- 15:42 Ticket #3060 (Exceptions thrown in IOptimizer.StartAsync are sometimes unhandled) closed by
- done: r17468: merged r17445 into stable
- 15:42 Changeset [17468] by
- 12:00 Changeset [17467] by
#3040 Added a "final aggregation" option for the vector interpreter in case the result is a vector.
- 08:32 Changeset [17466] by
#3040 Added separate mean symbol instead of reusing the average symbol.
- 16:35 Changeset [17465] by
#3040 Simplified default vector grammar.
- 15:53 Changeset [17464] by
- Runner now uses SymbolicDataAnalysisExpressionMATLABFormatter to save instances of ISymbolicRegressionSolution
- refactored user controls for detail view of json items, now they do not inherit from JsonItemBaseControl -> JsonItemBaseControl uses now an extra control
- this change was made for fluid repositioning of controls (e.g. when no ActualName is present)
- 15:04 Changeset [17463] by
#3040 Added type coherent vector grammar to enforce that the root symbol is a scalar.
- 16:26 Changeset [17462] by
#2521: worked on JSSP
- 16:23 Changeset [17461] by
#2521: worked on scheduling problem
- 14:55 Changeset [17460] by
- Added full functional grammar for vectors.
- Added sum and mean aggregation for vectors.
- 11:52 Changeset [17459] by
#2521: Added storable type attributes to interfaces.
- 11:01 Changeset [17458] by
#3061: Corrected typo in SimpleSymbolicExpressionTreeGrammar.AddSymbols (maximiumArity -> maximumArity).
- 10:56 Changeset [17457] by
#2521: Merged trunk changes from 15684-HEAD into the branch.
- 10:43 Changeset [17456] by
#3040 Merged trunk to branch
- 10:31 Changeset [17455] by
#3040 Added separate Interpreter for vector that reuse the existing symbols instead of creating explicit vector symbols.
- 13:23 Changeset [17454] by
- fixed a type conversion bug in RangeVM
- implemented logic for JsonItemRangeControl
- 12:58 Changeset [17453] by
- the runs of an optimizer gets cleared before starting it in HeuristicLab.JsonInterface.App.Runner now
- all runs of an optimizer gets cleared when exporting it with ExportJsonDialog
- fixed a bug in CommandLineArgumentHandling: now always returns a StringArgument when all conditions are false
- 09:32 Changeset [17452] by
#3040 Improved Persistence for Vectors (removed the generic transformer and used the existing array transformer instead).
- 17:18 Changeset [17451] by
- renamed ResultItem to ResultJsonItem
- implemented RegressionProblemDataConverter
- added support for "named matrices" (named = rows and columns have names) -> INamedMatrixJsonItem incl. base classes and views
- added a bool property Active in IJsonItem -> marks items, which should be written into the template
- 16:52 Ticket #3061 (Typo in parameter name for SimpleSymbolicExpressionTreeGrammar.AddSymbols) created by
- maximium
- 15:56 Changeset [17450] by
#3019: Copied and adapted Pareto Front Analysis functionality from SymbolicRegressionMultiObjectiveTrainingBestSolutionAnalyzer to SymbolicClassificationMultiObjectiveTrainingBestSolutionAnalyzer
- 15:33 Changeset [17449] by
#3040 Added Transformers for Vectors.
Added specialiced Transformers for double Dense/SparseVectorStorage and a generic mapper for the remaining (serializable) types.
- 07:41 Changeset [17448] by
#3040 Replaced own Vector with MathNet.Numerics Vector.
- 13:09 Changeset [17447] by
#3040 Added TransportPlugin for MathNet.Numerics.
- 16:58 Changeset [17446] by
- made interfaces for array/matrix JsonItems and for their VMs aswell (IArrayJsonItem, IArrayJsonItemVM, IMatrixJsonItem, IMatrixJsonItemVM), incl. base classes (ArrayJsonItemBase, ArrayValueVM, MatrixJsonItemBase, MatrixValueVM)
- changed inheritance structure for already existing array/matrix JsonItems -> they inherit now from new base array/matrix base classes
- added input elements to configure the size of an matrix or array in JsonItemMultiValueControl (incl. VM binding and validation)
- splitted file JsonItems.cs into separate files for their corresponding types (IntJsonItems.cs, DoubleJsonItems.cs, BoolJsonItems.cs, StringJsonItem.cs, DateTimeJsonItem.cs)
- changed location of deserialization of json values from JsonTemplateInstantiator into IJsonItem (implemented in JsonItem and set to virtual, overridden in MatrixJsonItemBase and ArrayJsonItemBase)
- added new CLI argument StringArgument
- some little UI improvements (location fixes, anchor fixes, ...)
- 13:50 Changeset [17445] by
#3060: catch unhandled exceptions thrown by IOptimizer.StartAsync()
- 12:51 Ticket #3060 (Exceptions thrown in IOptimizer.StartAsync are sometimes unhandled) created by
- Some views and ItemTasks do not catch exceptions that occur during …
- 12:50 Ticket #3059 (Disallow upload of Hive jobs with unprepared algorithms) created by
- Currently, it is possible to upload algorithms in Stopped state, …
- 16:28 Changeset [17444] by
- added two new methods in IJsonItem -> FixatePath and LoosenPath to fixate/loosen the path (to enable name changing without effects on path)
- set IsInRange to virtual and made overrides for IntMatrixJsonItem and DoubleMatrixJsonItem (IsInRange is a bad name and needs to be renamed in future versions)
- implemented basic validation feedback with ErrorProvider for some inputs (templateName, Name, Range)
- now all items gets validated before export (validation errors are shown with ErrorHandling.ShowErrorDialog)
- added a check in AlgorithmConverter to prevent an exception for accessing the first element of an empty IEnumerable
- 14:39 Changeset [17443] by
- added support for string values without range limitation (dropdown gets automatically replaced by textbox)
- fixed a UI bug for JsonItemValidValuesControl -> now the control resizes correctly
- fixed a bug in AlgorithmConverter -> now it searches for the ItemName (instead of Name) in method Inject
- fixed a bug in StringValueConverter -> now it sets the correct name
- 13:03 Ticket #3058 (Speed of symbolic regression evaluators) created by
- There is a big difference between the speed of the tree interpreter …