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Changes between Version 271 and Version 272 of ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application

05/06/10 16:26:37 (15 years ago)

comment cleanup


  • ReviewHeuristicLab3.3.0Application

    v271 v272  
    77=== Priority: HIGHEST ===
    88 * Adding a `ValueParameter<T>` in a `VariableCreator` and selecting a generic type e.g. `ItemList<T>` fails because no choice can be made on the generic type of the `ItemList` (ticket #42).
    9  * When the TSP importer is used after pausing the execution, the engine should be reset.
    10  * Operator graph view
    11   * Placing two operators above each other and left-clicking selects the operator on top, but right-clicking opens the context menu on the bottom one
    12  * In some way we need to make the best solution available to view. When you're optimizing something other than benchmark problems you'll probably want to make use of the best solution.
    13  * Run collection: By drag-drop runs can be duplicated (also reported by vdorfer).
    14    * swagner: Dropping runs into a run collection is allowed to enable users to copy/move interesting runs into a run collection and to analyze these runs later on. If we disable drop operations on run collections to avoid the duplication of runs, this will not be possible anymore. Do you think that this feature is not required?
    15     * abeham: In my opinion the algorithm view should not be used as analyzer for runs other than the ones it created. It would be better to allow creating a new run collection and drop interesting runs there for further analysis.
    16  * The relative / absolute difference to best known quality in the multipop algorithms is doing strange things.
    17  * Regarding Drag/Drop operations: the Ctrl modifier key should not link. In Windows Explorer linking is Alt. Sometimes out of habit I press Ctrl while dragging, this should not change the default action of copy.
    19 === Priority: HIGH ===
    20  * The operator graph view is a bit confusing:
    21    * The flow chart is very nice, but sometimes arrows are a bit wild and going backwards which creates a not so nice strikethrough appearance. Would be good to have non-direct arrows as well.
    22      * swagner: In a discussion with maffenze it was decided to address this issue after the release of HeuristicLab 3.3.0.
    23  * The !OperatorGraphVisualization doesn't respect operator collections (e.g. `SequentialSubScopesProcessor`).
    24    * mkommend: This feature will rarely be used by a standard user and it will not be fixed right now. Although special shapes for `MultipleCallOperators` are planned.
    25  * In `TypeSelector` filter types that don't have a constructor (like currently `PathTSPTour`).
    26    * swagner: Generally all items should provide a parameterless constructor. I implemented one for `PathTSPTour` in r3139.
     9  * abeham: swagner fixed this, but there was still an issue with an `ItemList<IItemList<T>>` which cannot be assigned a value
     10 * Placing two operators in the operator graph view above each other and left-clicking selects the operator on top, but right-clicking opens the context menu on the bottom one
     11 * Regarding Drag/Drop operations: The Ctrl modifier key should not link. In Windows Explorer linking is Alt. Sometimes out of habit I press Ctrl while dragging, this should not change the default action of copy.
     12 * Generations and !MaximumGenerations parameters in `MichalewiczNonUniform(One|All)PositionsManipulator` are not wired
     13 * Sometimes the splash screen does not display when starting the Optimizer
     14 * `SinglePointCrossover` for `RealVector` fails when vector has less than 3 dimensions
     15 * `NormalAllPositionsManipulator` fails for the genetic algorithm (and others), because the !StrategyVector is not set by default
     17=== Priority: HIGH ===
    2718 * When there is an error in one of the item's constructors, the `TypeSelector` dialog (when pressing the "new" button) will open the first time, but stop listing items after encountering the item with the error. The second time the `TypeSelector` is shown through the "new" button, the optimizer crashes with an exception.
    2819 * Remember the optimizer to start maximized if it was maximized when last closed
    29  * !TabuSearch visualizes the current solution, but not the best
    30   * abeham: was decided with swagner to leave it that way for now
    3120 * Creating a !UserDefinedAlgorithm from any existing wired algorithm before adding a new problem is not the best idea. There should be some kind of warning to the unexperienced user that he's entering dangerous territory if he clicks the prominent, big and inviting button "Create User Defined Algorithm".
    3221 * Opening a file that is not a hl file should display a nicer dialog than the `PersistenceException` that complains about a missing typecache.xml
    3726 * Operator graph tree-view
    3827  * The breakpoint icon looks a bit big
    40 === Priority: MEDIUM ===
    41  * The TSP problem view:
    42    * Would be nice to have paste support (e.g. from Excel) in the datagrid of the string convertible matrix view.
    43  * In the operator graph chart view:
    44    * Some boxes are sometimes placed above the top end of the chart.
    45      * mkommend: This behavior could not be reproduced in r3176.
    46    * Top-down layouting would be better instead of left-right for two reasons:
    47      1. The boxes are usually much wider than high and thus a left-right layout makes the graph even longer.
    48      2. A top-down graph better fits the paper orientation in a publication.
    49      * mkommend: This will be implemented with the other changes regarding the layout of the operator graph.
     28 * When the TSP importer is used after pausing the execution, the engine should be reset.
     29 * Would be good to be able to discriminate runs based on the problem type and instance when analyzing in a run collection
     31=== Priority: MEDIUM ===
    5032 * Every `IDeepCloneable` item needs to have a public default constructor. If `Activator.CreateInstance` in `DeepCloneable.Clone` is given a second parameter "true", non-public constructors would also be used.
    5133   * swagner: See ticket #922.
    52  * `TypeSelector` view: When only one single type is possible (e.g. `DoubleData`), select that type and auto-close with OK.
    53    * In a discussion with maffenze it was decided to show the type selector dialog in every case as we fear that it might be irritating for a user, if the dialog is sometimes shown and sometimes not shown.
    5434 * Adding a new parameter through the GUI and choosing a `ConstrainedValueParameter` does not make sense as the set of valid values cannot be defined anywhere in the GUI. The parameter will never be able to take a value. Additionally, switching the view for this `ConstrainedValueParameter` to a `ValueParameterView` and setting a value there leads to an exception. The `ValueParameterView` should not be a view for the `ConstrainedValueParameter`.
    5535 * Adding a new `ValueParameter<T>` could create a default value if T is instantiable. For most !ValueParameters you will want to have a value upon creation.
    6242=== Priority: LOW ===
    63  * Focus is not removed from a textbox if one clicks anywhere in the "gray" area.
    64    * swagner: This is the behavior of Windows Forms.
    65    * abeham: I mentioned this because I want to validate the control by clicking out of the text box and thus losing the focus. Maybe this can be achieved by allowing focus on the control or form. I think by default the "gray area" doesn't accept focus.
    66  * There should be a nicer way of saying the chart controls are not installed instead of an exception.
    67    * swagner: The HeuristicLab setup will check if the Microsoft Chart Controls are installed and will show a meaningful error message.
    6843 * The quality chart looks great!
    6944   * We should probably use the same colors we had in 1.1 for best/average/worst qualities.
    7045   * Would be good to be able to hide certain lines.
    7146   * At some point we'll certainly need export to png, eps, etc. functionality (would be great to be able to specify resolution and width/height).
    72  * The tooltips should not exceed a certain width. With a long description you've got one line running over the whole screen.
    73    * swagner: It is not possible to define a maximum text width and to enforce word wrapping for tool tips. Therefore line breaks have to be set for each tool tip text individually. Please specify which tool tips are too long so that appropriate line breaks can be added.
    7447 * The `DataTableValuesCollector` says it can only display double values, why not ints?
    7548  * abeham: In r3489 the collector was expanded to display `IEnumerable<DoubleValue>`, this could further be extended to ints or probably solved through the unified `INumber`
    7649 * I got a very cryptic "Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object" exception at one point building the TS operator (as discussed Parameters should have an optional attribute that says they should throw an error in case `ActualValue` is null after retrieving).
     50 * Improve description of !SearchIntervalFactor in `BreederGeneticAlgorithmManipulator`.
     51 * `EvolutionStrategy`:
     52   * Add parameter to ES to indicate if 1/5 success rule or sigma-self adapation should be used.
     53 * Name in docking tab is not synchronized with the item name it displays.
     55=== Open Discussions ===
     56 * The operator graph view is a bit confusing:
     57   * The flow chart is very nice, but sometimes arrows are a bit wild and going backwards which creates a not so nice strikethrough appearance. Would be good to have non-direct arrows as well.
     58     * swagner: In a discussion with maffenze it was decided to address this issue after the release of HeuristicLab 3.3.0.
     59 * The !OperatorGraphVisualization doesn't respect operator collections (e.g. `SequentialSubScopesProcessor`).
     60   * mkommend: This feature will rarely be used by a standard user and it will not be fixed right now. Although special shapes for `MultipleCallOperators` are planned.
     61 * In `TypeSelector` filter types that don't have a constructor (like currently `PathTSPTour`).
     62   * swagner: Generally all items should provide a parameterless constructor. I implemented one for `PathTSPTour` in r3139.
     63 * Run collection: By drag-drop runs can be duplicated (also reported by vdorfer).
     64   * swagner: Dropping runs into a run collection is allowed to enable users to copy/move interesting runs into a run collection and to analyze these runs later on. If we disable drop operations on run collections to avoid the duplication of runs, this will not be possible anymore. Do you think that this feature is not required?
     65    * abeham: In my opinion the algorithm view should not be used as analyzer for runs other than the ones it created. It would be better to allow creating a new run collection and drop interesting runs there for further analysis.
     66 * In the operator graph chart view:
     67   * Top-down layouting would be better instead of left-right for two reasons:
     68     1. The boxes are usually much wider than high and thus a left-right layout makes the graph even longer.
     69     2. A top-down graph better fits the paper orientation in a publication.
     70     * mkommend: This will be implemented with the other changes regarding the layout of the operator graph.
     71 * Focus is not removed from a textbox if one clicks anywhere in the "gray" area.
     72   * swagner: This is the behavior of Windows Forms.
     73   * abeham: I mentioned this because I want to validate the control by clicking out of the text box and thus losing the focus. Maybe this can be achieved by allowing focus on the control or form. I think by default the "gray area" doesn't accept focus.
    7774 * The view host icon should act like a button that when single-clicked opens the context-menu, when hovering over it, there should be a frame around it like a button so that it's clear that it can be clicked.
    7875   * swagner: When hovering over the view host icon a tool tip is displayed that explains how the different views can be selected.
    8279  * swagner: In a discussion with maffenze it was decided to keep scope parameters.
    8380  * abeham: I think more parameter are just more confusing and description of the internal mechanisms of an operator are better displayed in the description text. I'll vote for removal of the current scope parameters, but I'll move this to low priority for now.
    84  * Improve description of !SearchIntervalFactor in `BreederGeneticAlgorithmManipulator`.
    85  * `EvolutionStrategy`:
    86    * Add parameter to ES to indicate if 1/5 success rule or sigma-self adapation should be used.
    87  * Name in docking tab is not synchronized with the item name it displays.
    88  * We do not currently count the number of evaluated solutions.
    89   * abeham: added evaluated solutions for offspring selection where this cannot be computed a priori in r3426