listView.Items.Clear();
    5456      allTags.Clear();
    5557      actions.Clear();
    6668      deleteMenuItem.Checked = false;
    68       installedPlugins = new TreeNode("Installed plugins");
    69       installedPlugins.ImageIndex = 1;
    70       installedPlugins.SelectedImageIndex = 1;
    71       availablePlugins = new TreeNode("Available plugins");
    72       availablePlugins.ImageIndex = 1;
    73       availablePlugins.SelectedImageIndex = 1;
    74       disabledPlugins = new TreeNode("Disabled plugins");
    75       disabledPlugins.ImageIndex = 1;
    76       disabledPlugins.SelectedImageIndex = 1;
    78       pluginTreeView.Nodes.Add(installedPlugins);
    79       pluginTreeView.Nodes.Add(availablePlugins);
    80       pluginTreeView.Nodes.Add(disabledPlugins);
    8270      foreach(PluginInfo pluginInfo in PluginManager.Manager.ActivePlugins) {
    8371        // create a new PluginAction tag for the plugin
    8472        PluginTag tag = new PluginTag(allTags, pluginInfo, PluginState.Installed);
    8573        allTags.Add(tag);
    86         // add to "installed plugins" node
    87         TreeNode installedPluginsNode = new TreeNode(pluginInfo.Name);
    88         installedPluginsNode.ContextMenuStrip = pluginContextMenuStrip;
    89         installedPluginsNode.Tag = tag;
    90         installedPluginsNode.ImageIndex = 0;
    91         installedPlugins.Nodes.Add(installedPluginsNode);
     74        // add to "installed plugins" item
     75        ListViewItem installedPluginsItem = new ListViewItem(pluginInfo.Name);
     76        installedPluginsItem.Tag = tag;
     77        installedPluginsItem.ImageIndex = 0;
     78        installedPluginsItem.Group = listView.Groups[INSTALLED_PLUGINS];
     79        installedPluginsItem.SubItems.Add(pluginInfo.Version.ToString());
     80        listView.Items.Add(installedPluginsItem);
    9281      }
    9382      foreach(PluginInfo pluginInfo in PluginManager.Manager.DisabledPlugins) {
    9483        PluginTag tag = new PluginTag(allTags, pluginInfo, PluginState.Disabled);
    9584        allTags.Add(tag);
    96         TreeNode disabledPluginsNode = new TreeNode(pluginInfo.Name);
    97         disabledPluginsNode.ContextMenuStrip = pluginContextMenuStrip;
    98         disabledPluginsNode.Tag = tag;
    99         disabledPluginsNode.ImageIndex = 0;
    100         disabledPlugins.Nodes.Add(disabledPluginsNode);
     85        ListViewItem disabledPluginsItem = new ListViewItem(pluginInfo.Name);
     86        disabledPluginsItem.Tag = tag;
     87        disabledPluginsItem.ImageIndex = 0;
     88        disabledPluginsItem.Group = listView.Groups[DISABLED_PLUGINS];
     89        disabledPluginsItem.SubItems.Add(pluginInfo.Version.ToString());
     90        listView.Items.Add(disabledPluginsItem);
    10191      }
    111101        PluginTag tag = new PluginTag(allTags, plugin, PluginState.Available);
    112102        allTags.Add(tag);
    113         TreeNode availableNode = new TreeNode(plugin.Name);
    114         availableNode.ContextMenuStrip = pluginContextMenuStrip;
    115         availableNode.Tag = tag;
    116         availableNode.ImageIndex = 0;
    117         availablePlugins.Nodes.Add(availableNode);
     103        ListViewItem availableItem = new ListViewItem(plugin.Name);
     104        availableItem.Tag = tag;
     105        availableItem.ImageIndex = 0;
     106        availableItem.Group = listView.Groups[AVAILABLE_PLUGINS];
     107        availableItem.SubItems.Add(plugin.Version.ToString());
     108        listView.Items.Add(availableItem);
    118109      });
    119110      upgrades.ForEach(delegate(PluginDescription upgrade) {
    135126        currentPlugin.PluginDescription = overridingPlugin;
    136127      });
    137       toolStripStatusLabel.Text = "Installed: " + installedPlugins.Nodes.Count + " Updates: " + upgrades.Count + " Available: " + availablePlugins.Nodes.Count;
     128      toolStripStatusLabel.Text = "Installed: " + listView.Groups[INSTALLED_PLUGINS].Items.Count +
     129        " Updates: " + upgrades.Count + " Available: " + listView.Groups[AVAILABLE_PLUGINS].Items.Count;
    138130      RebuildActionHulls();
    139       pluginTreeView.Sort();
     132      listView.Sort();
    140133    }
    147140    private void publishButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs args) {
    148       PluginInfo plugin = ((PluginTag)pluginTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag).Plugin;
    149       publishPlugin(plugin);
    150     }
    152     private void publishPlugin(PluginInfo plugin) {
     141      if(listView.SelectedItems.Count == 0) return;
     142      List<PluginInfo> plugins = new List<PluginInfo>();
     143      foreach(ListViewItem item in listView.SelectedItems) {
     144        plugins.Add(((PluginTag)item.Tag).Plugin);
     145      }
     146      PublishPlugin(plugins);
     147    }
     149    private void PublishPlugin(List<PluginInfo> plugins) {
     150      StringBuilder xmlEntries = new StringBuilder();
    153151      try {
    154         string packageFileName = plugin.Name + "-" + plugin.Version + ".zip";
    155         ZipFile zipFile = ZipFile.Create(packageFileName);
    156         zipFile.NameTransform = new PluginNameTransform();
    157         zipFile.BeginUpdate();
    159         infoTextBox.Text = "Publishing plugin:\nCreating " + packageFileName + "...\n";
    160         foreach(string filename in plugin.Files) {
    161           infoTextBox.Text += "Adding " + filename + "\n";
    162           zipFile.Add(filename);
    163         }
    165         zipFile.CommitUpdate();
    166         zipFile.Close();
    167         FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(packageFileName);
    168         infoTextBox.Text += "\nCreated " + packageFileName + " (" + fileInfo.Length + " bytes)\n";
    169         infoTextBox.Text += "Upload this file to your plugin source and add the following entry to" +
     152        infoTextBox.Text = "Publishing plugin:\n";
     153        foreach(PluginInfo plugin in plugins) {
     154          string packageFileName = plugin.Name + "-" + plugin.Version + ".zip";
     155          ZipFile zipFile = ZipFile.Create(packageFileName);
     156          zipFile.NameTransform = new PluginNameTransform();
     157          zipFile.BeginUpdate();
     159          infoTextBox.Text+="Creating " + packageFileName + "...\n";
     160          foreach(string filename in plugin.Files) {
     161            infoTextBox.Text += "Adding " + filename + "\n";
     162            zipFile.Add(filename);
     163          }
     165          zipFile.CommitUpdate();
     166          zipFile.Close();
     167          FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(packageFileName);
     168          infoTextBox.Text += "Created " + packageFileName + " (" + fileInfo.Length + " bytes)\n";
     169          xmlEntries.Append("  <Plugin Name=\"").Append(plugin.Name).Append("\" Version=\"").Append(plugin.Version)
     170            .Append("\" Build=\"").Append(plugin.BuildDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.DateTimeFormat))
     171            .Append("\">").AppendLine();
     172          foreach(PluginInfo dependency in plugin.Dependencies) {
     173            xmlEntries.Append("    <Dependency Name=\"").Append(dependency.Name).Append("\" />").AppendLine();
     174          }
     175          xmlEntries.Append("  </Plugin>").AppendLine();
     176        }
     178        infoTextBox.Text += "Upload the zip files to your plugin source and add the following to" +
    170179" the file plugins.xml residing in the base directory of your plugin source.\n\n";
    171         infoTextBox.Text += "  <Plugin Name=\"" + plugin.Name + "\" Version=\""
    172           + plugin.Version + "\" Build=\"" + plugin.BuildDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.DateTimeFormat) + "\">\n";
    173         foreach(PluginInfo dependency in plugin.Dependencies) {
    174           infoTextBox.Text += "    <Dependency Name=\"" + dependency.Name + "\" />\n";
    175         }
    176         infoTextBox.Text += "  </Plugin>";
     180        infoTextBox.Text += xmlEntries.ToString();
    177181      } catch(Exception exception) {
    178182        infoTextBox.Text += "\nThere was an error!\n" + exception;
    338342      // update the GUI to represent new state of the selected plugin
    339       if(pluginTreeView.SelectedNode != null && pluginTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag is PluginTag) {
    340         UpdateActionButtons((PluginTag)pluginTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag);
    341         DisplayPluginInfo(((PluginTag)pluginTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag).GetPluginDetails());
    342       }
    343     }
     343      if(listView.SelectedItems.Count>0 && listView.SelectedItems[0].Tag is PluginTag) {
     344        UpdateActionButtons((PluginTag)listView.SelectedItems[0].Tag);
     345        DisplayPluginInfo(((PluginTag)listView.SelectedItems[0].Tag).GetPluginDetails());
     346      }
     347    }
    347349    private void MarkInstall(PluginTag actionTag) {
    421423      newAction.Hull = hull;
    422424      newAction.Hull.Add(actionTag);
    425425      actions[actionTag] = newAction;
    426426      UpdateTreeNodes(newAction.Hull);
    542542    private void UpdateTreeNodes(List<PluginTag> hull) {
    543543      hull.ForEach(delegate(PluginTag tag) {
    544         FindPluginNodes(tag).ForEach(delegate(TreeNode node) {
     544        FindPluginItems(tag).ForEach(delegate(ListViewItem item) {
    545545          ManagerAction action = GetAction(tag);
    546546          if(action != ManagerAction.None) {
    547             node.Text = tag.PluginName + " - Action: " + action;
     547            item.Text = tag.PluginName + " - Action: " + action;
    548548            if(action == ManagerAction.Remove) {
    549               node.ImageIndex = 3;
    550               node.SelectedImageIndex = 3;
     549              item.ImageIndex = 3;
    551550            } else if(action == ManagerAction.Install) {
    552               node.ImageIndex = 2;
    553               node.SelectedImageIndex = 2;
     551              item.ImageIndex = 2;
    554552            }
    555553          } else if(tag.State == PluginState.Upgradeable) {
    556             node.Text = tag.PluginName + " - Upgrade: " + tag.PluginVersion + " -> " + tag.UpgradePluginDescription.Version;
    557             node.ImageIndex = 2;
    558             node.SelectedImageIndex = 2;
     554            item.Text = tag.PluginName + " - Upgrade: " + tag.PluginVersion + " -> " + tag.UpgradePluginDescription.Version;
     555            item.ImageIndex = 2;
    559556          } else {
    560             node.Text = tag.PluginName;
    561             node.ImageIndex = 0;
    562             node.SelectedImageIndex = 0;
     557            item.Text = tag.PluginName;
     558            item.ImageIndex = 0;
    563559          }
    564560        });
    604600    }
    606     private List<TreeNode> FindPluginNodes(PluginTag pluginTag) {
    607       List<TreeNode> nodes = new List<TreeNode>();
    608       foreach(TreeNode rootNode in new TreeNode[] { installedPlugins, availablePlugins, disabledPlugins }) {
    609         foreach(TreeNode node in rootNode.Nodes) {
    610           if(pluginTag.Equals(node.Tag)) {
    611             nodes.Add(node);
    612           }
    613         }
    614       }
    615       return nodes;
     602    private List<ListViewItem> FindPluginItems(PluginTag pluginTag) {
     603      List<ListViewItem> items = new List<ListViewItem>();
     604      foreach(ListViewGroup group in listView.Groups) {
     605        foreach(ListViewItem item in group.Items) {
     606          if(pluginTag.Equals(item.Tag)) {
     607            items.Add(item);
     608          }
     609        }
     610      }
     611      return items;
    616612    }
    617613    private void DisplayPluginInfo(string pluginInformation) {
    890886    private void removeButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    891       // get the tag of the selected treeNode
    892       PluginTag actionTag = (PluginTag)pluginTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag;
     887      // get the tag of the selected listViewItem
     888      PluginTag actionTag = (PluginTag)listView.SelectedItems[0].Tag;
    893889      List<PluginAction> rootActions = GetActionsInvolving(actionTag);
    894890      if(rootActions.Count > 0) {
    906902    private void installButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    907       // get the tag of the selected treeNode
    908       PluginTag actionTag = (PluginTag)pluginTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag;
     903      // get the tag of the selected listViewItem
     904      PluginTag actionTag = (PluginTag)listView.SelectedItems[0].Tag;
    909905      List<PluginAction> rootActions = GetActionsInvolving(actionTag);
    937933      InitializePlugins();
    938     }
    940     private void pluginTreeView_BeforeSelect(object sender, TreeViewCancelEventArgs e) {
    941       if(e.Node.Tag != null) {
    943         UpdateActionButtons((PluginTag)e.Node.Tag);
    944         // display the plugin details in the lower pane
    945         DisplayPluginInfo(((PluginTag)e.Node.Tag).GetPluginDetails());
    947       } else {
    948         // when a node was selected that doesn't represent a plugin (root node) then install and remove are not possible
    949         publishButton.Enabled = false;
    950         installButton.Enabled = false;
    951         deleteButton.Enabled = false;
    952       }
    953     }
    955     private void pluginTreeView_NodeMouseClick(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e) {
    956       // dumb solution to automatically select the node on right clicks which opens the context menu because
    957       // per default the treeview doesn't select nodes on right click
    958       if(e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) {
    959         pluginTreeView.SelectedNode = e.Node;
    960       }
    961934    }
    1002975    }
    1004     private void pluginTreeView_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) {
    1005       e.Handled = true;
    1006       if(e.KeyChar == 'i' && installButton.Enabled) {
     977    private void pluginTreeView_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) {
     978      if(e.KeyData == Keys.I && installButton.Enabled) {
     979        e.Handled = true;
     980        e.SuppressKeyPress = true;
    1007981        installButton_Clicked(sender, e);
    1008       } else if(e.KeyChar == 'd' && deleteButton.Enabled) {
     982      } else if((e.KeyData == Keys.D || e.KeyData == Keys.Delete) && deleteButton.Enabled) {
     983        e.Handled = true;
     984        e.SuppressKeyPress = true;
    1009985        removeButton_Clicked(sender, e);
     986      }
     987    }
     989    private void listView_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
     990      // dumb solution to automatically select the node on right clicks which opens the context menu because
     991      // per default the treeview doesn't select nodes on right click
     992      if(e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) {
     993        listView.GetItemAt(e.X, e.Y).Selected = true;
     994      }
     995    }
     997    private void listView_ItemSelectionChanged(object sender, ListViewItemSelectionChangedEventArgs e) {
     998      if(e.Item.Tag != null && e.IsSelected) {
     999        UpdateActionButtons((PluginTag)e.Item.Tag);
     1000        // display the plugin details in the lower pane
     1001        DisplayPluginInfo(((PluginTag)e.Item.Tag).GetPluginDetails());
     1002      } else {
     1003        // when an item was 'unselected' or was selected but doesn't represent a plugin then install and remove are not possible
     1004        publishButton.Enabled = false;
     1005        installButton.Enabled = false;
     1006        deleteButton.Enabled = false;
    10101007      }
    10111008    }
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.