17 | | * ... create a new experiment by clicking ''"New Experiment"'' |
18 | | * ... open an existing experiment from a file. |
19 | | 1. After having created or loaded an experiment you can click ''"Show Experiment"'' to modify it. |
20 | | 1. Back at the ''Hive Experiment Manager'' you can go to ''Jobs'' where you can configure every single job and observe its status. Each algorithm (also experiments and batch-runs) represent one job. \\ [[Image(JobConfiguration-3.4.png, width=800)]] \\ |
| 17 | * ... create a new experiment by clicking the ''"plus symbol"''. |
| 18 | * ... move an existing experiment onto the view via drag and drop. |
| 19 | 1. After having created or loaded an experiment you can click ''"Modify Optimizer"'' in the details view to modify it. |
| 20 | 1. Each algorithm (also experiments and batch-runs) represent one job. \\ [[Image(JobConfiguration-3.4.png, width=800)]] \\ |