- 14:15 Changeset [17002] by
Class HelpFuction get new static functions that are used in different Map’s classes and possible in other classes.
Branch was adapted to Hive.
New version of class structure for Maps:
- 3 new variants of maps (RankMap, SuccessMap and ZeroMap) are added.
- BaseMap class was simplified, some class members were deleted and other were transported to child class, because some of them are not used in all kinds of maps.
- Functions between base class and child class were divided in other way.
- Mutation operators were adapted to work with new class structure. Now mutation make less work for ModelNodes than previously.
- ModelNode and Model symbols were simplified. They should not take into account a map type.
- Models frequency analyzers were adapted for new variants of maps.
- EMMAlgorithm class was adapted to new maps
- 07:44 Changeset [17001] by
#2925: fixed a bug in AutoDiff code.
- 13:56 Changeset [17000] by
#2925: merged r16992:16997 from trunk to branch
- 13:55 Changeset [16999] by
#2925: Added optimization of weights for variables and added an integration method which uses CVODES to integrate over the whole episode (without input variables)
- 12:31 Changeset [16998] by
- in project HeuristicLab.CommandLineInterface changed output for options -> hidden options are not shown in the help box anymore
- in project HeuristicLab.DynamicAssemblyTestApp:
- added ApplicationAttributes
- added full cancel/pause/resume support for class AppTest to test the same behaviour between main and child process
- in project HeuristicLab:
- changed auto generated Dockerfile -> only copies necessary projects -> speeds up the build process
- in file HeuristicLab-3.3.csproj:
- changed DockerDefaultTargetOS to Linux
- removed reference HeuristicLab.DefinitionLanguage
- added icon and manifest
- deleted folder Properties with file launchSettings.json
- changed the direct access to ApplicationTypes for OptimizeCommand and InspectCommand to new method IApplicationManager.GetInstances<T>(params object[] args)
- added build script for docker image dockerImageBuild.ps1
- 12:28 Changeset [16997] by
#2520 Update plugin dependencies and references for Core.Views and Optimizer for new persistence
- 12:27 Changeset [16996] by
#2520 Update plugin dependencies and references for HL.MetaOptimization for new persistence
- 12:27 Changeset [16995] by
#2520 Update plugin dependencies and references for HL.FLA for new persistence
- 12:26 Changeset [16994] by
#2520 Update plugin dependencies and references for HL.DataImporter for new persistence
- 12:16 Changeset [16993] by
- added IEnumerable<T> GetInstances<T>(params object[] args) where T: class and IEnumerable<object> GetInstances(Type type, params object[] args) method to IApplicationManager and implemented them in LightweightApplicationManager -> to instantiate types with specific constructor arguments
- added RunnerState State { get; } property in IRunnerHost, was already in RunnerHost
- added user authentication for NativeRunnerHost
- added optional check for a running docker daemon and available image for type DockerRunnerHost + Exception DockerException
- added caching of the saved IApplication in ApplicationRunner to prevent a new instance every get call
- removed System.ServiceModel.Primitives NuGet package
- lots of formatting
- 11:20 Changeset [16992] by
#2520: Use ContentManager in Clipboard and StartPage. Show info when objects cannot be restored.
- 11:09 Changeset [16991] by
- removed unused NuGet packages for Projects:
- HeuristicLab.Visualization.ChartControlsExtensions-3.3
- HeuristicLab.Problems.ExternalEvaluation.Scilab-3.3
- HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Views-3.4
- HeuristicLab.Optimizer-3.3
- updated NuGet package System.Drawing.Common from 4.5.0 to 4.5.1 for Project HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Views-3.4
- added NuGet PackageReference Microsoft.Win32.Registry.AccessControl for Project HeuristicLab.Problems.ExternalEvaluation.Scilab-3.3
- added Key Files for Projects:
- HeuristicLab.DynamicAssemblyTestApp
- HeuristicLab.DefinitionLanguage
- HeuristicLab.CommandLineInterface
- removed unused NuGet packages for Projects:
- 10:50 Changeset [16990] by
#2924: removed unused NuGet package references and migrated CodeDom NuGet package from packages.config to PackageReference format
- 08:59 Ticket #2961 (Hive slave does not properly unload plugins) closed by
- done: r16989: merged r16909 into stable
- 08:58 Changeset [16989] by