- 17:16 Changeset [18044] by
- adjusted the necessary plugin dependencies for all three JsonInterface projects (depending on CheckPluginDependenciesForReferencedAssemblies and CheckReferenceAssembliesForPluginDependencies tests)
- using now the error handling dialog in FileManager
- added a AggregateException in RegressionProblemDataConverter for unconvertable values
- 13:05 Changeset [18043] by
- code cleanup
- 17:36 Changeset [18042] by
- changed the output path to $(SolutionDir)\bin\ for the JsonInterface projects
- 16:16 Changeset [18041] by
- added PythonResultFormatter
- removed code which was used for debugging and was forgotten
- fixed the release build path of all JsonInterface projects
- changed the output of Runner -> now: it writes the results after (at least) one run is finished
- 17:19 Changeset [18040] by
- added some test cases for JsonInterface
- deleted the HeuristicLab namespace part in a lot of test classes (this caused a lot of compile errors)
- enhanced the OS path logic for absolute and relative path in JsonTemplateGenerator and JsonTemplateInstantiator
- fixed a bug in ValueParameterConverter -> the injection logic was not working correctly
- changed the folder determination in Main.cs for the HeadlessRun method
- added a new abstract type of JsonItem IntervalRestrictedJsonItem for JsonItems with a need of Minimum and Maximum bounds but without a specific value
- changed in RangedJsonItem the base class from IntervalRestrictedValueJsonItem to IntervalRestrictedJsonItem
- 10:53 Changeset [18039] by
- fixed the possibility for duplicated result entries in template generation
- added a check for duplicated result entries in Runner to prevent an Key already exists exception (a user could manually manipulate the template file to generate this type of exception, thats the reason for a second check)
- fixed the relative to absolute path transformation in JsonTemplateInstantiator
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.