Parameter | Description
Analyzer | The operator used to analyze each generation.
Crossover | The operator used to cross solutions.
Elites | The numer of elite solutions which are kept in each generation.
EmigrantsSelector | Selects the individuals that will be migrated.
ImmigrationReplacer | Selects the population from the unification of the original population and the immigrants.
IslandAnalyzer | The operator used to analyze each island.
MaximumGenerations | The maximum number of generations which should be processed.
MigrationInterval | The number of generations that should pass between migration phases.
MigrationRate | The proportion of individuals that should migrate between the islands.
Migrator | The migration strategy.
MutationProbability | The probability that the mutation operator is applied on a solution.
Mutator | The operator used to mutate solutions.
NumberOfIslands | The number of islands.
PopulationSize | The size of the population of solutions.
Seed | The random seed used to initialize the new pseudo random number generator.
Selector | The operator used to select solutions for reproduction.
SetSeedRandomly | True if the random seed should be set to a random value, otherwise false.