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02/02/15 20:41:11 (10 years ago)

#2283: implemented royal tree problem and grid test for tree-based gp variants

1 edited


  • branches/HeuristicLab.Problems.GrammaticalOptimization/Main/Program.cs

    r11847 r11865  
    2626      //RunDemo();
    27       RunGpDemo();
     27      //RunGpDemo();
    2828      // RunGridTest();
     29      RunGpGridTest();
    2930    }
    175176    private static void RunDemo() {
    176       // TODO: implement bridge to HL-GP
    177177      // TODO: unify MCTS, TD and ContextMCTS Solvers (stateInfos)
    178178      // TODO: test with eps-greedy using max instead of average as value (seems to work well for symb-reg! explore further!)
    179179      // TODO: separate value function from policy
    180       // TODO: in contextual MCTS store a bandit info for each node in the _graph_ and also update all bandit infos of all parents
    181       // TODO: exhaustive search with priority list
    182180      // TODO: warum funktioniert die alte Implementierung von GaussianThompson besser fÃŒr SantaFe als neue? Siehe Vergleich: alte vs. neue implementierung GaussianThompsonSampling
    183181      // TODO: why does GaussianThompsonSampling work so well with MCTS for the artificial ant problem?
    184182      // TODO: research thompson sampling for max bandit?
    185       // TODO: ausfÃŒhrlicher test von strategien fÃŒr numCorrectPhrases-armed max bandit
    186183      // TODO: verify TA implementation using example from the original paper     
    187       // TODO: separate policy from MCTS tree data structure to allow sharing of information over disconnected parts of the tree (semantic equivalence)
    188184      // TODO: implement thompson sampling for gaussian mixture models
    189       // TODO: implement inspection for MCTS (eventuell interactive command line fÃŒr statistiken aus dem baum anzeigen)
    190       // TODO: implement ACO-style bandit policy
    191185      // TODO: gleichzeitige modellierung von transformierter zielvariable (y, 1/y, log(y), exp(y), sqrt(y), ...)
    192186      // TODO: vergleich bei complete-randomly möglichst kurze sÀtze generieren vs. einfach zufÀllig alternativen wÀhlen
    300294    public static void RunGpDemo() {
    302295      int iterations = 0;
     296      const int seed = 31415;
    303297      const int maxIterations = 100000;
     299    }
     302    private static void RunGpGridTest() {
     303      const int nReps = 20;
    304304      const int seed = 31415;
    305       var globalStatistics = new SentenceSetStatistics(512);
    307       var gp = new StandardGP(new HardPalindromeProblem(), new Random(seed));
    308       gp.FoundNewBestSolution += (sentence, quality) => {
    309         Console.WriteLine("{0}", globalStatistics);
    310       };
     305      const int maxIters = 100000;
     306      var rand = new Random(seed);
     307      var problemFactories = new Func<ISymbolicExpressionTreeProblem>[]
     308      {
     309        () => new SantaFeAntProblem(),
     310        () => new SymbolicRegressionPoly10Problem(),
     311      };
     312      foreach (var popSize in new int[] { 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000 }) {
     313        foreach (var mutationRate in new double[] {/* 0.05, 0.10, */ 0.15, /* 0.25, 0.3 */ }) {
     314          foreach (var maxSize in new int[] { 30, 50, 100 }) {
     315            foreach (var problemFactory in problemFactories)
     316              for (int i = 0; i < nReps; i++) {
     317                var solverSeed = rand.Next();
     318                {
     319                  var prob = problemFactory();
     320                  RunStandardGP(prob, solverSeed, maxIters, popSize, mutationRate, maxSize);
     321                }
     322                {
     323                  var prob = problemFactory();
     324                  RunOSGP(prob, solverSeed, maxIters, popSize, mutationRate, maxSize);
     325                }
     326              }
     327          }
     328        }
     329      }
     330    }
     332    private static void RunStandardGP(ISymbolicExpressionTreeProblem prob, int solverSeed, int maxIters, int popSize, double mutationRate, int maxSize) {
     333      int iterations = 0;
     334      var globalStatistics = new SentenceSetStatistics(prob.BestKnownQuality(maxSize));
     336      var gp = new StandardGP(prob, new Random(solverSeed));
    311337      gp.SolutionEvaluated += (sentence, quality) => {
    312338        iterations++;
    315341        if (iterations % 10000 == 0) {
    316           Console.WriteLine("{0}", globalStatistics);
    317         }
    318       };
    320       gp.PopulationSize = 1000;
    321       gp.MaxSolutionSize = 31 + 2;
    322       gp.MaxSolutionDepth = 20;
     342          Console.WriteLine("\"{0,25}\" \"{1,25}\" {2}", gp, prob, globalStatistics);
     343        }
     344      };
     346      gp.PopulationSize = popSize;
     347      gp.MutationRate = mutationRate;
     348      gp.MaxSolutionSize = maxSize + 2;
     349      gp.MaxSolutionDepth = maxSize + 2;
    324351      var sw = new Stopwatch();
    326353      sw.Start();
    327       gp.Run(maxIterations);
     354      gp.Run(maxIters);
    328355      sw.Stop();
    330       Console.WriteLine(globalStatistics);
    331       Console.WriteLine("{0:F2} sec {1,10:F1} sols/sec {2,10:F1} ns/sol",
    332         sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds,
    333         maxIterations / (double)sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds,
    334         (double)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds * 1000 / maxIterations);
     357      Console.WriteLine("\"{0,25}\" \"{1,25}\" {2}", gp, prob, globalStatistics);
     359      // Console.WriteLine("{0:F2} sec {1,10:F1} sols/sec {2,10:F1} ns/sol",
     360      //   sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds,
     361      //   maxIters / (double)sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds,
     362      //   (double)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds * 1000 / maxIters);
     363    }
     365    private static void RunOSGP(ISymbolicExpressionTreeProblem prob, int solverSeed, int maxIters, int popSize, double mutationRate, int maxSize) {
     366      int iterations = 0;
     367      var globalStatistics = new SentenceSetStatistics(prob.BestKnownQuality(maxSize));
     369      var gp = new OffspringSelectionGP(prob, new Random(solverSeed));
     370      gp.SolutionEvaluated += (sentence, quality) => {
     371        iterations++;
     372        globalStatistics.AddSentence(sentence, quality);
     374        if (iterations % 10000 == 0) {
     375          Console.WriteLine("\"{0,25}\" \"{1,25}\" {2}", gp, prob, globalStatistics);
     376        }
     377      };
     379      gp.PopulationSize = popSize;
     380      gp.MutationRate = mutationRate;
     381      gp.MaxSolutionSize = maxSize + 2;
     382      gp.MaxSolutionDepth = maxSize + 2;
     384      var sw = new Stopwatch();
     386      sw.Start();
     387      gp.Run(maxIters);
     388      sw.Stop();
     390      Console.WriteLine("\"{0,25}\" \"{1,25}\" {2}", gp, prob, globalStatistics);
     392      // Console.WriteLine("{0:F2} sec {1,10:F1} sols/sec {2,10:F1} ns/sol",
     393      //   sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds,
     394      //   maxIters / (double)sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds,
     395      //   (double)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds * 1000 / maxIters);
    335396    }
    336397  }
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