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23:35 Ticket #3009 (Node impacts are wrong when estimation limits are hit) created by abeham
The tree simplifier shows node impacts as the difference in R2 when …


23:41 Changeset [17006] by gkronber

#2994: added option to use NLC (SLP) or Non-smooth solver

20:59 Changeset [17005] by gkronber

#2994: merged r16944:16997 from trunk to branch

20:58 Changeset [17004] by gkronber

#2994: use "non-smooth" optimizer instead of "nlc" optimizer from alglib

20:56 Changeset [17003] by gkronber

#2925 fixed bug in problem instance provider


14:15 Changeset [17002] by msemenki

Class HelpFuction get new static functions that are used in different Map’s classes and possible in other classes.
Branch was adapted to Hive.
New version of class structure for Maps:

  1. 3 new variants of maps (RankMap, SuccessMap and ZeroMap) are added.
  2. BaseMap class was simplified, some class members were deleted and other were transported to child class, because some of them are not used in all kinds of maps.
  3. Functions between base class and child class were divided in other way.
  4. Mutation operators were adapted to work with new class structure. Now mutation make less work for ModelNodes than previously.
  5. ModelNode and Model symbols were simplified. They should not take into account a map type.
  6. Models frequency analyzers were adapted for new variants of maps.
  7. EMMAlgorithm class was adapted to new maps


07:44 Changeset [17001] by gkronber

#2925: fixed a bug in AutoDiff code.


13:56 Changeset [17000] by gkronber

#2925: merged r16992:16997 from trunk to branch

13:55 Changeset [16999] by gkronber

#2925: Added optimization of weights for variables and added an integration method which uses CVODES to integrate over the whole episode (without input variables)

Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.