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Changes between Version 24 and Version 25 of AddonsDailyBuilds

02/09/18 00:39:33 (7 years ago)



  • AddonsDailyBuilds

    v24 v25  
    1 = HeuristicLab Experimental Packages =
     1= HeuristicLab Experimental Add-ons =
    3 Besides daily builds of the trunk we also provide daily builds of some branches. Branches contain additional features for HeuristicLab which haven't yet been integrated in the trunk and are often under heavy development. Though these features haven't yet reached maturity, they may be useful for some people.
    4 '''Please note''' that branches are always developed against the trunk, so you need to either compile the trunk version of HeuristicLab by yourself or download the latest daily build from [[{build.number}.zip?guest=1|this location]].
     3Besides daily builds of the trunk we also provide daily builds of some selected plugins as experimental add-ons. These add-ons contain additional features for HeuristicLab which haven't yet been integrated in the trunk and are often under heavy development. Though these features haven't yet reached maturity, they may be useful for some people.
     4'''Please note''' that add-ons are always developed against the trunk, so you need to either compile the trunk version of HeuristicLab by yourself or download the latest daily build from [[{build.number}.zip?guest=1|this location]].
    6 Below is a list of branches for which we provide daily builds as well as the links to the download location.
     6Below is the list of add-ons for which we provide daily builds as well as the links to the download location.
    77The file, which you get when you click on the download link, is a zip file containing additional plugins.
    88Extract these files in your HeuristicLab folder and restart HeuristicLab. The plugins will be automatically discovered and the new functionality can then be used.
    1616=== Meta-Optimization and Parameter Grid Tests ===
    17 The meta-optimization plugin adds the meta-optimization problem to HeuristicLab. This problem allows to use heuristic optimization algorithms to find optimal parameter settings for heuristic optimization algorithms. It's also possible to let HeuristicLab automatically create experiments to test large ranges of parameters (parameter grid tests).
     17The meta-optimization add-on adds the meta-optimization problem to HeuristicLab. This problem allows to use heuristic optimization algorithms to find optimal parameter settings for heuristic optimization algorithms. It's also possible to let HeuristicLab automatically create experiments to test large ranges of parameters (parameter grid tests).
    1818* [[|Download HeuristicLab.MetaOptimization-3.3 daily build]]
    1919* Master Thesis describing the Meta-Optimization plugin for HeuristicLab: [[raw-attachment:MA PMO.pdf]]
    2121=== Fitness Landscape Analysis ===
    22 The fitness landscape analysis plug-ins contain a set of algorithms and analyzers that can be used together or independently to explore the fitness landscape of arbitrary problems. Additionally, the a memory efficient implementation of large NK landscapes and support for several vehicle routing mutation operators are included.
     22The fitness landscape analysis add-on contains a set of algorithms and analyzers that can be used together or independently to explore the fitness landscape of arbitrary problems. Additionally, a memory efficient implementation of large NK landscapes and support for several vehicle routing mutation operators are included.
    2323* [[|Download HeuristicLab.FitnessLandscapeAnalysis-3.3 daily build]]