131 | | * IMHO the standard selection operators in gender specific selection should be flipped; this would more reflect behavior in nature. The reason for this is that these selectors do not specify how fe/male individuals select their mates, but rather how they are selected. |
| 131 | * Quality chart of SA: |
| 132 | * The legend "Quality 0" is suboptimal. |
| 133 | * When running a SA algorithm (solving a spere function problem), there are 3 legend items, but I can only see two lines: The yellow line (BestKnownQuality) is not visible. Could this be because BestKnownQuality==0? * IMHO the standard selection operators in gender specific selection should be flipped; this would more reflect behavior in nature. The reason for this is that these selectors do not specify how fe/male individuals select their mates, but rather how they are selected. |