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14:26 Changeset [10278] by bburlacu

#1772: Implemented generic genealogy analyzer (should work with any encoding provided the proper wiring is performed in the problem class), and before/after operators for creation, mutation and crossover.

13:18 Changeset [10277] by sawinkle

#2109: Replaced MinimumArity/MaximumArity with method call GetMinimumSubtreeCount()/GetMaximumSubtreeCount() in /Mappers/GenotypeToPhenotypeMapper.cs.
Now not the total arity (e.g. 1 to 255 for Addition) is taken, but the limited one (e.g. 1 to 1 for Addition).
As a result, the problem with the "broad" trees is solved.

12:23 Changeset [10276] by sawinkle


  • Removed recursive version of mapping in /Mappers/DepthFirstMapper.cs, because only the iterative one is used.
  • Removed unused using statements and unused commented code.
01:39 Changeset [10275] by ascheibe

#1886 added calculation of diameter and updated convex hull modifier to calculate the new measures


01:17 Changeset [10274] by ascheibe

#1886 added calculation of the centroid of a convex hull and measures for motion characteristics


18:47 Changeset [10273] by mkommend

#2132: Adapted the SymbolicClassificationSolutionImpactValuesCalculator to manipulate the cloned tree instead of using the cloner itself for the node exchange.

18:41 Ticket #2132 (Impact calculation for symbolic classification solutions throws a ...) created by mkommend
The impact values calculation does not work in combination with the …


01:24 Changeset [10272] by ascheibe

#1886 improved convex hull modifier for test functions


14:26 Changeset [10271] by bburlacu

#1772: Fixed namespaces.

11:49 Changeset [10270] by bburlacu

#1772: Replaced HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Views with trunk version.

11:42 Changeset [10269] by bburlacu

#1772: Added HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic and HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Views and integrated some modifications from the old branch.


13:12 Changeset [10268] by gkronber

#2109 implemented a grammar especially for GE (the grammar is not configured correctly when used in a classic symbolic regression/classification problem).
To use this grammar in a classical symbolic expression problem, first set the grammar in a GEProblem and load the problem instance (this creates the necessary variable symbols).
After this the configured grammar can be dragged onto the grammar parameter of the classical problem.

Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.