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11/17/15 12:15:00 (9 years ago)

#2269 Fixed typos and renamed some stuff suggested by ascheibe and adapted project for mono.

  • The initialization of layer 0 is done similar to other algorithms where general initialization is done in the algorithm itself and variables used and produced during the main-loop is initialized in the main-loop-operator.
  • The GeneralizedRankSelector is used as default selector because it generally works the best (rank compensates the large quality range of multiple layers and high selection pressure via pressure-parameter). Proportional selection performs very badly because the selection pressure is too low for ALPS.
  • Concerning ReduceToPopulationSize in the EldersEmigrator, the behavior it is not completely clear in the original paper. Reducing the population to the population size seems the more logical way, therefore it is default. An empty layer could happen in extremely rare situations, but it never happens to me so far.
  • Concerning opening a new layer, when taking a closer look at the ages, all individual tends to be as old as possible, in the standard version with AgeInheritance==1. That means they usually get too old in exactly after the generation the AgeLimits for the current last layer states. This way it is not necessary to check if any individual becomes too old for the current last layer. For AgeInheritance<1 it can happen that there would actually be no need to open a new layer; however, it will be opened anyway.
1 edited


  • branches/ALPS/HeuristicLab.Algorithms.ALPS/3.3/AlpsGeneticAlgorithm.cs

    r13128 r13206  
    281281      Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter<IntValue>("NumberOfLayers", "The number of layers.", new IntValue(10)));
    282       Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter<IntValue>("PopulationSize", "The size of the population of solutions each layer.", new IntValue(100)));
     282      Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter<IntValue>("PopulationSize", "The size of the population of solutions in each layer.", new IntValue(100)));
    284284      Parameters.Add(new ConstrainedValueParameter<ISelector>("Selector", "The operator used to select solutions for reproduction."));
    293293      Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter<IntValue>("AgeGap", "The frequency of reseeding the lowest layer and scaling factor for the age-limits for the layers.", new IntValue(20)));
    294294      Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter<DoubleValue>("AgeInheritance", "A weight that determines the age of a child after crossover based on the older (1.0) and younger (0.0) parent.", new DoubleValue(1.0)) { Hidden = true });
    295       Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter<IntArray>("AgeLimits", "The maximum ages for the Layers.", new IntArray(new int[0])) { Hidden = true });
     295      Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter<IntArray>("AgeLimits", "The maximum age an individual is allowed to reach in a certain layer.", new IntArray(new int[0])) { Hidden = true });
    297297      Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter<IntValue>("MatingPoolRange", "The range of layers used for creating a mating pool. (1 = current + previous layer)", new IntValue(1)) { Hidden = true });
    309309      var initializeAgeProcessor = new UniformSubScopesProcessor();
    310310      var initializeAge = new VariableCreator() { Name = "Initialize Age" };
    311       var initializeCurrentPopulationSize = new SubScopesCounter() { Name = "Init CurrentPopulationCounter" };
     311      var initializeCurrentPopulationSize = new SubScopesCounter() { Name = "Initialize CurrentPopulationCounter" };
    312312      var initializeLocalEvaluatedSolutions = new Assigner() { Name = "Initialize LayerEvaluatedSolutions" };
    313313      var initializeGlobalEvaluatedSolutions = new DataReducer() { Name = "Initialize EvaluatedSolutions" };
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