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11/24/15 17:08:13 (8 years ago)

#2520 added guids to storable classes

1 edited


  • branches/PersistenceOverhaul/HeuristicLab.Encodings.PermutationEncoding/3.3/Crossovers/MaximalPreservativeCrossover.cs

    r12012 r13368  
    3030  /// Performs a crossover between two permuation arrays by preserving a large number of edges in both parents.
    3131  /// The operator also maintains the position in the arrays to some extent.
    32   /// It is implemented as described in Mühlenbein, H. 1991. Evolution in time and space - the parallel genetic algorithm. FOUNDATIONS OF GENETIC ALGORITHMS, pp. 316-337. Morgan Kaufmann.<br /><br />
     32  /// It is implemented as described in Mï¿œhlenbein, H. 1991. Evolution in time and space - the parallel genetic algorithm. FOUNDATIONS OF GENETIC ALGORITHMS, pp. 316-337. Morgan Kaufmann.<br /><br />
    3333  /// The length of the segment copied from the first parent to the offspring is uniformly distributed in the interval [3;N/3) with N = length of the permutation.
    34   /// This recommendation is mentioned in Pohlheim, H. 1999. Evolutionäre Algorithmen: Verfahren, Operatoren und Hinweise für die Praxis, p. 44, Springer.
     34  /// This recommendation is mentioned in Pohlheim, H. 1999. Evolutionï¿œre Algorithmen: Verfahren, Operatoren und Hinweise fï¿œr die Praxis, p. 44, Springer.
    3535  /// If the length of the permutation is smaller than 15, the size of the segment is always equal to 3.
    3636  /// </remarks>
    37   [Item("MaximalPreservativeCrossover", "An operator which performs the maximal preservative crossover on two permutations. It is implemented as described in Mühlenbein, H. 1991. Evolution in time and space - the parallel genetic algorithm. FOUNDATIONS OF GENETIC ALGORITHMS, pp. 316-337. Morgan Kaufmann.")]
    38   [StorableClass]
     37  [Item("MaximalPreservativeCrossover", "An operator which performs the maximal preservative crossover on two permutations. It is implemented as described in Mï¿œhlenbein, H. 1991. Evolution in time and space - the parallel genetic algorithm. FOUNDATIONS OF GENETIC ALGORITHMS, pp. 316-337. Morgan Kaufmann.")]
     38  [StorableClass("5F971E2A-6209-42F4-856D-8ED7C47345EC")]
    3939  public class MaximalPreservativeCrossover : PermutationCrossover {
    4040    [StorableConstructor]
    7171      int breakPoint1, breakPoint2, subsegmentLength, index;
    73       subsegmentLength = random.Next(3, Math.Max(length / 3, 4)); // as mentioned in Pohlheim, H. Evolutionäre Algorithmen: Verfahren, Operatoren und Hinweise für die Praxis, 1999, p.44, Springer.
     73      subsegmentLength = random.Next(3, Math.Max(length / 3, 4)); // as mentioned in Pohlheim, H. Evolutionï¿œre Algorithmen: Verfahren, Operatoren und Hinweise fï¿œr die Praxis, 1999, p.44, Springer.
    7474      breakPoint1 = random.Next(length);
    7575      breakPoint2 = breakPoint1 + subsegmentLength;
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