- 16:29 Changeset [13878] by
#2457: added standardization of features for recommendation and using log10 of the expected runtime for clustering
- 19:39 Changeset [13877] by
#1772: Improve SymbolicDataAnalysisGenealogyGraphView by using a better coloring scheme for frequent subtrees. Fix bug when reaching the end of the genealogy. Minor refactorings.
- 19:37 Changeset [13876] by
#1772: SchemaCreator: Replace cutpoints with wildcards from the bottom up when generating schemas. Add temporary workaround to restore parent links in child nodes if they become corrupted.
- 19:31 Changeset [13875] by
#1772: Merge trunk changes.
- 14:48 Changeset [13874] by
#2288: Small refactoring.
- 12:18 Changeset [13873] by
#2205: worked on optimization networks
- improved network visualization
- 15:10 Changeset [13872] by
#2582 fix: compression error when loading jobs
- 12:35 Changeset [13871] by
#2582 final commit / end of internship
- 12:06 Ticket #2610 (TimeSpanValue Parse) created by
- TimeSpan.TryParse also tries to parse strings that do not satisfy …
- 17:59 Changeset [13870] by
#2608: simplified grammar by removing unnecessary symbols: exprch, exprins, exprgluc and added constants
- 17:00 Changeset [13869] by
#2609: Introduce arity checks before creating autodiff terms in the TryTransformToAutoDiff method.
- 16:53 Ticket #2609 (Cannot apply constant optimization on simplified trees) created by
- The constant optimimization evaluator makes the (reasonable) …
- 16:30 Changeset [13868] by
#2288: Fix bug in impacts analyzer (wrong estimation limits when trying to optimize constants)
- 17:05 Changeset [13867] by
#2608 worked on glucose prediction problem
- 12:13 Changeset [13866] by
#2608: svn:ignore
- 12:12 Changeset [13865] by
#2608 first import of project
- 11:24 Changeset [13864] by
#2608 created folder for feature branch
- 11:23 Ticket #2608 (Implement genetic programming problem for blood glucose level ...) created by
- 10:31 Changeset [13863] by
#2571 added linux prebuild event
- 16:52 Changeset [13862] by
#2582 Start angular OKB manager, data loaded
- 00:03 Changeset [13861] by
#2457: added directed walk for qap
- 16:48 Changeset [13860] by
#2582 RC2 migration fixed. OKB query implemented. Preparing for OKB manager
- 13:37 Changeset [13859] by
#2597: Forgot committing file.
- 13:32 Changeset [13858] by
- Made GradientChartConfigurationDialog fixed size.
- Fixed a project reference and disabled copy local.
- 12:08 Changeset [13857] by
#2558 Added SucessRatio and SelectionPressure Analyzer
- 14:44 Changeset [13856] by
- Generalized GaussianProcessRegressionSolution...Views to ConfidenceBasedRegressionSolution...Views.
- Added "all" column for variances.