- 17:08 Changeset [9128] by
#1423 removed reference to test functions
- 16:55 Changeset [9127] by
#1423 changed LBFGS to take any single-objective optimization algorithm and throw an exception if the solution creator does not have the correct type in OnStarted().
Also added wiring for parameter names.
- 15:36 Changeset [9126] by
#1837: Updated sliding window GP branch with trunk changes.
- 11:04 Changeset [9125] by
#1967: svn:ignore
- 11:01 Changeset [9124] by
#1967 implemented utility app to draw random samples using a GP prior
- 22:00 Changeset [9123] by
#1712 reintegrated Hive Scheduler branch and made further performance improvements
- 21:29 Changeset [9122] by
- Added an analyzer for the behavior of CMA-ES
- Fixed counting of evaluated solutions
- Fixed ItemNames
- 20:21 Changeset [9121] by
#1961: Added wiring code, removed obsolete parameters, simplified mainloop slightly, changed sigmabounds to a matrix
- 17:38 Changeset [9120] by
#1890: Added missing StorableClass attribute to ConstantRegressionModel.
- 17:33 Changeset [9119] by
- added OneRClassificationModelView
- added ClassificationSolutionComparisonView
- added several calculators (ConfusionMatrixCalculator, FOneScoreCalculator, MatthewsCorrelationCoefficientCalculator)
- fixed bug in OneR
- added StorableClass and Item attribute to several classes
- 17:22 Changeset [9118] by
#1961: Updated CMA-ES (working version), but no wiring
- 09:46 Changeset [9117] by
#1998: branch project Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Views
- 09:12 Changeset [9116] by
#1998: branch project Problems.DataAnalysis.Views
- 01:29 Changeset [9115] by
#1961: Added CMA-ES branch
- 12:42 Changeset [9114] by
#1614: adapted to intvector changes
- 22:36 Changeset [9113] by
#1967: svn ignore
- 22:34 Changeset [9112] by
#1967: worked on tuned GP model and benchmark instances
- 20:50 Changeset [9111] by
#1902 fixed a calculation bug in the RQiso covariance function
- 20:46 Changeset [9110] by
- added GA subsumption
- simplified deletion before covering
- simplified XCSDeletionOperator
- 16:29 Changeset [9109] by
#1712 merged changes from trunk into branch and improved scheduler performance
- 16:06 Changeset [9108] by
#1902 fixed bugs in ARD covariance functions (checked if parameter and gradient order matches for all functions)
- 14:21 Changeset [9107] by
#1950 fixed handling of IsAllowedPrivileged in the Hive Job Manager
- 20:41 Changeset [9106] by
#1902: fixed a bug in ARD covariance functions that would occur when a parameter prior to the inverse length parameter would be fixed.
- 20:19 Changeset [9105] by
- included an adapted version of GA correctly
- added action set subsumption
- added deletion after GA and before covering
- 18:28 Changeset [9104] by
#1902 fixed a bug occurring when the masking covariance function is used.
- 16:19 Changeset [9103] by
#1967: svn:ignore
- 16:09 Changeset [9102] by
#1967: ILNumerics source for experimentation
- 16:04 Changeset [9101] by
#1890: removed comment
- 15:34 Changeset [9100] by
#1967: added build script
- 15:30 Changeset [9099] by
#1967: adapted GP tuning branch to work with most recent trunk
- 14:37 Changeset [9098] by
#2000: renamed parameter properties
- 14:32 Changeset [9097] by
- added missing SuppressEvents conditions
- removed unnecessary check for stopRequested
- 14:21 Changeset [9096] by
#2000 created a base class for Gaussian process algorithms and implemented two specific versions for classification and regression with a parameter to choose the model creator
- 13:23 Changeset [9095] by
#1886 added a project for views
- 11:32 Ticket #2000 (ModelCreator for Gaussian processes should be configurable in the algorithm) created by
- This simplifies future extensibility.
- 19:31 Changeset [9094] by
#1999: formatting
- 19:29 Changeset [9093] by
#1999 added a provider and a configurable problem instance for testing feature selection
- 18:41 Ticket #1999 (Regression problem instances for testing feature selection) created by
- 18:39 Changeset [9092] by
#1979: reverted r9091 (should be tracked in a separate ticket)
- 17:11 Changeset [9091] by
#1979: added a new artificial benchmark problem for regression specifically for testing feature selection algorithms
- 20:15 Changeset [9090] by
#1980: implemented covering and changed SinglePointCrossover for CombinedIntegerVectorEncoding
- 19:14 Changeset [9089] by
- added ConditionActionClassificationProblem
- added ConditionActionEncoding
- added Manipulators, Crossovers and an LCSAdaptedGeneticAlgorithm
- changed LearningClassifierSystemMainLoop
- 07:52 Changeset [9088] by
#1890: Fixed output path of ProtobufCS for platforms other than Any CPU, fixed some references